Noble Emblem

Chapter 304: Butterfly Girl Advent

Beta flashed directly behind Shirley, and a ‘coin bomber’ was fired at Bud.

Coins bombarded this magical trajectory very quickly. Bud was a pure caster. He didn't have time to react at all. When the golden light flashed on the other side, his face was battered with a heavy magic attack.

Fortunately, he was wearing a magic amulet, which triggered the 'Magic Shield of Light' stressfully. Although blocking the power of the opponent's magic, he retreated several steps.

When he stood still, he saw that Beta had never found a gold coin from there, and then tossed it up. When the gold coin landed, a stream of gold light emerged from the gold coins, and then these gold lights Continually twisting and converging, in a short period of time, he became a terrible heavy soldier who was two meters tall, wearing golden heavy armor, holding a golden tower shield and a golden broad sword.

‘Guard of Faith’!

This is the new magic that Beta used to contribute to the temple.

The basic strength of the summoned creature is determined by the level and charm of the summoner. Although Beta is not a full-time summoner, his charm is also as high as 10.5, and he still uses gold coins as a summoning medium. Therefore, the summoned knight gives a strong sense of oppression.


Bud saw the golden knight, and immediately felt his head big. Originally, they were two-on-two and had a little chance of winning. If this golden knight was added, the chance of winning would drop directly to the point where people felt daunting.

"You can also call out angels." Betta narrowed her eyes and smiled without hesitation. "If you can summon angels and deal with us, it must be extremely simple."

Hearing this, Bud breathed out of breath, as if his heart and lungs were to be sprayed out.

'Summoning Angels' is one of the special skills of the Temple of Light, but it has a very harsh condition and must be legendary to cast.

After all, angels are very proud creatures. If the summoners don't have enough strength, they won't be lazy. The belief guard is different. The summoned is just a self-propelled maggot formed by a magic element, but their intelligence is quite good. As long as the caster's level and charm are high enough, the summoned belief guard is also very powerful.

Bud managed to stop his anger. When he was about to speak, he saw a sneer on the corner of Beta's mouth.

He was shocked, and stepped back quickly, and then saw a wide golden sword flew over and inserted into the ground where he had just stood.

If it is a half-beat, he will definitely be opened by this broad sword.


This is the second time Bard has said this.

However, he didn't dare to talk much anymore, because after the knight on the armour threw the broad sword, he ran towards Bud with a square-shaped gold shield. The golden knight looked very tall and strong, and he was wearing unarmored heavy armor. It stands to reason that it should be very inconvenient to move.

But Bud saw the heavy armored knight at that moment, running very fast, and his golden boots squeaked on the ground.

He was shocked, and immediately flipped through the book at a very fast speed, yelling at the Golden Knight who ran towards him: "Weak, slow!"

These two magics are commonly used to deal with physics occupations. The speed of the armored knight is slower. When Bud breathes a sigh of relief, when he is about to release the light gun, he hears a soft word from the other party. sound.

"Negative effects dispelled!"

The magic scroll turned into a cyan light that enveloped the knights ... Then the knight's speed suddenly increased.

Damn it! Bud cursed in his heart, he suddenly remembered that he was also a spellcaster opposite him.

Bard flipped through the spellbook in his hand, and just before continuing to chant the magic, the knight in the armour threw the shield in his hand.

Bud was startled and hurried to the side.

The shield slammed heavily on the slate floor, and a corner also smashed into it. The splashed pebbles made Bad's cheek pain, but he didn't care about these small things. He ran to him in front of him, sweeping the broad sword in his hand, drawing a golden arc in the air, and Bud jumped back desperately, avoiding the sword.

When others were in the air and were about to be happy, they saw a beam of golden light gushing at themselves.

"Coin bombardment."

Bud was lifted out, and the magic talisman once again triggered the shield of light.

He fell to the ground, and then quickly got up, and his heart was horrified. A golden knight was enough to bother himself, and there was a caster on the opposite side ... So, he hated the profession that would be summoned, and now it ’s a disaster In pairs, his magic amulet that can trigger the Light Shield is broken.

In other words, he couldn't take the attack again.

On the other side, her companion Lucian was entangled by the blonde woman, and the two sides were snoring, but even so, Lucian was still in a bad position.

Both were suppressed, and they were really dangerous this time.

Of course, the reason why they are weak to this point is related to the magic back bite. If it weren't for the magical backlash that caused their mental strength to decline and they haven't fully recovered until now, they would not have been beaten so badly, at least they can resist much easier, maybe they could find a chance to fight back.

