Noble Emblem

Chapter 290: Come bad

The young bishop laughed in a friendly tone: "Sir, let's make an alliance."

In a strategic sense, the weak can form an alliance to survive in a chaotic world. Although Woking said that she was once the true god, from a god's perspective, she is indeed a weak person now. And Eros is not much stronger, and her follower audience is even smaller. Moreover, Woking reminded Beta not long ago, hoping that he would find some weak popes to form alliances.

As a result, he hasn't gone out yet, but the other party came first.

塔 Beta is naturally very interested in how to form alliances. He asked the young bishop to sit down and ask, "Excuse me, Your First Name."

"You can call me Parker." The young bishop looked at the temple and said enviously: "Your young age, but you have already hosted such a large temple. It looks like me, not even a small temple."

Not all bishops can have their own temple. A large temple is expensive to build, so each large temple will cause benign or vicious competition with the bishops.

For those gods with a wide range of beliefs, it may be simpler for them to build a large temple. But for those gods who are weak or underrepresented, it is not easy for their bishops to think of a large temple. After all, not all bishops are like Beta, who can carry around a thousand gold bricks with them, and they are not like him. They know how to make money and how to grab money.

"The host of this temple is Shirley, not me." Beta doesn't want to grab the management of the temple with Shirley again: "Sir Parker, can we talk about the alliance in detail?"

Su Shili interjected suddenly: "I am indeed the bishop of this temple, but you are my master."

He Parker looked at Shirley in surprise. He didn't understand why a divine creature called a human being the master. Divine creatures in the temple are generally messengers of God. Only the gods are qualified to be their masters. Is this young man a god?

He Parker looked at Shirley carefully, and found that she looked at Beta's eyes, in addition to worship, there was some tenderness.

A woman has a tender feeling for a man, then things can't be simpler. Parker thinks this is a way of being between men and women, that is, Beta is a man who can play.

With this in mind, Parker was almost jealous with envy. The divine creature itself has a very noble identity, and Shirley is still not beautiful. This subversive identity, blasphemy feeling, makes people tremble.

Parker desperately resisted the throbbing in his heart and said, "I have an idea about alliances."

"Please." Beta spread his hand to the other.

"We first establish an offensive and defensive alliance." Parker retracted his eyes from Shirley and put it on Beta's face. He followed the expression on the other side and continued: "After all, we will soon have a common enemy. When When one side is attacked, the other side sends someone to help in the past. Of course, we will talk about it in detail later. "

"Now, I just want to ask, how many cities do you have shrines in?" Parker asked.

Beta smiled: "About this matter, we can put it later. It just doesn't make much sense to just build an offensive and defensive alliance."

I spent eight years in the game, and Beta knew the methods commonly used by nobles, or big men. Throw out a big cake first, and fool you. It's common to slowly devour your forces or benefits later.

Ye Guang is an offensive and defensive league, which sounds very good, but if you don't put out some real dry goods, Beta will never agree to it.

Parker looked at Beta strangely: "If you don't build an offensive and defensive alliance, then it doesn't make much sense."

"That's not what it says." Beta shook her head. "In the offensive and defensive alliance, if you cooperate and reject the enemy, which one is the main one? After the victory, the trophy, or how to divide the power, which **** is the other one? You didn't say it, and you didn't seem to plan to talk about it. How dare I agree to it casually. "

Parker nodded: "I understand what you mean, but it really needs to be discussed later. Because before that, our goddess has another proposal!"

"please continue."

Parker took a breath and then said, "About the mission, our goddess wants to unite the two religions!"

"Two religions in one?" Beta heard this, and was a little surprised: "Is this what your goddess thought?"

Parker nodded: "Yes. That's what our goddess means. After the integration of the two religions, our power can greatly increase, and most importantly, after the integration of the two religions, the divine power of the two goddesses is shared, and many things will change. Much easier to handle. "

Beta closed her eyes. After the meeting, he looked at the other person, his face was full of sarcasm: "Divine power sharing, you might as well be said to be clergy sharing! In this way, our goddess would suffer a lot. What do you take? To compensate? "

"The right to life." Parker said without hesitation: "In fact, we have already inquired before you came. Your Workin Temple is only in the village of Reed, and each has a temple here. It can be said that the goddess of your goddess We are almost at the point of disappearance. Would n’t it be great if the goddess of Vol'jin could survive if we combined the two religions? ”

On the surface, it sounds like Parker is really thinking about Woking, but in fact, it is a conspiracy. Beta can imagine that after the integration of the two religions, the **** of love who has the upper hand will definitely take away the believers who have accumulated hardly from Woking, and then swallow Woking's deity, change his shape, and change from the second **** to the right **** .

