Noble Emblem

Chapter 277: Minor accident

Thanks for today's update, and by the way, I will give a vote for "" 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 tickets, and they will also give away votes. I beg everyone for support and appreciation!

Shirley was so beautiful. Every time she spoke, almost all the men couldn't help turning their eyes to her. Please search for the most complete! Novel

Under the gaze of nearly two thousand people, Shirley wasn't frightened at all. Unlike others, Zorro didn't dare to look at her more because he was very clear that this woman was a container of gods and gods. If you do n’t know it, it may not matter if you look at this woman a few more times, and the gods wo n’t blame it. But after knowing the details, it would be offensive if you still stared at her.

Beta thought about it and said, "You should be good at healing magic."

"OK," Shirley said modestly.

"Then start tomorrow, you will inspect the construction site. After all, it is heavy work. Nearly two thousand people will work together. Certainly someone will be accidentally injured. When that happens, you will treat them."

"Okay, no problem." Shirley smiled warmly.

Next, it was time for a few students to pick a manpower. Beta is unwilling to do more. As a 'pope' and their 'teacher', he knows the importance of decentralization. It is impossible for people to do everything themselves, as long as they grasp the big picture.

What's more, if a person takes over the power, even if the power is won again and the reputation is high, many people will be unhappy.

Beta was very relieved of his own students. He walked aside and found Zorro, still holding the BRICS in a daze, and asked with a smile: "Why, scared? There is a piece of you in these BRICS, after all, this land, I I said I'd buy it, and I wouldn't break my word. "

Zorro has never taken so much wealth, he said with some guilty conscience: "It's too expensive. I know the price of the land here. It's extremely expensive to sell twenty gold coins."

"Besides, I need your help," Beta said. "My students are still children. Although they are quite capable. But they are not too mature in dealing with people. There is always some darkness in every place. .When we made such a big noise, some people would definitely dislike it, and when they saw that they were children, some would feel that it would be an opportunity. "

Zorro nodded: "I see, you mean, let me settle those intimidating little troubles."

Beta nodded. "Yes. That's what it means."

Every big project starts, and there will always be troubles like you. Different drum villages in Tonggu City. Reed Village is a small village with few people. Everyone knows each other, and there is no resistance to what Beta wants to do there.

And Tonggu City is a medium-sized city with hundreds of thousands of people, mixed with dragons and snakes, and all kinds of people. Some of them were stunned, and when they saw the slums, they came to the door for some benefits. It is very likely.

And Beta asked Zorro to help, just to prevent such things from happening. After all, Zorro is staying in the slums so far, and can keep a lot of land. He is still a professional, and he should know how to deal with those people, even if it wo n’t happen, he knows that there may be some people coming here to find trouble.

Zorro thought about it. They agreed.

With Zorro's help, things are much easier. Soon the project began, and pieces of stone were transported around the slum, but instead of rushing to turn the stone into a slab, they dug a sewer in the slum.

The health status of a community, or region. Many times it depends on the appearance of the sewer and the quality of the drainage.

Everything was on track. Six students followed the drawings drawn by Beta, directed and supervised the work of the workers. In the beginning, the enthusiasm of these workers was not too high, because there were still some people who did not believe that someone was willing to pay to hire so many people to work. Until their first day's wages, everyone's doubts disappeared.

After that, there was a high work attitude, and they could not use their whole strength. Because several beta students have planned their daily work progress. As long as the progress is completed, you can get paid and take an early break.

In this case, slums can almost be described by the word 'crazy work'. The intensity of work is high, and someone will definitely be sprained or injured by a heavy object. As a divine creature, Shirley uses her divine skill very well. After her treatment, those people can recover from minor injuries in less than half an hour and can continue to work quickly.

This makes Shirley's popularity in the slums more and more high. After all, a beautiful woman who is very 'good' will always be loved by everyone.

Zorro is a relatively busy one. Not only is he responsible for paying wages, but he is also responsible for guarding outside forces from mixing in, or hesitating about it. He has to prevent this from happening.

As a result, he ran outside every day, and seemed to be negotiating with other forces.

Beta didn't pay much attention to him, but on the ninth day, something happened.