Looking at the rushing Golden Knight, Bud took a deep breath and decided to use his hole cards. In his heart, he didn't want to use this trick at all, although it was very powerful, but also had great side effects afterwards. .

In a flash of the gods, the golden knight had already come in front of him, and the broad sword in his hand had been raised high, and he was waving it.

Bud took a deep breath and stood up. From his hair turned black, less than a second, his whole body turned into a black element, the golden broad sword fell off the top of his head, cut across his body, cut on the ground, as if chopped into the air !!

At this time, Bud felt that his whole body was immersed in fire and moxibustion. He roared and rushed forward like this. He would tear the Red God Officer Beta to shatter.

Bud's blackened body, like a ghost, passed through the body of the knight in armor, and the knight in knight stunned, and knelt on the ground with one knee.

This is the shadow form that only a few priests can grasp. It is a mimicry of elemental life.

In this form, Rev. Bright becomes extremely powerful and possesses various special abilities.

Bud rushed to Beta in less than a second, when he saw Beta's surprised look.

A huge joy bloomed in Bud's heart. The other party did not know that he had such ability. He slowly reached out his hand and wanted to make fun of his enemies. But at this moment, he saw Beta He sneered again.

Extreme anxiety arose in Bud's heart, and he wanted to stay away from this enemy subconsciously, but it was too late.

"Light gun."

Beta didn't know when to add more scrolls, and then this scroll became a spear of light. Beta held him in his hand, then stabbed him in the heart of Virtue fiercely.

If it is a normal physical attack, naturally it will not have any effect on Bard's shadow form, but the light gun is magic, and it is also the nemesis of the dark element.

Bud backed hard with the light gun. He reached out to pull the light gun out, but couldn't do it at this time. He was still in shadow form at this time.

"How can you have bright magic!" Bard yelled in horror: "If you don't believe in light, how can you use bright magic."

Beta smiled, and the light existed before the goddess of light appeared. It was the worship of light in the human world that gave birth to the goddess of light. Anything that exists objectively can be used by anyone, and the goddess of light cannot deprive any living creature of this right.

The paladin Lucis was not far away, seeing this scene, shouted angrily, wanted to come to rescue, but was stopped by Shirley, because of impulse, two more wounds on his body.

Three seconds later, the badly wounded Bud fell to his knees and hung his head. He had automatically released the shadow form, but the light gun remained on his body and penetrated into his heart. In fact, if he turned the light gun out before returning to adult form, he would survive, but unfortunately no one could help him.

The winner has been decided!

While Beta was thinking about it, Bud moved again, his body was shining with dazzling light, like a little big sun.

He glanced at Beta, but with a wave of his hand, he built a huge wall of energy before Beta and Shirley.

It blocked Beta and Shirley, but put the paladin Lucian in.

This wall of energy has the effect of preventing sound penetration. Beta is not as sad as Lucis was talking, but he can see that Bud pressed his right hand on Lucis's head, while the paladin knelt on one knee .

The light on Bud disappeared quickly, and then passed on to Lucian.

Three seconds later, the magic wall disappeared, and Bud turned back into an ordinary person, and then turned into smoke and scattered around, goodbye.

Lucien stood up, his energy wings had changed from silver to gold.


The symbol of the paladin's entry into the master class is that the wings of energy change from silver to gold.

"It's a bit troublesome." Beta murmured. In the game, Rev. Bright did not have such ability. Is it the magic technology newly developed in these three hundred years?

The paladin is a BUG profession. In front of them, they can use the rank advantage to beat the paladin. But now, the other party not only becomes a master, but also has a higher level than him and Shirley ~ ~ This is a beta system for Out of tips.

Lucian flew up with two wings, and after entering the master class, the paladin was able to fly.

Shirley immediately ran to Beta and asked, "What should we do, let's run first?"

This is indeed a good way, but Beta doesn't want to do this. If he runs away, what about Katie outside the temple, and forty members of the Order Guard!


Beta took a deep breath. He still had the hole cards, and Shirley was not weak. Then she tried to tell Katy to come, three to one, and the winning face was not too small.

Lucian was in the air, shining with golden light. He looked at the three parties Beta and Shirley, and shouted: "Here, you ... today!"

A terrible cry came out of Lucian's mouth, and a silver light descended from the air, landing Lucian directly from the air to the ground.

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