Noble Emblem

Chapter 292: Snake out of a hole

In many cases, nightingales not only refer to breeding birds, but also to the hidden title of a particular industry.

But the "nightingales" of Eros also have more or less relations with special industries. Because the doctrine of Eros promotes women to face up to themselves and liberate themselves, female believers and pastors who love God are very open to ‘undescribable’ things. Over time, a new profession was born.


This profession is a bit similar to the succubus, and you can rely on absorbing men or women to improve your strength. And the most important thing is that when this profession acts at night, it has the ability to increase the bonus, and its basic attributes will increase by about 30%. In contrast, during the day, this profession will suffer a 10% drop in attributes, so during the day, nightingales will be weaker, and they will find a place to hide until they come out at night.

In the mansion space, Beta watched the blue-haired woman leave, and then he rested for a while before coming out of the space.

He stepped in the deep black pit, felt the magic wave remaining here, and quickly came to a conclusion.

This nightingale is indeed a lot better than him, but if it is daylight, Beta is confident that he can suppress the other party and even simply kill him. Nightingales during the day are far worse than nightingales at night.

The only difficulty now is how to find the place where the other party stays during the day.

Beta was connected to Jeanne's consciousness, but the news from Jeanne was not good, it lost the trace of the other party. After the blue-haired woman entered the woods, she never came out again.

In this regard, Beta does not feel any strange, the opponent's strength is master, and the profession is still weird nightingale, if there is no anti-tracking means, that is really strange.

Beta returned to the hotel, walked back, and saw Shirley still watching Parker, she stepped forward and asked, "How's it going?"

"After you left, he found a prostitute. Now he's alive in it!" Shirley said disgustingly, "He actually let that prostitute beat him, haha, it's disgusting."

Beta kicked the window and jumped in. Then he watched a middle-aged woman still in the dust, holding a candle in one hand and a whip in one hand, dripping wax on Parker's back. And Parker, the distinguished bishop, now looks like a dog. At the feet of women, strange noises were made.

They were shocked to see Beta jumping in. The woman screamed, but she couldn't get it out because Shirley, who had jumped in, had already arranged the soundproof magic array.

Parker jumped up. He covered his body first, and then said with a gloomy expression, "Her Beta, what do you mean?"

"Your hobby is quite special!" Beta's eyes moved back and forth before the woman and Parker, and her tone was full of sarcasm: "I don't mean anything. I just want to ask the blue-haired woman who just chatted with you Who is it! "

Parker lowered his voice: "Are you eavesdropping on us?"

Beta shrugged: "Isn't this normal, you all hit your mind on the goddess of our goddess, so we're not allowed to fight back?"

"Hey, how about that, how dare you kill me?" Parker motioned Beta's back to give Beta a glance, then turned around: "I want to understand what yours is, with your knowledge."

Parker has a strange red coat of arms behind him, like a heart in the middle, and a **** woman sketched in it.

"God's dependents," Beta said lightly.

Parker sneered: "I'm God's caretaker. You don't dare to kill me, otherwise you will be found directly by our goddess, your soul will be pulled into the goddess heaven, and will always be tortured by sky fire and illusions. Always in You cannot survive, you cannot die. "

Beta smiled slightly: "It sounds scary, but I haven't killed the gods."

Parker froze, and then sneered again: "Your lord really likes to talk big, God's lovers, this world. How many dare to move! I'm really not as good as you, but I have the coat of arms of God's lovers in my body , You dare not touch me. "

Beta didn't want to talk nonsense with Parker. He directly hypnotized the middle-aged prostitute with magic, and then said to Parker, "Please put on your own clothes and don't make us embarrassed."

Parker looked like a hooligan. He looked at Shirley and said, "I haven't worn clothes by myself since I was little, and I won't wear them. Of course, if someone would help me, I would be happy."

Shirley took a look at Baker's soft worm with a disgusting look, and said sarcastically, "This little thing, even half the length of my master, is so short that I dare let me help you get dressed, haha, shameless . "

Parker's face flushed suddenly ... Men are most afraid of contrast, especially in this regard. And the words were still spoken by a pretty beautiful lady, that lethality was absolutely leveraged. If it wasn't for Parker's face, he would definitely jump off the building and commit suicide at this moment.

