Noble Emblem

Chapter 321: The owner is a demon

When the dense horseshoe sounds are mixed together, it will become a tide-like sound. ≥ Ba Yiyi Novel Net ≤ ﹤< ≦ ﹤ ≦ ﹤﹤﹤ c ﹤ o ≦ m ≦ The ground is shaking. As long as it is a person who has seen cavalry, it is very clear how scary the cavalry appears in the group.

Although the York slaves didn't know much about it, because they were often sold and sold to change their masters, they had also seen the pictures of the cavalry killing. Now when they heard such a voice, they all stood up subconsciously.

Royder was also a little scared. But he looked at the thick stone wall around him, and was relieved. No matter how powerful the cavalry is, it has to be lethal after the charge. Now there is a round stone wall here. It is impossible for the cavalry to charge in. Moreover, the entrance can only walk two people side by side, because if the opponent's heart is not right, Not too many people will come in at once. With the lethality shown by the three masters not long ago, it is not difficult to stop these cavalry.

The tide-like horseshoe sounds from far to near, and soon rang in the ears, and finally stopped quickly, with only the hissing noise of the horse outside.

Sure enough, it was for us.

With this thought in his mind, Royder turned his head and looked at the carriage in the middle, not far from the fire.

Sure enough, he didn't let him down. Beta got down after more than ten seconds, and Shirley came down with him.

After all, Shirley was wearing the appearance of the goddess of Vol'jin, and she recently led the believers to pray on the chanting table, and she intercepted a lot of the power of dissipated faith, and her strength has grown a lot. The most important thing is Has many wonderful effects, such as strengthening its own charm.

So as soon as Shirley got out of the carriage, she immediately dazzled like a pearl in the night.

Royde stared hard at Shirley for a while, then he lowered his head. As a man, he would be attracted to a woman like Shirley, but he knows his identity very well, and a woman who is so glamorous and has a powerful fighting force in front of her is definitely not something that people like him can imagine.

Just as he was thinking about it, Beta and Shirley were already near the door.

At the same time, two small soldiers wearing cyan armor, carrying small hammers, and holding spears came into the small door of the stone wall.

One by one, they quickly got into a dozen soldiers. They glanced around and shouted, "Captain, there is no danger."

At this time, a middle-aged man with a brown head and fair skin, his eyes swept across the crowd, and stopped at Shirley's face.

Then his breathing was clearly quicker, and this made Shirley frown slightly.

"Who are you? Don't you know that it will worry the people?"

Beta sounded the commander back with a rebuke.

The other side looked at Beta with a little gaze, then frowned, and asked, "Looking at you, you should be a member of the aristocracy and report your family name."

"Why should I tell you." Beta smiled: "Looking at your appearance, it should be our regular army in Hollevan. I am curious. Here is the heart of Hollevan, that is, there are no rebels and no bandits. You How did you march at night? "

This commander was born with a mixed look, and at first glance it was the type that fell before the old. He heard that his fingers waved forward, and the soldiers around him immediately raised the spear in his hand and fanned them in front of the people inside.

At this time, the commander smiled proudly: "Whether we march at night has nothing to do with you. I doubt it now, you are the ones we are looking for."

Beta blinked and asked, "Oh? Why are you looking for us? Or, what are we similar to your goals?"

The commander pointed at Shirley and sneered: "We are hunting down an evil female mage. She has an extremely beautiful appearance but viciously makes her feel like a demon. She has swallowed dozens of children alive. I Now suspect that the woman around you is what the devil has become, so you better obediently let us grab this woman. "

Beta turned to ask Shirley: "Is he talking?"

"The first half is true, the second half is fake." Shirley smiled at Beta, "He is indeed hunting down a woman, but that person is not me. He should be a little bit ill at me."

"That's it." Beta looked at the commander of the other side and smiled. "Well, you should leave. We are not ordinary people either. Don't see any uprising, it's meaningless."

The commander's complexion was white and black, and he really did not expect that his own careful thinking was actually seen through. After a brief hesitation, he dared from his gall and blew a whistle, and the knight staying outside rushed in.

There are hundreds of slaves here, and there is also a stunning beauty, but the other party does not have any **** combat power, which does not mean that I am a piece of meat, come and grab it!

In many cases, the lord's army will also make guest appearances to the robbers. As long as they clean their hands and tails and feed their bosses, they can do many things that they would not dare to think and do.

