Noble Emblem

Chapter 260: Blue flamingo

When he heard that Ms. Beta was about to tell a story, Kyle sat up subconsciously. During the months of study in Reed Village, he was used to such a reaction. After all, for Kyle at the time, he could meet a willing The teacher who taught them how rare it is to learn, so even though his strength has now reached the master level, he still respects Beta.

"In my hometown of teachers, I have a very embarrassing career, urban management."

Kyle's eyes brightened when Beta heard about his hometown. He is no longer a gimmick, more than a year ago. The longer he has practiced outside, the more he knows how mysterious Beta is. An aristocrat who does not know the source at all, is powerful, knowledgeable, and has a strange relationship with the very strong. Most importantly, Mr. Beta is a strong who once reached the legendary level.

What is the concept of legendary level? A terrible human weapon that destroys a city by one person, even the assassin who is least proficient in frontal combat, can easily defeat a city's defensive forces after reaching the legendary level.

In the human world, no one can reach the legendary level except the legendary brave, or the savior hundreds of years ago. Generally speaking, people who reach the legendary level are either elves or dragons, or arewolves, races with special bloodlines, and humans ... don't say it is better.

So Kyle wanted to know where his teacher came from and who he was.

Looking at Kyle's curious eyes, Beta continued: "The responsibility of the city management is to clean up the hawkers who occupy the road. Of course, those hawkers are unwilling to leave, or come back. The helpless city management has to use tough means. For example, the confiscation of hawker stalls and goods, a small number of urban management encountered hawkers who resisted, and even injured them, causing a great response. "

Kyle frowned. "It's not good."

Beta agrees: "It's really bad, so the city management has been hit by public opinion. For a while, everyone in the city management shouted, and ordinary people would spit at them when they saw it."

"It's over." Kyle shook his head and said, "I think as long as city administrators don't go and beat the hawkers."

"It's not over yet." Beta smiled. "City management are under a lot of psychological pressure, so I'm too lazy to go to the streets to perform tasks. Guess what happened? There are more and more hawkers and they start to block up. Traffic. Sewage flows everywhere. At this time, those who scolded the violence of urban management began to scold urban management for inaction. "

Kyle frowned. "This is so moody."

"Unable to do anything, the city management had to continue to carry out the task." Beta sighed: "But because they were previously affected by public opinion, they are now afraid to do it. Each time they perform the task, they are carrying their hands. Good Persuade kindly. "

Kyle nodded again and again: "That's fine."

"No, hawkers are no longer afraid of urban management. Children under the age of five dare to chase urban management with sticks, but meat dealers dare to threaten to kill the entire family of urban management with a knife. Urban management is afraid to fight back. Dare to say. "Beta looked at Kyle with a strange look:" Do you think this is normal? "

Kyle froze: "Those hawkers dare to do this? Aren't you afraid of being arrested, the city management should be a law enforcement officer."

"They dare. Because they have public support behind them." Beta smiled: "As long as the city management dares to fight back, it is wrong, they can only be passively scolded. Because of public opinion."

Kyle stayed for a while, and asked brightly, "Where is such a place? This is the ideal. A happy country can only have the form. Ordinary people can influence the practices of national law enforcement officials, even heaven It may not be that far. "

Beta smiled and said, "Your concerns are wrong. This place is a fictitious one. In fact, you and the city management are a bit similar. You both have inherent responsibilities. He is managing the appearance of the city, and your task is It is a ruling evil. The city management is **** because of the public opinion, but I do n’t want you to be **** like him because of the title Twilight Phoenix. You are you, Phoenix is ​​Phoenix. You are you, if someone dares to say in front of you that you are Descendants of the devil, you can just hit him with a punch, there is no need to say anything. "

Kyle smiled bitterly without a reply.

Beta patted his shoulder: "Think about it yourself. There is no problem with the origin. There is no problem with the bloodline. If you don't even understand this problem, don't be my student in the future, I can teach No such stupid person. "

After leaving such a sentence, Beta left the mansion space.

Outside, Emma and Sophie used the soul channel to control the two flame ghosts into the underground city, and through the eyes of the ghost, they looked at the cultural scene of the underground city.

"Wow, six-armed naga, so big."

"That inflammation devil is so funny, he is afraid of water."

