Noble Emblem

Chapter 319: Routine

The York people are a very tragic people. More than 300 years ago, they used to be a small country next to Hollevin.

Although their country is small, their people are highly combative, and they can sing and dance, as well as hospitality.

But it was because they were so hospitable, and then they were destroyed by Hollevan. There are only thousands of nationals of more than 60,000 countries. Thousands were arrested as slaves, divided into batches, resold in the country of Holebun, and then struggled to survive. No one has counted how many people are left of the York people, but Royd they know very well that their group of York people should be the last ethnicity.

Royd is the only literate person in the York tribe. The teacher who taught him literacy was also the only literate of the previous generation in the York tribe, because it was too difficult for slaves to learn words after hard work. Only those children who are extremely talented, such as those who have never forgotten it, will be chosen to be the next generation of word inheritors.

Among the people of the York people who know their own national history, only Royd remains. The others only know that they are York people. As for where they come from, where their hometown is, and why they became slaves, they know nothing.

As a text inheritor, Loyd has been paying attention to the change of ethnic groups, but because of the slave relationship, the quality of children in the ethnic group is getting lower and lower. In the past ten years, he did not find a child suitable for learning characters .

When Loyd thought he was about to lose his heritage, he had unexpected surprises.

A very kind aristocrat bought them. The reason why Royde thinks that the other party is a kind person is because this noble, their new owner, actually let them take a bath, give them something to eat, and gave him noodles. They make clothes themselves.

Loyd doesn't understand the truth, but he knows that what he does is because he can have a clean body and a cover, otherwise he is no different from a beast.

The new owner sent sackcloth clothes and asked them to buy dry food. This is not just treating others as people, but what else. Although the host is very difficult to speak on the surface, but the other party is aristocracy, the caster aristocracy is high, if there is no majesty and temper, that is a strange thing.

Loyd walked down the street with his three consorts. Because the inscriptions on the slaves were engraved on the back, they put on clothes at this time, but they were no different from ordinary people.

Although he was a slave, Loyd used to buy materials for other masters, so he knew the material market in the market.

More than 700 people need to consume the lowest amount of food a day, and Royd is very clear about this. He first went to the car shop to buy a few donkey carts, then hired a few people, and then went to the grain shop to buy the cheapest. The most unpalatable ration.

When these carts of grain were transported back to the cave, Loyd looked at the numb people and looked at them in unison.

This is a good thing. Royd is very clear that the people have not reacted too much to anything. They just live like wild animals. The only thing better than wild animals is that they know how to speak.

But now, the people have clean bodies and new clothes to wear, and they are beginning to show their side as human beings.

"Let the children come over and eat something." Loyd said to his clan, "Everyone can't eat too much, they can only grab one, understand?"

The man nodded, and went to the crowd to eat and drink a few times. Soon a group of children ran over. Everyone obediently grabbed a handful of dry rations and stuffed them into his mouth. They ate in a hurry, and even a few people were still choking.

Looking at this scene, Royde couldn't help but feel a little joyful in his heart. Children are the future of a group. As long as the children live well, this group will not perish, but will only grow slowly.

But he hadn't been happy for a long time, and when he saw someone walk in, his heart suddenly became cold.

The person who came was Beta, their new owner.

There were also a few children holding a ball of coarse grains in their hands and tugging hard into their mouths, which was naturally seen by Beta.

Eating in private is a taboo in the eyes of any aristocracy. Loyd was very afraid that Beta would punish the children. He was sweating coldly, and was preparing to find a way to persuade the owner not to move the children. When he took all the mistakes to himself, he saw that Beta heard about the children. If not, they walked to the donkey cart and checked the condition of these rations.

Royder felt his throat hang on his throat.

After watching a few donkey carts, Beta approached Royder and asked without expression: "How much did it cost?"

"This is the amount of ten days. Only one gold coin and thirty-six silver coins were spent." Royder was a little worried, and he was afraid that the owner would think he bought too much. After all, he quietly calculated the minimum amount of rations that the people consume every day.

