Noble Emblem

Chapter 334: recruit

For Beta, it's really a good thing to get a chance to get involved in the city of Javea.

Release the driver from the space. After the coachman landed on the ground, he looked around, then faced Beta, saying nothing.

"Say anything."

"Sir, can I also become a professional ... can I become a magician?" The driver's voice shuddered a little, and for him, a lowly civilian asking such a request to a nobleman was in itself a kind of Offensive, and the surrounding corpses reminded him how terrible this aristocracy was. But he still took the courage to say his thoughts, or his ambition: "If you can't become a magician, you can become a professional."

At first Beta didn't understand why the driver suddenly made such a request, but when he saw the other person's eyes, he immediately understood everything.

"I don't like to lie. I can tell you that I do have a way to make a professional." Beta said with a smile. "But why should I make you a professional? At least you have to give me a reason. "

The coachman froze, and it took a while before he said, "Hello, Your Excellency, please forgive me ... Tang Tu!"

After all, the coachman is a civilian and illiterate. After thinking about it for a long time, he thought of the word "Tang Tu", which seemed to him to be intriguing: "I just entered your space just now, it feels safe, as if I've been away from this world. Suddenly I felt that I should also learn magic, so that I could stay in the safe place just now, and in the future, I would not be afraid of danger. "

The civilians in this world are very insecure. Illness can kill them, and beasts in the suburbs can kill them. Nobles don't like them, they can kill them.

The lives of civilians are very worthless, and sometimes they are so low that they feel that survival doesn't seem to make much sense.

Beta understands the other person's thoughts and desires. He thought for a while and asked, "If you become a professional, would you still help me drive a carriage?"

A very simple question, the driver was holding back. He didn't understand that if he became a professional, shouldn't he become a man, why should he drive a carriage?

Beta sighed a long time. He thought differently from the driver. The coachman wanted to feel safe and to be a better man, but Beta wanted a driver who would not die casually. After all, his current identity is a lord, and he often needs to travel in a carriage, and he will definitely encounter many attacks and assassinations in the future.

Beta is not worried about her danger, but he is worried about the driver. And if a coachman becomes a professional, the survival rate will be greatly improved.

In the game, Beta's driver has died two times, so he doesn't want to change his driver frequently in the real world.

However, the coachman clearly knew that professionals should not catch the coach, which is the contradiction between the two sides.

"Sir, after I become a professional, I can do a lot for you. Why do you need me to ride a carriage?" The driver asked carefully.

Shirley made a slight Yin Ling laughter, which contained some mockery.

But Beta shook her head and didn't talk anymore. The number of second-class knights was limited, and Beta didn't want to waste it. Since the driver was ambitious and he did not want to continue to chase the carriage, naturally Beta would not agree to give him the place of second-class knight.

The sky soon dawned, and the coachman silently picked up the carriage and returned to the city of Javier. Then he got two silver coins from Beta, stopped talking, and left with endless regret and regret, he knew I should have had a chance to become a professional, but my answer was wrong, and I lost this golden opportunity.

In the best hotel in the city of Javier again, Beta was sitting on a shiny brown chair, playing with a star morning coat of arms, which was smoothed down from the assassin. It cannot be erased. The white petals with a few dark red on them were very conspicuous.

Jessica was busy around. She was holding a basin of water, carrying a rag, and was cleaning the table and chairs.

In this little maid's heart, she can help the master fight, but with the incidental abilities, the maid should do such a job, which is the official job.

No matter how abnormal Jessica's perception of the world is due to her childhood wandering. Beta is actually very happy about such things. After all, a little girl who is willing to work, even if she is not a professional, can find a way out in the future. And it's much easier to train people who are hardworking and don't care about who they are.

Shirley was sitting next to Beta, she was next to Beta's body, she put her hands on the man's shoulders, and pillowed her chin on her arm. Men and women.

In fact, their relationship is more intimate than that of men and women in love, and the union of souls is more likely to make people feel better than the union of physical bodies.