"What the sickle looks like is disgusting."

Demon creatures rarely appear on the surface, so being able to see Devil creatures ‘closer’ is quite a novelty for both girls.

Beta coughed behind them: "Well, let the two little ghosts go and see what the so-called king looks like. If the little ghosts are found, teleport them back directly, don't hesitate, the demons inside are all powerful It ’s not weak. In case the little ghost is killed, you have a headache for several days. "

The two girls immediately corrected their attitudes, and intently directed their magic pets to find the so-called 'king'.

Soon Alice returned, riding on the unicorn's back, holding a bunch of colorful fruits in her arms.

Elves have a deep understanding of plants. They never worry about danger in the forest, and they don't worry about having nothing to eat. What can be eaten, what fruit is poisonous, they can see it at a glance, and they will never worry about eating the wrong thing in the forest.

Beta ate fruit from Alice, and soon heard that Emma and Sophie had some fruit.

"We see that king. It's really personal. Man."

"Well, look familiar, kinda like Kyle?"

Sophie aside nodded vigorously: "Yes, it's like Kyle."

Kyle? There was a flash of light in Beta's head, then his eyes widened, and he even felt that his guess was impossible.

At this moment Emma suddenly said nervously: "Oops, he found that we are not right. Quickly break the connection of the mind and call the magic pet back."

With a wave of Beta, Emma, ​​Alice, and Sophie were put into the space directly. The contract magic pet has a characteristic, as long as it is a certain distance from the host, it will be forcibly transmitted to the host directly. This is the power of the law, even if the space is blocked, it cannot be stopped. ,

Only dare to put the three girls into the space, immediately under the mountain body a strong mental power. This mental force quickly passed through the mountain, and after scanning a circle, Beta was directly locked.

This mental power is terrible. Generally speaking, it is quite scary to let go of your master ’s spiritual power to a distance of more than 600 meters, but this spiritual power is directly from the underground city across the thick mountain walls. It is definitely a legendary character, and it may even be close to a demigod.

Beta hasn't had time to be surprised, but she feels that this mental force is moving at a very fast speed, as if she could fly, and jumped straight from below.

Seeing this, Beta did not hesitate to take out the magic scroll from her space and tear it apart.

The gray space bubble directly wrapped him in, and then spit it out. He whistled into the sky like a jet plane. Then the green space bubble appeared in front of it, and it was another fast throughput. After two space bubble jets, his flying speed has reached the speed of sound, at this time he felt the mental force locked on himself, weakening at a very fast speed.

At this moment a huge blue fire flew out of the passage, watching the flames burning all over the body, but there was no temperature anywhere.

He chased Beta in the air. Although it was flying fast, he was still a little far from the speed of sound, and he could only watch the black dots in front of him fly farther and farther.

Then he gave up the pursuit, landed on the ground, and turned into a handsome middle-aged man with light yellow short hair.

He wore a set of white armor with a flaming flaming bird on his chest, a long sword hung on his left waist, and a blue scabbard with no temperature flame.

He watched as the people in the sky flew farther and farther, eventually turning into a black spot, disappearing on the horizon.

He frowned slightly in doubt. Although he didn't catch up with that person, he just saw that the other person had bright blond hair. According to his knowledge and experience, this world has this kind of hair color ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ there are only two ... goddess of light and goddess of vorking.

But he chased after a man.

There was a strange smell in this matter. Is this man an illegitimate child of two goddesses?

Not long after, a snake-shaped Naga rushed out of the passage, and she panted and said, "King, we have found out that the two missing flame imps. Are number 1159 and number 1452. They should be responsible for patrolling outside the mountain today. . "

The middle-aged man nodded: "The two little ghosts have been contracted into magic pets. As far as I know, the magic of contract magic pets has been lost in the human world, but at a time, two little ghosts were contracted into magic pets. This shows that someone in the human world has regained the method of the contract magic pet, which has little to do with us, but how can the two little ghosts be our residents, and they must find ways to bring them back safely. "

"Then I will start the external squad," said the snake-shaped Naga softly.

"Even if you find it, don't cause too much conflict. Try to be good at bringing the two little ghosts back." The middle-aged man turned around and walked back: "I don't think the other party is simple, it may be very exciting." ) Enable new URL

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