Noble Emblem

Chapter 34: It happened again

In the courtyard, four mercenaries fell into a pool of blood. One of them was scorched, and the other three were fatally chopped and chopped. From the injury, we can see who they died from. The space magician lay on the ground, his face clear, his face swollen, his chest slightly undulating, and he should still be alive. Perhaps Uther's plan was to take this space magician for his own use, or maybe it was just for information. It is difficult to say.

"Carr is dead?" Barbara asked.

Qi Liang Lidong replied: "Dead, no bones left."

Barbara felt a little embarrassed, and she said puzzledly: "Although Karl is very cold, when I was young, I could n’t understand the magic problems, I would ask him, and I got a lot of magic from him. Theoretical knowledge, it stands to reason that his relationship with our Longman family is not bad, why should he betray us and betray Holavin! "

Liang Lidong shook his head: "He has not betrayed Hollevin, he just betrayed the friendship of your Longman family. I don't know what kind of person Enleco is, but I believe he is at least Hollevin People, your struggle is, at best, only an internal struggle of the Holeiwen aristocracy, and it has not risen to the point of betraying the country. "

Barbara became more and more puzzled: "Then why did he betray our Longman family friendship?"

"Because he sees no hope in the Longman family," Liang Lidong said lightly.

"Because I'm a woman?" Barbara glanced at Kyle and said, "My future husband will definitely be in charge of Winterwind City. I personally can't manage Winterwind's government affairs. If he is dissatisfied with me, he can Speaking out, we can slowly discuss why we should invest in our family's enemies if we revive Winterwind. "

"Actually this is just an excuse." Liang Lidong glanced at the silent Uther next to him: "The real reason is that your Longman family cannot support two magicians at the same time. Barbara, you are very talented, if To become a qualified magician, you need to spend a lot of gold coins. Learning magic requires money, and improving magic also requires money, and it is a large sum of money. I personally estimate that 3,000 gold coins are just the beginning, and 6000 or more is the normal budget. . Although your Longman family has been operating Winterwind City for hundreds of years, each of them is tired of a lot of gold coins, but you are a family of soldiers, even if you accumulate more gold coins, there will not be more than 10,000! Although Carl has a problem of mental space instability , But his qualifications are actually above you. To train him, you need more gold coins. It ’s not that I think of you, the Longman family, but you really ca n’t support two magicians at the same time! Your father ca n’t give up on himself. Daughter, turned to train an outsider. Carl just saw this and left. "

"If I'm not wrong, your enemy Enleco should be rich, or the family behind him should be rich. So he can afford the magician to be an assassin, and he can convince Carl to serve them. Here The world, a large number of gold coins, can also be converted into personal strength at some point! "

Barbara asked in surprise: "Father, is this the case? How many coins have I spent studying magic over the years?"

Uther smiled bitterly, without speaking, it was the default. Barbara was hit hard, and she mumbled to herself: "It turns out that Carl's departure was actually related to me, if I had no magical talent."

"Okay, that's all for now, and regrets are useless." Uther comforted: "You are my daughter, I don't help you, do you want to help outsiders. Learning magic is a good thing, our family finally has a problem Even if the caster sells the castle, I will train you to become a first-class magician, so do n’t worry about money. ”

Barbara nodded, but his expression was not too happy. Kyle was aside, thoughtfully.

Xi Liang Lidong's words were not only told to Barbara, but also to Kyle. The magician's bitterness, Liang Lidong knows very well, in fact, money is only a small problem, the most troublesome is to analyze magic. Due to the systematic education of player magicians, most of them are highly educated talents. They are very proficient in 'research' and know how to learn new knowledge. Moreover, because of the 'network', player magicians can communicate with each other. No, gather in the chat room to discuss.

However, NPC magicians are different. They do receive a certain education, but they are not systematic, and they often take care of themselves. When they have developed something, they cover it up and refuse to share it. Liang Lidong has seen too many NPC wizards stumped by the magic modeling structure diagrams that they have managed to obtain. After analyzing for several years, he cannot learn that magic.

On average, player magicians learn new magic faster than NPC magicians, but even so, player magicians still feel that their youth is wasted on analyzing magic, not to mention NPC magicians.

Tong Liang Lidong flicked his fingers and cancelled the magic of driving the fog. The white mist in the castle gradually disappeared. The nobles who could not see the road cheered at this time. They searched for their relatives and friends.

"Let's go back first." Liang Lidong pointed to the second floor that was still burning: "I know you will have a lot of things to deal with, so don't bother. Help you deal with the compensation of Carl and others, wait for you to send Come to Reed Village. "

Uther surprised, "Aren't we comrades in arms? It's too emotional to talk about money."

呵 "Well, who is your comrade in arms?" Liang Lidong yelled: "If my reward is gone, I don't mind being the second Carl."

"I have never seen such a greedy ascetic!" Uther murmured.

Li Liangdong laughed and laughed: "I am a believer of the goddess of woking, and love of money is a matter of course."

Uther was hesitating for a moment. He had never heard the name of "Goddess of Ojin", but from the words of the other party, he could guess that most of the priesthood of this divine house was related to money. He responded twice, leading the topic Elsewhere, Barbara went under the castle, canceling the enchanted enchantment.