But because the entrance was too small, not many cavalry came in.

Beta saw this scene and sighed, two gold coins appeared in his left and right hands. Then the left hand threw the gold coins, and the right hand threw the gold coins forward.

A dazzling golden beam of light and the roar of thunder and lightning appeared directly in front of Beta's hand, and then, like a jet laser, directly vaporized most of the soldiers in front.

This blow directly made the entrance of the stone wall into a larger circular hole, because the commander was straight to the middle of the column of magical light, and the first person to die was him. The coins were bombarding too fast, and he didn't even have time to respond.

At this time, the gold coin popped from the left hand fell to the ground, and the golden light shone, turning into a tall knight.

These soldiers were considered elite, but as soon as the commander died, they immediately lost their fighting spirit. The soldiers who survived the round wall desperately ran out, and the soldiers outside did not know what was inside, thinking that the commander was still alive and attacked, they rushed inside, and as a result, the door was blocked there. .

The armored knight, nearly two meters high, roared out of his soul and rushed forward. With a wave of the giant shield in his left hand, three or four soldiers flew up and crashed into a cobblestone wall, turning into a meat sauce. As soon as the sword was waved, the ranks of three or four soldiers fell to the ground.

Loyd was on the side, trembling with fear. After a while, he rushed up, pulled Beta's clothes, and said anxiously: "Master, don't kill again, kill again, the local lord blame us, but we All are to be buried. "

No wonder Royder was afraid, because attacking the army itself was a felony. The York people as slaves would surely be outraged. If they were killed too much, the lord of this army would definitely retaliate strongly. At that time, the York people were sure You have to follow it.

Beta didn't bother Royder, he said to Shirley, "Trouble you."

Shirley smiled slightly and rushed up with the armored knight. The armored knight took the lead and slammed out of the hole.

The soldiers blocked there were immediately hit by flesh and blood. Shirley shrouded a magic shield in front of him, so as not to stain his clothes with flesh, and then slowly followed the Golden Knight and went out. .

Loyd tugged at Beta's clothes in panic: "Master, you're going to make a big disaster like this, really you're going to make a big disaster."

Beta looked at Royder, looked at his face of horror and begging, and then smiled slightly: "Don't be afraid, as long as we kill people, there will be no problem."

This simple sentence made Royder even more frightened.

He really didn't expect that his new master would be so murderous. Only 30 people were killed in the front, and now a cavalry squad is to be killed.

And the most terrible thing is that when his master said he was going to kill, there was no mood swing in his eyes, as if he killed dozens of ants.

Royde lived for decades, and saw all kinds of masters, cruel, terrible, vicious, but he had never seen such a kind-looking, kind-hearted man, but when he met the enemy, Just kill people directly. As if he didn't treat the enemy at all as a person, as if it were life.

Such a master must not be his enemy, otherwise he would kill all the York people like pinching a few ants. After all, the master killed the slave without any punishment.

Royder's teeth were locked in a fight. He glanced back at his tribe, and now his tribe almost drew their heads to their chests, and they dare not look at their masters.

Not long after, Shirley and the Golden Knights returned.

The armored knight was covered with blood, kneeling on one knee, and after giving a knight ceremony to Beta, he disappeared into a golden light.

Shirley smiled sweetly: "Everything was killed and none went away."

Beta turned to Royd and said, "Let your tribe clean up the corpses, pile them outside and put them together."

Although Loyd had frightened his body ~ ~, he still stood up and commanded the bold slaves, carried the limbs and corpses on the ground and carried them out. About half an hour later, their faces were blue. When the ground came back, there were traces of vomit in the corners of his mouth.

Beta went outside, and now there were about seventy corpses piled up, and then there were more than twenty alive war horses, Beta said: "Some of you should understand and keep horses, go and take those live Samara left. In addition, let some people collect the dead horse meat, grill it a little, and mix some human blood, it should be delicious. "

Looking at Beta's smile, and then listening to these words, Roy Dexian, his master is, to some extent, really the same as the devil.

Royder's lips moved and he didn't know what to say or dare to say. He wanted to eat horse meat, but he felt his stomach twitching at the thought that the horse meat might be mixed with human blood.

At this moment Beta's eyes suddenly moved to the left, snorted, and then a 'coin bomber' hit.

After the golden light passed, a miserable soprano screamed, and a huge bat fled.

vampire? Beta looked puzzled. (To be continued.)

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