Noble Emblem

Chapter 258: Underground cities (below)

Presenting in front of them was a huge underground hole, and a ring-shaped aerial boardwalk was right in front of them, spreading down layer by layer until it reached the wide flat ground.

If that was the case, nothing would happen. On the ground below about a hundred meters, many non-human beings live there. At the very center is a tumbling pool of molten iron, which provides a light source for the entire underground cavity. At the very center of the molten iron, there is a rocky island with a huge blue magic gate.

Space portal, and it's a permanent type!

Around Lava Lake, there are rugged and weird buildings filled with weird creatures, and there is a very regular, mesh road around these buildings.

"This is already a city."

Beta feels a bit dry, the air is full of the smell of lye, and the hot air.

"Teacher, I suddenly felt that my career as a brave had no future at all. I really don't understand why my ancestor Kate could kill and seal the demon interceptor Polo in the army of demonic creatures. How did he do it? "

Looking at the bitterness and incomprehension of Kyle's face, Beta chuckled: "Maybe your ancestor Kate was already a demigod."

"If it's demigod, how can it die?"

Beta shrugged. "That's true!"

What really made Kyle shocked and bitter is that in the city below, not only are there many flame imps, but more importantly, there are many four-armed and six-armed naga, and there are also several large-scale flames that are melting. Wandering around the pulp.

This kind of combat power, let alone a few of them ... can even carry out a war of annihilation.

Liang Lidong carefully looked at the environment and the building layout below. Yunlong Lantong's talent endowed him with a very long line of sight. Soon he came to a conclusion: "The demon Deborah is still being sealed."

When Kyle's spirit was refreshed, he was most afraid of the demon being released. According to legend, Deborah caused great damage to the entire world. He didn't want this to happen again.

"Teacher. How can you tell?"

"The layout of those buildings is originally the grid of the seal array, and the road between the buildings is the magic pattern of the seal array. Their layout is to strengthen the seal power of the magic array. The seal point is the middle beach melt. "

Kyle stepped forward and looked at it. Unfortunately, he is not a caster profession and can't see anything.

"It seems that Deborah's real body is under that melt." Beta was a little puzzled. "These demons seem to be actively helping us to strengthen the seal. But why is this? Is there someone in the demons who is against Dibo? Luo has opinions ... Hehe, this is quite interesting. "

Kyle pointed to the distance: "Teacher, don't guess and guess. There are two little things there, we will catch them if we don't know!"

Beta followed Kyle's fingers. Then he laughed: "Two flame imps? Okay, let's step back and ambush them, don't use your special ability. That thing has no strength, and it won't be touched by your flame."

A creature like Flame Imp is very small. Can only use small fireball, short range, low power. The strength is very weak, but they are said to have a weak red dragon bloodline. Like the doghead, as long as they grow up, they are likely to become dragon vein warlocks and even transform into half-dragon people.

Of course, the flame imps and dogheads that can grow up have nothing in common. They have a short life span. The average doghead can only live for about twenty years, and the stronger flame imps and dogheads can live for about forty years. Without sufficient life, it is almost impossible to climb the peak of strength. Based on Beta's understanding of the world, it seems that only one doghead named Hawking has become a legendary creature and evolved into a half-dragon.

The two flaming ghosts leaped up and down the ring-shaped boardwalk, gradually approaching Beta's position.

The closer they got, the more Liang Lidong heard them humming a strange ballad. That's the universal language of the demon world. Liang Lidong had studied hard. Although he didn't speak fluently, there was no problem with dictation.

The two flame ghosts sang a boring saliva song, which translates to:

"The king asked me to visit the mountains, yeah yeah ..."

Drinking the strange ballad, the two flame ghosts seemed very happy, their tails were raised high, and a flame was burning slightly above them. This is their key point. The flame imp has a strong ability to regenerate. Even if it has no head, as long as it rests in a safe place for a few days, it can grow up again, but if the flame is extinguished, it is really dead.

Listening to the flame imp, this feature is very powerful, but in essence, its flame can be easily destroyed, because it is not hot, even a child, bear a little pain, cover his hands, it can be suffocated.