As soon as the puppet enchantment was cancelled, a large group of cavalry rushed into the garden from the suspension bridge. The woman was led by a woman similar to Barbara. Her chain mail was stained with blood, and she looked very anxious. She looked around in the garden, and immediately saw Uther dropped off and rushed to the man's arms: "I was scared to death outside just now, are you okay, Barbara ..."

"Let's go!"

立 Taking advantage of the gap between Uther and his wife, Liang Lidong pulled Kyle away.

Wu and a panicked aristocrat crossed the suspension bridge. The two quickly found the old village chief who was waiting anxiously. He saw his grandson come out and there was no blood on his body.

Twenty-three people took a carriage on a remote road, and the driver was still Kyle, and he was speechless along the way. When he was about to return to the village, he finally spoke: "Teacher, have you said that as long as I can stand in front of Barbara, I will teach me to learn combat expertise. Am I passing this?"

"Of course."

Qi Liang Lidong had originally planned to teach Kyle as a professional and let him dance with Barbara, nothing more than to promote good things for boys and girls. Moreover, in the previous battle, although Kyle did not contribute, the calmness was extraordinary. It can be seen that in terms of willpower, he is far more than ordinary people. Such people are very suitable for becoming professionals.

"Are you planning to focus on magic, or will you continue to learn swordsmanship?"

"Sword Art!" Kyle said without hesitation.

"Why not learn magic?" Liang Lidong asked with a smile.

Kyle replied: "Learning magic requires too many gold coins, and even the host of the city can barely afford a magician, our family ..."

The old village chief Gao looked darkened. Although he did not agree with his grandson becoming a mercenary, he would not be too opposed if he became a magician. After all, a magician has a high status. However, now that his grandson has abandoned his role as a magician because of his family situation, in the eyes of the elderly, this is his responsibility. He has no ability to make money for his grandson to learn magic.

既然 "Now that you've decided, come to me tomorrow afternoon ... Well, by the way, call Belin."

The horse-drawn carriage returned to the village entrance. Liang Lidong first returned to his little thatched cottage. He lay down on the bed and stretched himself comfortably. After a day of tiredness, he can finally sleep well now.

Jeanne jumped from his shoulder and asked, "You have to teach Kyle to become a professional. I can understand that he is indeed a good seed. But why do you want him to be Belin? Belin is not suitable for melee Professional. "

"But she is suitable to become a priest! Becoming a priest does not require physical fitness, only normal intelligence, and sufficient devotion is sufficient." Liang Lidong said, "After observing these days, I found her concentration is very focused. Even better than Kyle. After the establishment of the Vol'jin Temple, except for me, there must be someone to deal with everyday things. If Belin can become a believer, it will be a big help. Moreover, she becomes a believer, which is only good for her. No harm. "

"Then why do you help them for free." Jeanne asked again, "According to the knowledge I have received from your master, generally teaching others to become professionals, you need to collect large gold coins. I don't believe they can Get it out. "

Li Liangdong smiled and didn't speak. From the player's point of view, character experience is the most important thing, and money can only be ranked second. Teach Kyle and Belin that they can gain some extra experience. Why not, the money is not too difficult if he wants it, but it will take some work.

贞 But Jeanne misunderstood: "You are so kind. Forget it, you are the master. I can't control it."

It shook its head and walked to the corner of the bed, rolled up the blanket and fell asleep.

The next day, Liang Lidong got up, opened the character system, and found that he got 23:00 experience at midnight yesterday.

"The experience of killing monsters is really high!"

Qi Liang Lidong sighed, and then went to the river to teach the little ones to read and tell them some truths about being human.

Soon in the afternoon, Kyle dragged Belin to the grove in Houshan. Because of the need to teach swordsmanship, Liang Lidong asked him to make a few wooden swords ~ ~ Kyle was excited And Belin was inexplicable, she did not understand why she was called to this place by Master Beta.

"Belin, do you want to be a priest?" Liang Lidong asked.

After the young girl froze, her face brightened: "Master Beta, can I be a priest?"

"I can't guarantee it, but you have this potential." Liang Lidong patted the girl's head and said, "It depends on whether you are serious enough or hard-working!"

"I would like to ask the teacher to teach me." Belin was very clever, and she changed her name to "Teacher" immediately.

Liang Lidong used a wooden sword to make a mark on the small tree next to him, and then said: "You sit on the grass and stare at this mark for a while. You ca n’t blink, you ca n’t move, even if a bug is biting you Ca n’t move, do you understand? If you understand, start immediately, until I stop. "

Bei Beilin nodded, and immediately ran to the small tree and sat down, staring at the fresh scratch.

"It's your turn next." Liang Lidong looked at the excited Kyle: "I heard you said that you learned a set of swordsmanship from a mercenary in the city and showed me."

Kyle stepped back two steps, picked up the wooden sword and danced in a lively manner. The wooden sword cut through the air, whine, and looked quite mighty. About six minutes later, Kyle made a sword-receiving action, and he asked sweatingly, "Teacher, how!"

"No shit!" Liang Lidong ruthlessly sarcastically said: "You are also called swordsmanship? The mercenary who taught you swordsmanship is teasing you!"

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