Noble Emblem

Chapter 326: Plan to build a city in the swamp

As soon as Chad heard this, his face became hard to look at immediately.

As a native, he knew very well that the nobleman who coerced himself had great energy. And because of the aristocratic nature, they will not conflict with other familiar noble forces because of a caravan. After all, this is too shameless. The value and benefits of a caravan are not as good as their apparent honor and Dignity has not yet attracted interest in letting them attack each other.

That's why Chad hit his mind on Beta. An alien aristocrat, if he didn't know the situation, as long as he faced another aristocracy, they would inevitably fight. In this way, his own caravan would We can save from China.

But he didn't expect that the nobleman would not buy it now.

He took a deep breath, suppressing the dissatisfaction and anger in his heart, and said softly, "Sir, my caravan is really on the verge of danger, and for this, I can lower my conditions."

Beta raised her head and looked at Chad. If the fact is what the other party said, Beta wouldn't mind helping the other side, pulling him out of danger. If the other party was telling the truth and speaking out the difficulties, Beta would not mind helping. But the problem is, the other party obviously regarded him as a fool, and actually used such a clumsy mischief to draw the east. If Beta was biting, wouldn't Kai seem to be stupid?

With a slight sigh, Beta said, "Is there just no money? How can I hear that someone is buying your caravan?"

Looking at Beta's unemotional eyes, Chad suddenly felt that he had fallen into the ice cellar. He didn't expect that his careful thinking had been known by the other party.

"Get out of the door," Beta said lightly, "I'm a better talker. If you change to another nobleman, you are probably dead."

Only then did Chad feel that his body was no longer so cold and biting, he knew very well that if a noble initiated his anger, he would simply kill a civilian like him, it was only a very simple matter.

He even did not expect that his own strategy would actually fail. Who told the intelligence of this foreign aristocracy, could it be Amanda?

Chad was thinking about this problem on the way out, and soon he became more and more certain that it was definitely the news relayed by Amanda, and then he was a little angry, thinking that the girl was too much, and he would Tell others about your news.

However, even if he was angry, it was useless. Although Amanda was only a little girl in his eyes, she was standing behind the chamber of commerce, but it was not an object that a man like him who was about to go bankrupt could attack.

Chad understands that his biggest problem now is not the trouble of finding Amanda, but how to get through this crisis.

The matter of the Black-tailed Scorpion Caravan should have come to an end, but did not expect that two days later, a housekeeper-like person came over, he handed in a post, and then left.

"Dear Mr. Beta, I will host a banquet tomorrow night. I would like to invite you and your wife to come here. Gregory-Just mentioned."

lady? Hee hee! Shirley smiled happily: "Master, let's go to the party."

Beta thought for a while and nodded in agreement. Amanda needs a lot of time to help him find the caravan's manpower. He has to stay in the city for several more days. And even if the caravan is completed, a large amount of building stone must be purchased from the city in the early stage. If the relationship with the aristocracy here is not good, it will inevitably affect his progress in establishing the city.

In this case, take this opportunity to meet the nobles in this city.

Beta decided to release some goodwill. If these nobles are willing to live together peacefully, then there is no problem. If they are not willing ... Beta naturally has a way to make them concede. After all, in many cases, two master-level professionals represent the highest level of combat power in the entire human world.

Many times, force is more useful than money and power.

Since it was decided to attend the banquet tomorrow night, Beta brought Shirley and Jessica to the street to buy clothes.

The two girls bought a few more expensive clothes and seemed very happy. On the next night, Beta brought the two girls to the feast.

Although it was a dark clouded night, this did not prevent the nobility from enjoying the enthusiasm of nightlife. When the three of Beta arrived at the banquet venue, the banquet had started for a short time.

Located in a medium-sized manor in the south of the city, the candlelight is universal. A silver coin and a large white candle lit at least thousands, illuminating every corner of every estate. The lighting only cost more than ten gold coins, which is not even the money of drinks and the expenses of the bard.

Beta estimated that this banquet would cost at least fifty coins.

This amount of money is nothing to Beta, but to many little nobles, it is an expenditure that can greatly hurt them.

Therefore, in many cases, the little nobles are afraid to hold a banquet. They can only wait for the big family. The big nobles invite them when they hold a banquet, so that they can have the opportunity to expand their social circles.

