Noble Emblem

Chapter 316: Need population

The original wetland was a large swamp, but now the winter is coming, the swamp is frozen, and the place where Beta moved to is a white ice field. The biting cold wind blew from the north, and then whistled across the flat ice field, rolling the ice **** that hit the face and cracked the skin, rattling. Because both Beta and Shirley are master-level professionals, this natural environment has little effect on them, so although they are wearing thin clothes, they do not feel any discomfort.

洁 And Jessica was also running around, looking very excited. She has the blood of a werewolf race, and it's no surprise that she naturally likes ice fields.

"Master, why do you want this barren land?" Xuegong was puzzled: "There are no resources and no strategic value here, and there is still a swamp underneath. It is very cost-effective to build a city here. thing."

谁 "Who says there are no resources, there are a lot of magical materials under our feet." Beta smiled. As soon as he spoke, his mouth was exhaled: "The resource alone is enough for us to spend many years."

Wu Shili is a little strange: "How do you know? Since there is such precious magical material below. Source of this article: Bo read Novel Network. Why other nobles do not come to mine.", ...,

"Not many people know about it, and they have no experience building cities in the swamps." Beta said confidently, "But I have. For the past six months, I have been making magic scrolls for this day."

Xun Shili's eyes brightened: "Turn mud into stones?"

Beta admits: "That's the magic. Of course, it's impossible to change the entire swamp into solid ground with mud and stone magic. After all, this place is too big. But let's change the nearby swamp first. The ground has hardened first, so that after the winter snow has dried up, it will turn into a swamp again, which is not easy. "

"Master, I'll help you." Shirley was excited: "This is the domain of the master, that is also our real family in the future?"


Beta chuckled. In the game, the wetlands are the common home of the players from the beginning. He took out a large number of magic scrolls from the space backpack and gave them to Shirley, and then the two of them were throwing magic scrolls facing the snow under their feet. Green and yellow lights flashed. About three hours later, the magic scrolls in the hands of the two were exhausted. Beta measured and measured, and they had transformed the marsh with a length of about one thousand meters into the field.

There are about 1,000 scrolls of magic scrolls used, about 3,000 gold coins.

This is a unimaginable amount of money. Not many people can afford this money, but spent so much money, but only made some ground, for many nobles, this is a complete waste.

So this is why many people know that there is a lot of magic material buried underground, but no one wants to take this land as their own.

And in the game. Xiang Yan reminds you: Remember to watch the collection of this site, the update here is really fast. Beta didn't have that many gold coins at the time. He was looking for other magic players in the forum. He paid for help for three months, and then turned the entire swamp swamp into the ground. Because this is the first territory that the player has, the players are very happy, and all kinds of free support materials are built.

Jessica watched Shirley and Beta busy on the side, because she was not a caster and could not use the magic scroll, so she looked very lost.

But Beta found this out, and he stroked the little girl ’s head and said, “Do n’t worry, everyone has their own work to do. After a short time, you will be too busy to sleep, so rest now Let's go for a short time. "

When Jessica heard this, her eyes lit up immediately.

Most people don't like to work, they can't do it if they can't. But Jessica is just the opposite. She likes to do things, especially to help her host. Because of the relationship she has experienced before, she always believes that a maid is the most ideal job for a woman. It means that from then on, there will be places to sleep and stuff to fill her belly.

Especially the arrival of Shirley made her think that this idea was correct. Because a woman as beautiful and capable as Shirley is just the host's maid.

Wu Shili came over from one side, she watched Beta touching the little girl's head, and she had an envious look in her eyes: "What shall we do next?"

"The next step is to build a castle." Beta looked at the sky on the north side: "We have to find some laborers to work here. But the average person is unwilling to go to such a snowy place to suffer, so we can only Buy some slaves instead. "

"There are slave-selling cities nearby, I think it's Caronte."

Speaking of Caronte, Beta smiled in his eyes.

In the game, Caronte City is the first city to be wicked with Beta, and also the first city that was beaten by Beta when the Lord almost cried out. Later, Caronte learned well, and as soon as Beta appeared, he immediately pretended, and resolutely did not participate in the coalition wars made by other nobles. Source of this article: Bokan Novel Network. This made it avoid a lot of unnecessary losses later, and then traded with the wetland city of Beta to make a lot of money.