After waiting for about ten minutes, the two little ghosts finally came to the hole where Liang Lidong and Kyle were. They were trying to enter the hole, but they saw a large hand extended from left to right, holding them at a fast speed. Neck, drag them into the tunnel passage.

They didn't even have a chance to scream.

Beta and Kyle carried a little ghost together, quickly left the passage, returned to the mountain forest, then found a hidden place, hid in the mansion space, and of course dragged the two little ghosts in.

After releasing them, the two little ghosts hugged together, and looked at the five giants in front of them shivering!

From the perspective of the flame imp, these humans are all incredibly tall.

Emma, ​​Sophie, and Alice were interested in watching the two flames.

In essence, these flame ghosts are very cute, with small bodies, smooth pink skin, and large eyes, they are still a little stinky. This is because they have not bathed for many years. After all, they are extremely scarce in the devil world, and they dare not take a bath casually. In case the flames on their tails are extinguished, they will die.

Sophie is more clean. She applied a cleansing technique to the little devils. After the odor in the air faded, she put down her hand covering her mouth, and then asked, "Who do you know the demon language?"

"Let me do it."

Beta squatted down, chuckled at the two little ghosts, and stammered in Devil's Language: "What two layers of the Devil are you from?"

The two flaming ghosts looked at Beta, afraid to speak, and still trembling. The flames on their tails were always on and off, obviously in extreme fear.

"If you don't say it, I'll press you into the water. I think it's not too difficult to find a stream near here that can drown you."

For the flame imp, the most terrible thing is this, they had already been terrified, they immediately collapsed.

"Thirty-seventh floor ... Lord Lord let us ... come here to live, thirty-seventh floor ... too many people, can't live anymore."

Because demonic creatures rarely appear in this world, even if they appear, the two sides are in a hostile position, either you die or I live, so there are no exact data on how many layers or demons there are in the demonic world, Because not all demons are interested in the human world, they do not send people over, and naturally no one knows their name and origin.

Beta didn't know the creatures of the Devil too much, and she asked, "What's the name of the lord on the 37th floor?"

"Phoenix, it's Lord Phoenix."

After Beta's translation, everyone was silent. Even a calm person like Beta was surprised. He looked at Kyle: "Phoenix, isn't this the name of the Fire Phoenix? How did it become the thirty-seventh realm? Demon? "

Kyle shook his head again and again, with a blank expression on his face, "You don't even know the teacher, so I'm even more unclear."

Sophie didn't understand Kyle, and when she saw the other four looked strange, she asked, "What the **** is it? Can you tell me?"

Beta said the consequences of Maehara right now, and even Sophie was confounded: "Kyle's real last name is actually the same as the devil. This is strange."

Beta also felt like she had dug a big secret, and he asked the two flame bluffs, "What does your Lord Phoenix look like?"

As soon as the lord was mentioned, the two little ghosts immediately showed an enthusiastic look, describing the appearance of Phoenix one by one.

"Colorful flames!"

"The mountains are as strong as a bank."



"The wings can cover the sky."

"Love to sleep."

The more Beta heard, the more certain he became. The Phoenix described by these two ghosts is definitely the legendary beast, the Phoenix of Fire.

Everyone didn't want to talk anymore, Kyle frowned even more, he was always proud of his bloodline ~ ~ but these two little ghosts actually said that his bloodline came from the devil, which made him very uncomfortable Happy.

Beta thought for a while and said, "Kyle, show them the flames of fire and phoenix to show them and let them identify."

The blue flame appeared in the palm of Kyle's palm. The two flames who had been trembling before seeing this flame were actually not afraid. They danced in front of Kyle and drank weird songs. The lyrics were nothing but praise to Phoenix Kindness and justice.

"It looks like Phoenix." Beta said a nonsense, but everyone knew what he meant.

"The two little ghosts are not afraid of the flames of Phoenix. It seems that they are not evil creatures." Beta stared slowly at the two little things and said, "We don't need to kill two lives that are not evil creatures, but we can't Let them go, otherwise the demons below that city know we've been there and don't know what will happen. "

"What then?" Emma asked.

Beta thought for a while, and said, "Otherwise, how about Emma and Sophie, how can you treat these two flame imps as a magic pet?" (To be continued.) Activate the new website

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