Noble Emblem

Chapter 281: Alice

Beta was very speechless. He was one hundred and seventy years old, but he was just an adult ... Although he knew that the elves had a long life, and his adolescence and human span were completely different, but after hearing this, he still could n’t Don't sigh, the Creator takes too much care of the Elven Clan strength.

Long life, almost never get sick, and in magic and bow and arrow skills, has almost perverted talent. The only surface race that can be stronger than them is the dragon.

In Greenton's study, the two chatted for a while, until the dinner was about to begin, they went down.

Greenton issued an invitation letter this time. Anyone who has a reputation in Tonggu City has been invited. Beta not only saw Sisso, but even Claude. The two naturally met Beta, and they smiled at Beta with a gracious smile, as if nothing had happened two months ago.

As the protagonist, Alice wears a white veil and a princess crown of grass ... Generally speaking, only a real princess can wear a princess crown, but if the crown is made of grass, and only on birthday In that case, there will be no trouble, because this is a regulation in itself.

She had a happy smile on her face, but her eyes looked towards the other side of the venue, full of resentment.

Beta looked at her gaze and looked over there, and then found Kyle, and Kyle's side was also followed by a very good figure and good temperament, but her appearance was at best just a good-looking Barbara.

No wonder this look, Beta finally understood why Alice was unhappy. She must have only invited Kyle to the birthday dinner, but she did not expect that Kyle brought Barbara over.

On such occasions, it is normal for those attending the dinner to bring their relatives.

Then after Greenton had a conversation, the dinner began.

Although it is said that this night is for Alice, the most noticeable person in the field is not her, but Shirley.

This beautiful woman with a cold face when she went out has attracted the attention of all men. Many people took the initiative to invite her to dance. As a result, she didn't say a word, not even a good face, shocked everyone's partner, and broke the hearts of many people.

Although Alice is a semi-elf, because she often held many birthday dinners, the nobles of Tonggu City knew what was going on, so they regarded the dinner as a social banquet.

The aristocrats were together in twos and threes, talking about some political secrets or business experience, or else they would find a way to find themselves an ally.

At halfway through the banquet, there was an episode.

An imperial city messenger found it, and in the eyes of everyone, put an appointment letter in Beta's hand.

Shinshi's face was sweaty, he said, "His Majesty the King asked me to tell you a word, and he hopes you can remember and promise."

Beta nodded, then took a few gold coins from the space backpack, shoved them into the messenger's hand, and immediately made the latter smile with an eyebrow.

Beta opened the letter of appointment, which did say ownership of the wetlands. This is the price paid by the great prince and the contract between the two parties.

At this moment someone came up and asked which territory Beta had got!

There are a lot of old nobles in them, they know exactly what the appointment of a real noble territory is, so there is no possibility of impersonation.

Beta answered, "Wetland."

When they heard this, they immediately held their heads, and then pretended not to hear anything.

After the dinner ended, Greenton once again invited Beta to sit in his study.

He looked at Beta and asked very seriously, "Do you make wetlands again?"

"Yes." Beta nodded. "I always feel that place is filled with my feelings. So it is not a big question to come back."

"The prince gave you the wetland, but he actually grilled you on the fire."

Beta was a little strange: "Oh, what do you say!"

Greenton's look became a little strange, or he looked at Beta with some worries: "Many people actually know that magical materials are hidden under the wetlands. In many people's eyes, wetlands represent a huge amount. But you know or do n’t know, since many people know that there are a lot of treasures of magical materials, but why no one applied to the king to buy, or stormed to get the territory over there? "

"Because of the balance of power?"

Greenton said in an exaggerated tone: "It is indeed my original owner. Yes, because many people know that there is magical material underneath, everyone will find a way to occupy that land, but so far, there is no one Succeeded. Even if there were occasional appointments, it turned out to die unclearly within a few months. "

Beta smiled. "They know what's going on."

"Aren't you worried that those people deal with you?" After all, the wealth represented there is a bit too amazing.

