Noble Emblem

Chapter 275: Goddess is also a woman

Although it is said that Shirley is a divine creature, it is still a bit reluctant to serve as a goddess' container for the present gods. (..)

Until half an hour later, Shirley was still in weakness. It wasn't that Shirley deliberately wanted to lay more time in Beta's arms, but she really had no energy to move around. Beta's system interface also reminded Shirley that she was extremely tired and needed time to rest.

Beta left Shili and hugged Shirley. She was a very tender princess. Shirley fell asleep halfway and slept soundly.

Although it is said that Vol'jin did not descend, but her divine projection also caused a lot of movement. Of course, it was not comparable to the coercion of the shadow **** last time, but still caused a great shock in the bronze drum city. Those who do not have strong beliefs are all in the street, or pray for divine punishment at home, and some people pray for their sin.

When Beta returned to the hotel with Shirley in her arms, she also saw a few of her students kneeling in prayer in the hotel corridor.

Unlike other panic supernatural believers, several of his students are full of enthusiasm and excitement. They are all devotees of Woking, and they can naturally feel the breath of their own goddess. Although they do not understand why the goddess breath is in the copper drum The city appeared, but this did not prevent them from guessing and imagining.

They believe that the most reliable reason is that the goddess knew that they were going to build a temple here, so they showed the power of God deliberately to encourage them.

For some things, everyone will give themselves an answer. Several students were ecstatic when they got this answer. They prayed and assured the goddess that the temple would be built magnificently.

Beta didn't correct these students' misunderstanding, she was motivated and enthusiastic, which was a good thing.

He put Shirley on the bed, the sleeping girl looked unusually gentle and beautiful, and the ‘compulsive’ aura was completely different from usual. He looked at it and couldn't help thinking if the goddess of woking fell asleep. Will it look like this?

But soon, he denied this idea, because in the legend, gods never rest.

Beta ate something and fell asleep. Until the next morning, the door of his room was suddenly opened slightly. Beta, who had been very alert, sat up immediately and found out. The person pushing the door was actually Shirley with a thief in his face.

She saw Beta awakened. Suddenly disappointed, "Che, wake up so early, I want to wake you up."

"Wake me up?" Beta sat up, yawned, and asked curiously, "What are you going to call?"

"Like a good morning bite?" Shirley's solemn expression was taken for granted.

Beta's face twitched, "Who taught you these strange things?"

"Of course it is a goddess." Shirley said without hesitation: "I am the life created by the goddess, and all the knowledge in my head is given to her by me, which is naturally the goddess' teaching."

Beta felt that her three views were refreshed again. Although the goddess is also a woman, she is also a god. In most people's minds. Female gods are very serious people. Although they are knowledgeable, they should not be so filthy, but Shirley's words are indeed irrefutable.

Shirley looked exactly like Woking.

After hearing this, Beta's mind involuntarily appeared that Woking gave him a good morning bite. Suddenly his expression became weird.

Shirley was on the side, looking at Beta, and immediately smirked: "It seems that the master is a little tempted. Would you like me to have a good morning bite, of course, if you want to enter the scabbard once, it is okay. I always Can do everything for you. "

Looking at Shirley who has become a little more "taunting", Beta sighed long, then he was upset and emotional, ignored Shirley, went straight out, called breakfast, and was ready to share with the students Gourmet.

Shirley caught up. She also wanted to hold Beta's arm and stick to his body, but Beta did not give her a chance.

After breakfast, Beta took Shirley and the students to the slum.

It is natural for students to be in a slum environment. After all, they almost looked like this one year ago, and naturally they don't feel too uncomfortable. But when they looked at all this, they had some feelings in their hearts. They knew very well that if they were not teachers, they would still be no different from the children in these slums.

By the time they reached the center, Zorro was waiting there. Beside him, the poor children who watched a long time ago.

All of them were thin and yellow, and even some people had abscesses for the first time.

Living in such a harsh artificial environment, most children are either belly bugs or various dermatitis. Of course, this is also related to their low immunity because they are not able to eat enough. .

Zorro met Beta and greeted him immediately: "Sir, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Sorry," Beta said embarrassedly. "Let me wait a long time. I brought some students over to build the temple, and I will give them to them."