"What are you going to do next?" Shirley asked slowly: "Do you just come straight to your door or do you sneak attack tonight?"

When Shirley talked, the fragrance of Xiang Xiang kept pouring into Beta's ears, and the latter couldn't help scratching her ears, and said, "You help me to post a notice outside, just say to recruit a carriage, we can Train the groom as a professional, but he needs to work for us and drive a carriage for ten years. "

Shirley slightly shook her perfect eyebrows: "This is hard for some strong men, I don't think most people would want to."

"The average professional is really not willing, but those young people who are not professional and have ideals will definitely be willing to. Even if there is no ten years, they are just mature and have a lot of time." Beta smiled and said: "And there are not too many of them."

"Okay, wait, I'll be right back."

Shirley wrote a notice on a blank piece of paper, her font was as beautiful as a person. When this piece of paper was pasted at the entrance of the hotel, it caused a sensation within ten minutes, and more and more people focused on it.

Beta looked at the situation on the window, smiled slightly, then put the working Jessica into the mansion space, and said to Shirley who just came back from below: "Let's go, let's go there The Xingchenhua family walked around. "

Walk around ... The word is very simple, but Shirley heard some murderousness from it, she smiled slightly, feeling that it was good, the man was bullied, and he would go back without revenge. Of course, if Beta doesn't retaliate, she chooses to stay quiet, she will think that Beta is a tolerant person, anyway, no matter what decision Beta makes, Shirley will not have any opinion, after all, she loves Beta and loves it.

Xing Chenhua is the Dole family. As one of the most famous big families in the city of Harvey, Soders has been living very happily recently, but dare something unhappy.

When a person is idle to a certain extent, he feels a strange hobby. Soders likes to grab other people's wives the most. Of course, this 'robbing' is different from the 'robbing' on the physical level. He likes to use sweet words, likes money, and willingly lets a woman into his arms.

Recently, he met a blacksmith's wife, and the woman also knew him. He was pretty and handsome. He had no interest at all, but some time ago, after seeing it by accident, he found that the woman's figure was actually open. As a result, perhaps because of the relationship of 'moisturizing', her figure became very good, her skin was white, and she had the charm of a first-time woman.

Soders decided at first sight that his index finger moved, and he tried his best to sweeten his words and attack with money, and finally won the beauty.

What makes him even more happy is that the sorrow and sorrow of the bitter master made him feel that he had taken a dose of the finest drugs, and his whole body was so happy that he was intoxicated like a dream.

That woman, after playing for a few days, he was a bit tired, which is normal. Only the women who are in love are the most beautiful. Once they betray love and sell their souls for money, they will gradually become vulgar and slowly lose their flavor. The 'shelf life' is only a few days. Nothing more.

But he didn't expect that, just when he was about to abandon the woman, he heard that the blacksmith suddenly became a professional.

After he asked to find out what was going on, he immediately found the person who turned the blacksmith into a professional. He was a noble, a great noble in the true sense.

The Dole family has been a land snake for more than two hundred years in the city of Harvey, and they have already been included in the ranks of true nobility. He is very clear that the young aristocrat in front of him is definitely not an ordinary person, but definitely from the cultivation of the big family ... Sure enough, he just said a few words and was driven away by others. com ~ Until now he still felt his brain open.

However, Soders did not retaliate. He can clearly distinguish who can move and who cannot move.

After a few days of depression, Soders finally wanted to go out and relax, he was carrying the woman the blacksmith used to, and now his lover went out of the house.

He plans to play with this woman for another day at the end, and then ‘throw it’ and give up to three gold coins, the best nightingale in the city, at this price.

As soon as he walked outside the door, Soders saw a man and a woman walking near him, and then his whole body was choked.

Both men and women are exceptional in temperament, and they have similar bright blond hair. Let alone the man, the woman is not only impeccable in appearance but also holy in temperament.

The two men were so familiar that Soders had seen them a few days ago and had been humiliated once again.

Is the other party here? Don't know why, Suds suddenly felt his heart beat fast.

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