Noble Emblem

Chapter 331: Caravans are sometimes more than just caravans

Shirley took a moment, then smiled softly: "It turned out that the master you gave to Augustine was not completely soft-hearted. Actually, this layer of calculation is included. Now the calculation fails. What should I do next?"

"It doesn't matter if it fails, and there is no loss." Beta said calmly: "If Augustine cannot receive the power of his enemy, then he can also become the captain of the caravan of the caravan, responsible for the safety of the caravan in the future, as long as It's talent, it's always useful. "

There was a knock at the door, and Shirley answered quietly, "Come in."

The door opened, and Amanda saw Shirley embracing Beta, with a look of intimacy, stunned, and then smiled: "Would you like to leave for a while."

"No, you can report it directly." Shirley's smiling face was a little delighted: "The host won't mind."

Because of the divine friendship in the nightmare illusion, now Beta and Shirley's relationship is quite harmonious, and they can be said to be extremely close to each other. Although upholding the bottom line, Beta will not have a substantial relationship with Shirley, but he has no resistance to such a hug intimacy.

Amanda is no stranger to this. Well, aristocracy, if there is no frivolity, no fringe, no one will believe it. She lifted up a stack of parchment paper and said, "The caravan has been built. This is a list with their basic information and specialties, as well as their personality. You can find a time to receive it in the chamber of commerce."

Beta received the parchment paper, looked at a few, took out ten gold coins from the space and put it on the table, and then gently pushed in front of Amanda: "The transaction is completed, this is the cost promised in advance, please check a bit."

Ten gold coins piled up and looked very dazzling. Amanda put the gold coins into the bag and said with a sweet commercial smile: "I like to do business with people like yours. If you need anything in the future, please come to me."

When he heard this, Beta was at a loss: "Amanda, is there any interest in working with my men? I still lack an accountant. The monthly salary is excellent."

In the past, the accounts of income and expenses were all made by Beta. After Shirley came, it was Shirley helping. But Shirley is a powerful divine creature. She can do a lot of things. Although she is quite qualified as an accountant, but tying her to this position is a waste to her ability.

Amanda hesitated for a moment, then looked at Shirley with a smile, and asked, "Is this accountant responsible for warming you?"

Ha ha! Beta heard a smile and said, "If you are as beautiful as Shirley and as good as her figure, I can think about it."

Shirley was very happy to hear Beta's compliment, she couldn't see her eyes anymore, and she even tightened it.

Amanda was relieved a lot. She pretended to be 'injured' and said dissatisfied: "His words are really hurting ... but I can ask what is this accountant apart from the usual storage records. Any other work? "

"Record the changes in the price and quantity of the goods of the caravan. Find out the most profitable business in the current environmental situation." Beta smiled. "Well, this kind of work is a bit challenging."

Amanda's eyes flashed.

Although the girl is acting as an agent and errand service, she is actually a businessman. Although it is said that because of the influence of the forces behind her, she is a bit of a small power in the chamber of commerce, but she is not qualified to lead a caravan because of her age and gender.

But if she can become the accountant that Beta says, then she will be able to decide the right to buy and sell the goods of the caravan again and again. Although it is behind the scenes, it can be regarded as indirectly controlling a caravan. Her childhood wish was to build a caravan to act in all directions and make a lot of money. If she became an accountant, it would be a way to save the country and realize her dream.

"How much is a month's salary?" The girl asked, pursing her lips.

"The fixed monthly salary is a gold coin." Beta thought for a while and said, "You first record the purchase and shipping records of the caravan for one year. After one year, you have the right to determine the share and type of the caravan's goods."

"Is the inspection period for one year?" Amanda nodded. "It's very prudent."

"After one year, the caravan you are in charge will own 10% of the profit of each cargo."

This is Beta's killer. After hearing this, Amanda was blindfolded. After a while, she bit her little silver tooth and asked, "Are you sure it's ten percent?"

"I'm sure I'm sober now," Beta said quietly, "we can sign a contract."

Amanda looked at Beta with a serious face, knowing that the other party did not tell lies, and her lips turned bright red because of excitement: "Okay, I promise you."

"Okay, my lovely accountant, can we go and see our caravan now?"

"Okay, no problem." Amanda waved her long hair between her cheeks, and said with anger, "Now the caravan is ours."

More than ten minutes later, Beta and Amanda came to the Chamber of Commerce again. Shirley and Jessica were put into the mansion space.