When Zorro returned from the outside, his whole body was covered with blood. He crawled back, looking very miserable, and fell out of strength in the slum.

The first person to discover Zorro was Joan of Arc, and Beta immediately returned Zoro to her house after being informed by Joan of Arc.

After Shirley's treatment, Zorro woke up quickly.

It was a strong man, but he was still frowning at the pain.

The bleeding wounds on his body were not serious, they were all skin injuries. But his left hand and right leg were broken and broken into several pieces. If it wasn't for Shirley's healing magic, he took the bone back, otherwise Beta could only chop off Zorro's hands and feet and practice the magic of resurrecting the limb.

It's just that it will be more painful, and it usually takes more than half a year for broken limbs to fully grow. After growing up, you have to exercise for a long time, otherwise it will be awkward.

Beta looked at him and asked, "What's going on."

"Sorry, I messed things up." Zorro hid in bed and said with shame, "The fat man in the west of the city, Sisso, said that the slums had purchased too much stone without his consent, so you must You have to pay him a fee before he can continue to ship those stone merchants. "

The student in charge of purchasing materials immediately stepped forward and said, "Indeed, we have found several shops today, and they are unwilling to sell stones to us, even if I raise the price by a tenth."

"Because of this, he severely wounded you?"

Zorro reluctantly said: "I have seen Fatty Sisso before, and I can barely talk to him, but I didn't expect that he was so persistent this time, you must go to see him with gold coins."

Beta's heart suddenly felt helpless. He did not overestimate Zorro, but underestimated those people's dedication to interests.

Zorro can be considered a professional, he was beaten so badly. In other words, there is at least one person who can beat Zorro on the other side. This is not the energy that ordinary black society should have. Beta is extremely suspicious of someone behind him.

"Where is he now? I'll meet him."

Zorro knows he's not strong, but he knows how powerful Beta and the woman named Shirley are. People who can talk to the gods and talk about laughter are not so good!

"A special black house in the west of the city, I will draw a map for you, you can easily find it."

Half an hour later, Beta took Zorro's map and took Shirley to the front of a large black house.

A group of young people greeted by the squatting at the door, they saw Beta and Shirley, and immediately gathered around.

Beta was wearing a magic robe, and Shirley occasionally flashed gold. The loss and appearance of the two of them, whoever saw them, knew that they were professionals. This group of arrogant young people is no exception, but their courage is very high, much higher than ordinary people.

"Who are you?" The leading young man looked pretty good, but the suffocation in his face was too bad for his temperament: "Here is the place of Lord Sissau. If there is nothing special, you better leave Or don't blame us for being errant. "

This man was looking at Shirley while talking.

But Shirley ignored him.

Beta said loudly, "The fat man Cisso asked us to come over, and we came over."

"Oh, you are the two wrongdoers who are going to set up the temple in the slums." The young man laughed: "Master Sisso is in there, but we have a rule here. Whenever you see Master Sisso, you cannot bring Weapon. This woman looks suspicious to me and must be searched. "

As the young man spoke, he stretched his hands towards Shirley's two white buns. It was only after he made this action that the whole person flew out and then broke into countless magic elements in the air.

Then Shirley put her fingers back.

The other young people were stunned. They swallowed and took a step back.

When Beta saw this, she smiled slightly, and then stepped into the house. The house is large, but they quickly found the person they were looking for on the second floor, although the means were a little inconvenient to describe.

Sissau is the owner of this house ~ ~ He is a fat man, a big fat man. At least Beta has never seen such a fat man. It is estimated that it should weigh at least six hundred pounds.

He sat on a large chair, and the fat that fell from his body spread out like dough. Beta even wondered if the fat man could stand up and walk.

But the reality hit Berta's face ruthlessly, and Sisso not only stood up, but also seemed to be quite flexible in looking at his walking.

Sissor's gaze passed in front of Beta, and then fell on Shirley. His eyes flashed with awe before he said, "You are the ones who are going to build a temple in the slums? Are you idiots?"

"It's nothing to do with you." Beta chuckled and chuckled: "Zorro did you interrupt him?"

"Because he doesn't understand the rules." Sisso's face trembled with fat. "He's just a dog. He's not qualified to replace you. Come and talk to me about slum lands."


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