Beta was also embarrassed ... He and Butterfly Girl were indescribable, and Shirley watched closely for a few hours. He knew very well that, to some extent, Shirley knew herself well.

Parker stared hard at Beta, then put on the red priest's robe of Eros.

Eros robes are very feminine in design. After Parker puts on, she has a few more sissy temperaments and looks extremely disgusting.

Beta took a scroll from space, patted Parker, and said, "Let's go."

The scroll just now is a magic **** magic, and it can play a role in making the opponent unable to use magic for people who are not as powerful as the caster. Of course, for people with similar strengths, it will not have much effect.

Parker followed behind Beta and asked, "Where are we going?"

"Don't ask so much, just follow along."

Beta took Parker around the streets of the city a few times, and then took him to the suburbs.

At this time, it was almost approaching Tianming, and it was a bit cold in the suburbs. As soon as Parker spoke, he spit out white steam: "I see, you are going to use me to draw ... she out?"

"Smart." Beta used magic materials to make a few magic traps, and then smiled: "It is worthy of God. The blue-haired woman is a nightingale. I am not her opponent at night, but now it is dawning, Her strength is slowly declining. I think there should be a lot of chances to meet her this time. "

Parker sneered: "She won't come out."

"It doesn't matter. If she doesn't come out, I will kill you when the sun comes out."

Beta was talking, while finishing a few simple, but powerful traps. Shirley helped, and made three traps. It's just that she is not setting a magic trap, but a very common physical trap.

Parker naturally did not believe that Beta dared to kill himself.

It's just that Beta soon started making magic circles again. With Parker as the center, he drew the same red magic array. This magical array exudes an array of evil breaths, and Parker is not mediocre. He naturally recognizes it, and his cold sweat is full of his forehead: "The demon summoning array ... You plan to give me to the demon, you sinister villain. Yes You can kill me by yourself, don't use this method of killing with a knife. "

Looking at the excited Parker, Shirley covered her mouth and laughed. She finds that she likes this host more and more, being kind but not pedantic, and decisive but with a bottom line. I don't know what kind of environment it is to cultivate such talents.

Beta ignored Parker, he sat aside and slowly regained his strength.

It was getting brighter and brighter, and half of the big sun appeared on the horizon soon. The red rising sun shone on the open space in the woods, bathing in it, making people feel physically and mentally comfortable.

But Parker's heart is getting colder and colder. He knows very well that if the opponent uses a demon summoning array and summons the devil to kill himself, even if the goddess comes in person, he cannot punish the **** for the first time, and he has to be white dead.

Soon, the sun completely jumped out of the horizon ~ ~ Beta drew the false emperor's meteor sword from space, and the cold blade flashed the red sun line. He put the sword on Parker's neck, and at the same time, the demon summoning group at the feet of them began to emit a faint light.

Parker's face had turned pale, and he shook his lips and said, "You can't kill me."

But Beta smiled slightly, the sword moved slightly, and a short, thin bloodstain appeared on Parker's neck. As long as he pulled it up a half more, he could easily slit Parker's throat. [$ 妙] [笔 $ i] [-阁]

At this moment, countless blue magic light bombs appeared on the edge of the woods, and then smashed at the three of them. Shirley immediately blocked in front of Beta.

The magic bullets looked densely, but avoided the three.

The thunderous explosion exploded next to the three of them, Beta was in it, his face was as plain as water, and Shirley was a calm expression. They were very clear that the other party did not dare to kill the two of them, because they stood close to Parker. If they attacked them directly with this terrible magic, Parker would definitely be involved there.

Parker is a **** supporter, let alone other forces who dare not kill, and the blue-haired woman dare not kill, unless she intends to apostate.

Beta looked at the blue-haired woman by the woods and smiled. He pulled around the streets in Parker in order to lead the woman out. In addition, he also saved time specially. As long as this woman dared to appear, it must be morning. The characteristics of the nightingale profession would make her much weaker than the evening time.

When Parker saw the blue-haired woman, he suddenly shouted, "Janet, you idiot, don't you come over to save me?"

The blue-haired woman glanced at Parker, then looked at Beta: "You are still alive, how did you escape my magical attack?"

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