"Are you helping me save money?" Beta seemed to sneer a bit disdainfully. "In the future, double your rations on this basis. Also, when you buy food in the future, buy it month by month, don't be too small It ’s only ten days at a time, what's the matter? Say go out and lose my face. "

Loyd took a deep breath: "No problem. As you wish, my master."

Beta snorted, and then said, "You will buy the rations for the remaining 20 days, and then feed them full, and we will leave tomorrow morning."

"Yes, master."

Beta glanced at the slaves, and nodded when they saw that their blood was significantly better. Turning around and leaving, when he was about to get to the hole, he suddenly turned back and looked at Royd and said, "Those little children, don't let them eat again. If I see them next time, break their dog legs."

"Okay." Royder replied ecstatically, and he let go of his hanging heart.

The owner said this, naturally let go of those children who steal food. As for the master's tone ... How many masters will be gentle when speaking to the slave? If that happens, then it may be troublesome.

Loyd watched Beta leaving the cave, he looked at his clan, and suddenly shouted, "All are listening to me, ready to cook, and we can finally have a full stomach."

A moment later, there was a cheering movement.

Beta was outside the cave, listening to the faint sound coming from behind, he smiled slightly, feeling a little happy. As an earth person in the information age, Beta was somewhat at odds with the term slave, but he knew very well that if he rashly told the slaves that they were free, he would become an ordinary person.

With that said, not only would the slaves not believe, they would be scared.

In the eyes of many people, even slaves themselves, slaves are slaves, the most degrading thing. They have become accustomed to such positioning, and if anyone said so, then they would definitely doubt that the person who said the words had absolutely no good intentions. After all, if anything was abnormal, it would cause problems.

Beta returned to the hotel and took Shirley and Jessica for a few hours on the street. Jessica seemed very excited. She likes to go shopping with her host, while Shirley seemed calm, but still very happy. .

When it was dark, I returned to the hotel and ate something and slept.

Waking up the next day, Beta brought Shirley and Jessica to the cave door.

Loyd had been waiting at the door with his tribe, beside them, there were a dozen donkey carts with sackcloth and masks, which must be full of rations.

"Master, we're all ready." Royder stepped forward and reported.

Beta looked at the slaves and said lightly, "Well, you have a lot of old guys in here ... It should be thrown away."

As soon as this remark came, Royder was shocked, but could not find any rebuttal. After all, this is a problem that all slaves will encounter. As long as people are old and can't work, they will be abandoned and starved to death.

"But I have a good heart, and I allow you to take these old guys. If they don't see the team, let them sit in the donkey cart. Anyway, those rations are not expensive things, and the old guys can sit No problem sitting. "

Loyd breathed a sigh of relief, and he rejoiced, "Master, you are so kind. You are the kindest host I have ever seen."

Beta chuckled a little, no matter what, and then called a carriage from the side, sat up, and drove slowly out of the city.

Royder made a gesture to make his people immediately follow.

More than 700 people lined up in two rows, and there were more than a dozen donkey carts heading out of town.

This is a rare thing in Caronte City, and it has alarmed many people.

Francis was standing in front of a window on the fifth floor ~ ~ watching the slave team coming out from below, and his butler was standing behind him.

"How's it going?"

"Find out, that man is indeed the Red God Officer. The latest news is that the Red God Lawsuit is followed by a beautiful woman, with bright blond hair like him, which is completely consistent with our target appearance characteristics."

"Since it is the real Red God official, then we don't need to mess with him." Fatty Francis grinned: "Let's give up these slaves. A person who dares to fight with the prince, but can retreat from his body, We can't afford it. But there are always some idiots who can't help it. You send two people to follow quietly to see if that power will act. As long as they are defeated by the Red God, it is when we pick up the bargain. "

The steward stooped and took orders.

In the slave market, after a short period of time, the sold slaves occasionally returned to the seller's hands, for many well-known reasons.

Beta sat in the carriage and chatted with Shirley. As soon as the team was out of the city, Jeanne, who was scouting in the air, told him that a small encirclement was being arranged one kilometer in front of their road.

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