Beta stood up: "There's nothing to talk about between us, Shirley sees her off."

Parker was not upset, he smiled and said, "I believe you will soon change your mind. The integration of dual education is imperative."

After saying this, Parker left and walked quietly. But Beta sees arrogance from his back.

If it was changed more than 300 years ago, a weak and deity like God of Love did not even have the courage to appear in front of Woking, but now dares to come forward with a sway and ask for the integration of dual education. And before leaving, dare to let go of ruthless words.

I really are Hedong for 30 years, Hexi for 30 years!

However, Beta remembered it. Wendy said a few days ago that during the temple opening ceremony, someone would make trouble.

Now it seems that her prediction is indeed correct, but because of Beta's relationship here, there has been a deviation. It became Parker to come as a lobbyist instead of coming directly to the door.

Beta asked Jeanne to follow Parker in the air to find out where he was. Then he went to Sisso's house.

He didn't bring Shirley in this operation, because Shirley is still in charge of managing the shrine now.

Lucisso was a bit surprised by Beta's arrival. After learning that he was looking for his wife, he immediately returned to the inner room, called Wendy, and then he sat aside and looked at the two. To be honest, he was somewhat uneasy about Beta, always worried that this powerful young man would hurt his wife.

Wendy's blood is not so good, it seems that she hasn't slept for many days.

Beta looked at her and said, "Ms. Wendy, the prophecy you gave to our temple a while ago is also a miracle. Although there is no time, it is really someone who came to our temple. I want to ask you, you Something else I saw. I know that prophecy is exhausting, but it's my reward. "

A gold brick was placed on the table.

Lucisso was surprised. Although the prophecy was indeed very useful, he could take out more than a hundred gold coins at a time, which made Beta seem generous.

职业 Professionals in this world do n’t have the saying of “clear and high”. One hundred gold coins is enough to tell Wendy to make a prediction. It was just a pity that she glanced at the gold nuggets on the table and said helplessly: "No, as long as you are still in Bronze Drum City and in the temple, I don't see anything at all."

"Then how can you see that the temple opening ceremony will be troubled." Beta is a little strange. "As you said, as long as I am in the place, you should not be able to predict, then you should not be able to see this thing. . "

Wendy's face hesitated ~ ~ After a while, she said embarrassedly: "In fact, I did not 'see' the opening ceremony, but guessed it."

Beta frowned: "What do you say?"

"'Looking' is the ability that the goddess has given us, but guessing is common sense and everyone can do it." Wendy looked embarrassed: "In fact, I haven't seen anything about the Vol'jin Temple, but just inadvertently looked at it. When one of the young bishops of Eros came to him, he said 'the day of the opening ceremony', and then I used this picture to deduce that they were going to be against you. "

That said, Beta is clear. In fact, Wendy can't see any of her own destiny line at all. She just saw other people's destiny line, and then used logical thinking or intelligence to guess what the other party might do in the future.

那 "Then you help me see the bishop who loves God, and what will happen next." Beta pointed to the BRIC: "This is the reward."

Wendy nodded and closed her eyes. At this moment, Sisso looked back as if he was facing the enemy, and seemed very scared. But Beta didn't see anything at all, even didn't feel at all. He didn't understand why Sissau made such an attitude and behavior.

After froze for a while, Wendy opened her eyes, and Sissau relaxed.

"I only saw one picture. The young bishop was talking to a woman with light blue hair." Wendy said in a loss. "Unfortunately, they laid a soundproofing enchantment. I couldn't hear what they were talking about. You can't see the blue-haired woman, she seems to be obscured by a layer of fog. "

PS: Because of the relationship between the starting point and the background, there are two chapters 290. Friends who subscribe do not need to worry. Chapter 290 is actually 291. The content is different. I have contacted the editor to modify it.

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