When Shirley came out at the banquet, it immediately became the focus of everyone's attention. The purple low-breasted blue-and-white dress, coupled with the tall, curly golden hair, made the whole person look holy and noble. Not only did the men shift their eyes to her, but even the ladies' eyes fell on her face, jealous and jealous. As the divine avatar of the goddess of Vol'jin, Shirley already has the extreme looks that humans can achieve, and only Emma and the butterfly girl Judy can barely compete with her.

In contrast, although Jessica is also a beautiful beauty embryo, standing beside Shirley has no sense of presence at all.

Shirley held Beta's arm and smiled.

Soon the owner of the manor came out here. This was a young man. He walked in front of the two, glanced at Shirley with surprise, then stayed on Beta's face and said, "I'm glad you can Come to my banquet, Lord Wetland Lord Beta. "

They surveyed themselves! Beta smiled slightly and responded, "I'm also glad you invited me."

After the two parties had a slight ceremony, Gergill nodded slightly to Shirley: "I'm also very glad to meet you, beautiful lady. You are the most beautiful lady I have ever seen, and I think even the Elven Queen, Nor can it rival you. "

Shirley nodded, thanked her, and then let go of Beta's hand and walked among the women not far away. She knew very well that according to the unwritten customs of the nobles, when men want to talk about business, women cannot Next to it.

Although she believed that Beta would not drive herself away, she did not want to make Beta embarrassed, nor did she want Beta to be secretly criticized by others.

Gergil watched Shirley leave, a little bit lost, and then he took his eyes off and smiled at Beta: "In fact, this time, I invite you, mainly to thank you."

"Thank me?" Beta was a little strange. "Let's meet for the first time."

Gergil laughed: "I went to buy the Black-tailed Scorpion Caravan some time ago, but he went to see you later. I'm glad that Your Excellency hasn't been fooled by him, otherwise the two of us will fight and only let others see the joke. "

"Oh, it's you." Beta nodded. "What are you going to do with the Black Tail Caravan?"

"Chad can't stay in the caravan." Gergill shrugged. "His ambition is too big. I wouldn't move him if he didn't go bankrupt, but he is about to go bankrupt, but still wants to hold on. He has no rights, even regards our acquirer as a partner who provides money. Who does he think he is? He thinks he is a noble? "

In Gergill's words, there is a strong disdain. This is the normal state of most nobles. They look down on ordinary people and rich merchants.

Beta asked: "So what are you going to do with Chad?"

"I'm a good person. I'm a good person for less." Gesher showed a high smile: "I will suppress the Black Tail Chamber of Commerce until Chad is willing to let go and leave the caravan."

A waiter walked by holding the tray, and Beta reached out and picked up a wine glass, and touched the other side: "The Lord is really a kind person."

Beta's words were really sincere. In general, the nobleman has to deal with a civilian who has offended himself. There are some methods, and he has seen them in more cruel ways. And Gergill just suppresses, but does not intend to hurt the other person's life, which is a sign of doing things with a bottom line.

Ghirlha laughed and accepted Beta's praise.

At this moment Beta suddenly pointed to a young man sitting on the step throne, not far away, and asked, "Who is that?"

"Oh, he is the master of the city."

G'Gill glanced over there, then turned back and answered with a smile, but his words, with a strong disdain, seemed to look down on the young man sitting on that throne.

Beta also found out ~ ~ Although the young man was sitting at the highest place, he did not have any majesty, and none of the surrounding nobles went up to talk to him. He was just sitting there, his eyes didn't even move much, as if he were a large doll.

There is something strange about this.

Beta drank the fruit wine, and her mind moved slightly.

At this time, Gergill said, "Hi, this time you come to our city of Harvey and build a new caravan. Mostly you want to transport a lot of stone back to build your own territory, right?"

Beta nodded, and it was impossible to hide people from building a city, and he had no plans to hide people.

Gergil's face moved: "But the wetlands are all swamps. How do you plan to build a city there?"

"I'm a caster." Beta smiled. "The biggest ability of the caster is not to kill and set fire, but not to destroy the world, but to create and change. I intend to turn the entire swamp into a fertile source, you Do you find it difficult to build a city on the plain? "

Gujar looked at Beta with her eyes wide, as if looking at a lunatic.

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