Beta shook his head: "You forgot, how did we deal with other nobles in dreams. I also realized during this time that the world and dreams are very different. There are still too many system constraints in dreams. But in this world, everyone can do anything, provided that you have sufficient ability. "

Greenton hesitated for a moment, then smiled and said, "Yes, you are the son of gold, you have to do something different from others. Otherwise, I'm sorry for your name."

Beta smiled, and then left the castle.

When leaving, Beta saw Kyle, Barbara, and Alice hiding behind a small tree, and was talking about something. Barbara's tone seemed very domineering, and Alice's voice was just gentle and nice, and she felt born to be bullied.

When the three were together, there was obviously anger between the two women. Beta was too lazy to care about the students' personal affairs, he just coughed a little to avoid the three. Otherwise, Kyle saw that this guy would definitely be a disaster. Beta would rather face the terrible monster than look at the two women who were quarrelling.

Beta returned to the hotel and dropped the letter of appointment. Shirley suit lay beside him.

Although he was calm in front of Greenton, Beta was also nervous in essence. Reality, after all, is not like a game. You can be resurrected when you die. You are dead when you die. If the situation in the wetland is really like what Greenton said, then he must plan well after all. Otherwise, if you rashly build a city on the wetland, most of the problems will be serious.

The following days continue to move forward. But soon a troublesome thing came to the door.

After a period of recuperation, Zorro's feet were already well, and he continued to serve as an informant for Beta.

One day he noticed some anomalies on the street, and immediately came back to report: "Mr. Beta, a lot of outsiders have come to Tonggu City recently. They still want your attention ... By the way, there is a white bear on their clothes . "

"White Bear Mercenary Regiment?"

Beta was a little strange. He immediately asked Jeanne to follow the suspicious people, but two days later, he found them in a wood.

Beta took Shirley and followed.

There are not many towering trees in this forest, so the visibility is not bad. Although Beta is not affected by the ambient light source, Shirley, who is a divine creature, does not have dark vision, which is a very strange thing.

Following these people, Beta found that they had reached their destination, and they were talking to a woman floating in the air.

When Beta saw the woman for the first time, she thought she was an angel, but found that the woman had a pair of white butterfly wings.

The face of this woman is comparable to that of Shirley, but compared with Shirley, she is less human and more ethereal.

The woman was listening to the man's obituary, was about to speak, but looked in the direction of Beta.

Then a white beam of light rubbed Beta's right shoulder and swept past. Beta immediately retreated, facing an enemy who didn't know the night, and it was the best way to escape.

But the other party didn't seem to want him to leave like this. When Beta was about to turn around, the woman suddenly appeared beside Beta.

Teleportation in a small range, this magic beta can also, but after use, there is absolutely no woman with wings to be pure and simple, as if this ability has been integrated into her heart.

Beta guarded Shirley and slowly backed away. In his system prompt, this woman is a master-class powerhouse up to LV13.

It's just that Beta is a bit strange. What race is this woman? He had never heard of a human having a pair of butterfly wings.

"Finally found you." The woman's voice was so nice, she stared at her eyes, looking very unhappy: "Give me back my spring water, or I will kill you."

Under the sound of movement, it was cold murderous.

At this point, Beta still didn't understand what the other party was saying.

But this did not prevent him from actively attacking.

Six magic scrolls were thrown out directly ~ ~ four were spider webs, and two were fire magic.

Cobwebs instantly pulled the woman out of the air, and then fireball added it. It stands to reason that under such an attack, even a legendary person should die, or be seriously injured.

But under this level of attack, the woman was not suffering at all. Not only did she stand up in the flames, she actually broke her clothes. Showing a tall and plump body.

"Last time, give me the spring water."

Beta didn't expect this strange creature to be a '蛆' he had seen before. He just stepped back and said, "Shirley, attack her right and left."

Shirley knew right away. The two slammed the woman left and right.

The woman was not afraid, and she continued: "I'll do it, you will die. So hand over the spring."

Beta frowned, then summoned the magic of driving the fog, and the thick fog enveloped everyone all at once.

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