Zorro's eyes glanced at several students of Beta. From his eyes, he could naturally see that these children were poor before, but now they are obviously much better, but the 'earth' on the body is still not complete Fade away.

At this time he still did not dare to face Shirley: "Then where can I help?"

"I can see that you are very prestigious in the slums," Beta said to him. "Can you help me convene the people in the slums."

Zorro was a little worried: "What is your intention? This is where they can finally settle in. If possible, I hope you don't drive them away."

"Rest assured, they are all potential believers to me."

Hearing this, Zorro finally felt relieved. He sent a little boy to a nearby tree and rang the bronze bell there.

After nearly ten minutes of Dangdang sound, they were surrounded by a large group of people ... In terms of quantity, there should be about two thousand. But Beta knows that there are definitely more people in the slums in the North District. This should be the reason that there are only one or two people in each household.

"Sir Beta, you just have to talk to these people, and I think everyone in the slums should know."

After Zorro had finished speaking, he took the first two steps first, and he shouted at the poor people in front of him: "This one beside me is His Excellency Beta and this is Ms. Shirley. They are all great men, I know you do n’t Willing to come, but I can tell you now, you have to listen if you don't listen, otherwise you will be against me Zorro. "

The noise of the original noise immediately became quiet after Zorro's roar.

Taking this opportunity, Beta swept around the crowd and said gently: "My name is Beta, and I plan to build a temple here."

After a brief silence, the poor talked, and their faces were anxious. Although they don't have much knowledge, it is also clear that the temple has always been built only in the rich area. If this aristocracy plans to build the temple here, does that mean that they have to drive them away? Is this convening just for this reason?

Pessimism began to spread through the crowd.

Beta continued: "I know what you are worried about. I assure you here that the temple is just built here and will not let you leave your home. We have no intention of occupying the private land and property of any friend."

The argument gradually became smaller, and more than two thousand people looked at Beta, waiting for him to continue.

"But to build a temple, we alone can't do it. And the road traffic here is very poor, so I need workers, a lot of workers." Beta shouted, "I will first complete the road here The slab trails and the sewers have to be repaired here. Both of these are big projects, so I have to hire and get paid. "

A few seconds later, the crowd burst into a coax, they shouted desperately: "Have me, let me, sir, I have great strength!"

"Sir, as long as I'm full, I'm willing to do anything."

The poor shouted and became more excited, and the front group even planned to rush to Beta.

Shirley came out from behind Beta, and swiped her fingers forward gently, and a transparent golden light wall stood in front of the excited poor.

Looking at this magic effect, all the poor people were startled, and then they immediately backed down and became quiet again, but they still looked very excited, looking at Beta's eyes full of hope.

"There are a lot of people in the slums, and I can't hire everyone as a worker." Beta glanced around the crowd and said, "There is only one strong man from each household, only one, no more. Come and do it for me. Everyone, I give out five copper coins a day, no food. If you want, let your family gather here in the afternoon. In addition, if there are no men in the family, then women and children who can do light work are fine. I There is work for them, but they can only get three copper coins a day. "

Hearing this, the poor shouted out loud shouts. In Copper Drum City, one copper coin can buy two pounds of rough noodles, and five copper coins are ten pounds of noodles. Although not much is seen on the noodles, but for these poor people who can barely eat every day, it is Food for the family for several days.

Rough noodles can be cooked with some wild vegetables ~ ~ is a pot of batter soup that can make people taste delicious and full.

Even three copper coins can buy six pounds of noodles, which is a life-saving ration for those who lack a man.

"Well, now you explain." Beta said: "After the sun is west in the afternoon, you come back to me to repay, I will arrange work for you."

The poor were dispersed at once, and they had to rush back to tell the family the good news.

Shirley was a bit puzzled: "Master, their constitutions are not very good. If we let them be workers, our progress will be very slow."

"It doesn't matter. Slower, slower, but they will receive our favor. It will be easier to accept the teachings of our temple in the future."

Shirley asked again, "Why not give them money directly, wouldn't it be more convenient?"

"On the contrary, people's minds are complicated." Beta smiled. "If we give them money, it will only make our missionary operations harder. Money is not everything." (To be continued.)

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