After recalling, she brought the two women close to her, and Beta launched teleportation magic.

The next second, they appeared on the road outside Calonte. Because of the snow season, the number of people outside the city was very rare, so when the Beta three came out of the magic circle, they did not cause any commotion. , ...,

三 The three of them passed through the gates of the city of Caronte. The defenders of the city saw that Beta was wearing a magician costume, and they did not dare to stop it.

As soon as the three entered the city gate, a young man with poor bloodiness came up. He stooped and said humbly, "Dear Lord Mage, and your wife, and lady ... I am Brad, the best guide in the city of Caronte. If you are new here, hire me, it will save you a lot of unnecessary trouble. "

This person is thinking of the three Beta as a family of three. Beta doesn't matter. While Shirley was able to laugh at the flowers, Jessica had the expression of not knowing what the other party was talking about.

Beta ejected a silver coin and fell into the other's hands: "Take me to the largest slave farm in the city."

Brad looked at the silver coin in his hand, and smiled, his face was almost wrinkled into a chrysanthemum: "As you wish, distinguished lord."

With a silver coin, you can do a lot. Bled carefully placed the silver coins and walked ahead. As he walked, he introduced Beta to the types of goods sold in the surrounding shops, and whether they were fair.

This is what a good guide deserves. Beta listened with interest, and Shirley listened. , ...,

It turned out that the journey from the city gate to the slave market was quite long, but under Brad's eloquence, the journey seemed to pass quickly.

I stopped in front of a black building. Xiang Yan reminds you: Remember to watch the collection of this site, the update here is really fast. "The slave market is in it, but it's not for my species to enter, please forgive me for no longer being with you," Bled said.

Beta thought for a while and said, "You wait here first, I'll have other things to trouble you later."

Upon hearing this, Bled replied with joy: "Thank you very much, I will always be waiting for you here."

布莱 For Brad, if you can earn two silver coins a day, that's really lucky.

Beta took Shirley and Jessica to increase, but just after entering the door, Shirley backed by pinching her nose, as did Jessica.


The two said at the same time.

In fact, Beta only smelled a strange smell, although it was a little disappointing, but it was tolerable, but Xuegong and Jessica are different. One of them is a divine creature, the other is of werewolf blood, and the sense of smell is very sensitive. type. Beta knows what virtues are in the slave market, and getting them into such an environment is really difficult for some strong men.

"You'll wait outside.", ...,

Beta looked at the two women who nodded hard, smiled slightly, and went on in.

The puppet building was a bit shady, but the footprint was extremely exaggerated, and Beta found that there were stairs to the basement.

Just five steps into the building just now, a sullen young man came over and asked: "Hello, sir, I am the supervisor here. What kind of goods do you need, please feel free to ask and I said, as long as we let something in it, we can help you find it. "

"I need a slave." Beta looked at each other's face. Source of this article: Bokan Novel Network. Trying to figure out his thoughts: "Before three hundred people to five faces. I think with the strength of your club, it should not be difficult to come together."

眯 The young man squinted his eyes for a moment, and said, "We have three batches of slaves that meet your requirements here, or do you take random inspections and inspect the goods first?"

"Look at those three batches."

"OK, no problem." The young man smiled a little happily.

Beta soon felt that there was no need to look at the three batches, because two of the slaves were not humans at all. . It's a **** and a goblin.

Only the third group of survivors are more human-like ~ ~ Among them, there are girls and young girls, and even a baby. Beta counted rudely, and indeed there were more than 400 people.

床 These people's demeanor bedwoods, regardless of age, gender, or age, look dead.

Beta asked: "Do you know their origin?"

The young man on the side said, "Yorks ... offended the king of Udarikan two years ago. Xiang Yan reminds you: Remember to read the collection site, the update here is really fast. Chased by the king of Udarikan Kill, and finally this place is now. "

Yorks! Beta sighed, then looked inside and thought: "How much does this group need?"

"You're all done?" The young man was a little surprised. "There should be more than 700 people in it."

"I still think there are too few people." Beta looked at the baby who had no milk to drink, and said a thin face, "Go and report the numbers, I want these people."

"Wait a moment, please, let me inform the boss."

After the young man was surprised, he was ecstatic. He suppressed his excitement and left.

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