The caravan is in the waiting room on the second floor of the chamber of commerce. It's very wide here. Rows of black benches are neatly arranged. There are more than fifty people scattered among them. Most of them are mature men, but there are two middle-aged men. There are also several middle-aged men. juvenile.

When two middle-aged people saw Amanda, they greeted them. They also saw Beta, and their eyes flashed.

"Ms. Amanda, I'm glad to see you again." One of the middle-aged men with short brown hair gave a gentle gift to Amanda, and after a civil ceremony to see the aristocracy in Beta, the waist was very low: " This Honourable Lord, it must be the owner of our newly formed caravan. My name is Quinton, the caravan's agent, and I'm glad to meet you. "

"My name is Dulu, and I'm the caravan's accountant. I'm glad to meet you, my master."

Beta looked at the two middle-aged people in front of them. Their faces were weather-beaten, and at first glance they were extremely experienced people.

"Let the caravan get together. Let's meet. By the way, I have something to announce."

Soon more than fifty people sparsely gathered together. Facing their anticipation and curiosity, Beta said, "First of all, introduce myself. My name is Beta-Lyon. Now I am the Lord of the Wetlands. Your future The name is 'Wetland Caravan'. "

The caravan made a surprise sound, they did not expect that the young nobleman in front of him was actually a lord.

But the two middle-aged people frowned, and they knew very well that the wetlands were just a swamp and that they became the lords of that place.

"I think some people know what kind of place the wetlands are." Beta smiled. "But I have a way to turn it into a fertile plain. Now that it is a plain, it must be built there first. A castle. After the formation of the caravan, two hundred tons of stone must be transported from the city of Harvey to the wetlands every month to ensure the supply of construction materials in the wetlands. "

Quinton and Dulu frowned. If the caravan was established and it was only used to transport stones, then these people would not have much money to get. And building a castle is not something that can be accomplished in a few months. It takes at least two or three years.

"Shipping two hundred tons of stone, I think it should not be difficult for you. I think it will be about half a month. In the rest of the time, you can buy and sell freely, and I will not restrict your actions. Moreover, you can buy and sell freely. About 30% of the profits remain in the caravan, and how to distribute them is determined by Quinton. The other 10% is given to Miss Amanda, and the rest is mine, understand? "

Amanda looked at Beta in shock.

Most of the caravans don't have much knowledge and computing power. They don't know much about the 30% profit statement. But Quinton and Dulu were very clear, they were immediately excited. Quinton even took a step forward and asked excitedly, "Sir, this is true."

"I think I have always been generous." Beta smiled. "Of course, I will not be too good for those who have renounced their promises. I am a spellcaster. If I discover that some people are greedy for funds and conceal profits, then the consequences will be. Everyone should be able to guess. "

Looking at the smiling Beta, everyone was cold from the back of their backs, heading straight into the back of their heads.

Both Quinton and Dulu bowed their heads deeply.

Beta took a gold brick from the space and threw it into the caravan accountant Dulu's hands, saying: "These money is your startup capital, how many trucks, horses or donkeys you need, you decide. Anyway. I won't provide any more funds, but I will collect profits from you, you see? "

The two big men in the caravan looked at the gold brick, and they felt regretful and rejoicing. They have experience and understand that such a gold brick can be exchanged for at least one hundred gold coins. △ ≧ △ ≧ △ ≧ △ ≧

The start-up capital starts directly with one hundred gold coins, which is definitely a big deal for a caravan.

"Tomorrow I will send a professional to where you are ~ ~ to be the guard leader. He will not interfere with your business decisions, you can rest assured."

Quinton and Dulu nodded, and in their opinion, the professional, named Protection, was really surveillance. But this is also normal. All caravans under the aristocracy will have such a person.

A few minutes later, Beta left the chamber of commerce, Amanda walked beside him, hesitated for a long time, and then asked: "Sir, give 30% to the caravan, and then 10% to me. Is it too much? You only have a 60% profit. "

"60% of the profit is enough for me." Beta said flatly: "Money is not difficult for me to earn. The hard part is a caravan with sufficient autonomy but quite dynamic, for this purpose I am willing to pay more. "

"But I don't understand. If a caravan can't make more money for its owner, it doesn't make much sense."

Beta smiled lightly: "I need intelligence. An active and running caravan can bring me a lot of information. And in the future, our caravan will not only be this one. When appropriate, I will increase the business The number of teams. "

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