Noble Emblem

Chapter 342: Fantasy

The matter of Amanda was put aside for the time being. After Beta received the information, he was already able to be sure that behind the owner of the city, the temple of love was definitely standing.

Although the temple of love is on the surface of fulfilling the blame for men and women, and preaching the beauty of love ... but in essence, this is a neutral and chaotic force.

Believers in Eros love to quietly hold unveiled carnivals, and love action movies that people and dogs have to say. Their perception of this world is only the difference between male and female, and when they get excited, they will think of a way Come quietly, whether male or female, human or beast.

In the game, there are many players in this power who participate in the game and have a good time.

Players are all people in the information age, and they are relatively enlightened. Although most of them despise the Temple of Love, the Temple of Love has always been a low-key person. Apart from heavy action movies, there are no other bad things. Therefore, players open their eyes and close one Eyes occasionally get involved.

Like Beta's cousin, Shuk once mixed in, and when it was about to be a good thing, Margaret, who was a loli dragon, directly burned the entire Ethereum branch hall into ruins.

Since then, cousin Shuk can only watch the women in the game, but can't covet any.

For such a temple of love, Beta did not intend to ignore it, but since the other party came to the door, if there is no action on his own side, then it can't be justified.

At night, Beta and Shirley appeared in the woods near the Temple of Love.

Jessica was thrown into the mansion space by Beta, which was quite safe.

A faint layer of fog fainted near the Temple of Love, and Beta didn't go all out to launch the 'driving fog' technique. Because 10% of the fog driving will greatly affect the subject ’s senses, and the light fog will only be regarded as ordinary night dew fog. In this kind of fog, Beta can still move silently. , Coupled with secondary stealth, is still equivalent to the real stealth effect.

And most importantly, this way does not attract the attention of the enemy.

The Temple of Eros is located on the western outskirts of the city of Javier. This place is very inaccessible. It looks really quiet on the surface. But when Beta and Shirley used the mist to sneak in, they heard the news from more than one house around them. Here comes the sound of love action movies.

Beta isn't the first brother anymore. Naturally, she doesn't feel anything different about this kind of situation, but Shirley doesn't. She only had a rapport with Beta, but in essence her body was still a virgin.

When she heard such a voice, she couldn't help glancing at the man next to her, and put her small mouth in the other's ear and said, "My good master, you will let me fulfill after I return. Sword sheath duty. "

Shirley has a divine appearance, and she is also a divine body. She is immaculate, her body is scented, and her breath is exhaled with the fragrance of orchids. Beta ’s action on those love action movies can be ignored. But Shirley's temptation, he could not ignore it.

The two were in close contact with each other in the nightmare space, and Beta couldn't forget it.

He knew very well how soft and soft Shirley's skin was, and how moist and hot she was in her body, and she knew better how she sounded when she sang. If the lady of the town owner is a poppy, then Shirley is ice-drug. As long as you ‘suck’ the last time, there is no way to quit.

Betta resisted the throbbing in her heart and glared at Shirley.

Shirley grinned, looking forward to smiling, and before walking quickly, she was a master-level professional, and naturally she could hear that her host's heartbeat had just accelerated significantly.

Although the two interacted a lot, the speed of walking under their feet was not slow. Soon the two of them used the mist to sneak into the atrium of the temple. After turning over dozens of rooms, they finally found the Lord.

In a luxurious room, many purple and transparent gauze curtains were hung, and the whole room was arranged with a mysterious and ambiguous atmosphere.

A mature and charming young woman sits sideways on a large purple bed in the room, gently relaxing her body, except for important parts of her body covered with purple gauze, and the rest is white.

In front of her bed, an old man in a red robe was holding her feet and gently kissing, saying, "Bishop, we have asked for support from other temples, and they agreed, and they are now rushing here. On the way. As long as another day, we will be able to surround the hotel with absolute advantage. At that time, even two master-class professionals will be difficult to block our edge. "

The woman has light cyan long hair, she stretched a lazy waist, and said slowly with a greasy warm voice: "Well, well done, this is the task assigned by the goddess. If you mess up, you also know the consequences . "

The old man's gaze swept over the undulating body of the woman, and he said intoxicatedly, "Please rest assured that there is absolutely nothing wrong with this."

The woman chuckled, and the smooth toes raised the chin of the old man: "If you get things done, I don't mind letting me enjoy it."

Upon hearing this, the old man's breath immediately became rude and hurried.

"How's that little guy in the city?"

The old man gently stroked the woman's smooth instep, and he gasped and said, "Very well, his thirst for power has surpassed our imagination. As long as we can make him a true city owner, I believe he will All my souls contribute. "

"We don't need his soul, we just need his loyalty." The woman thought for a while and said, "Then let Hillary and Thatcher accompany him, and control him by the way."

The old man nodded violently, his hands could not help groping along his daughter's little feet, but as soon as he crossed his knees, he was inexplicably shocked.

On the other side, Beta and Shirley already had plans in mind. After hearing so many puppets, if they don't understand the general reason of the matter, it is really stupid.

‘The enemy is here. What are you going to do? ‘Shirley ’s finger was written on Beta ’s hand, and her fingertips were smooth and rubbed lightly, making her feel itchy.

Beta pointed at the room, made an attack gesture, and the mist quickly began to deepen.

Since the enemy has mobilized enough support to fight against the two masters, then the speed will definitely become extremely unfavorable. Instead, it is better to start first.

The mist quickly permeated the room. Although the mist generated by driving the mist did not have any magic fluctuations, such a thick mist and the speed of rushing into the room was extremely fast. Such an abnormal phenomenon immediately caused the two people to be alert.

"It's weird." The woman stood up from the bed with a bang. At the same time, a purple gauze skirt flew over and covered her.

The old man also came to his senses from the fascination of color, and he reached out and pointed forward, ‘Magic Dispel’.

When they wanted to come, such a weird mist must have been formed by magic, but once the magic had dissipated, it had no effect, and then they were shrouded in thick mist, and their vision immediately narrowed.

Fog? The woman in Zisha moved her heart and shouted at him, "Red God Officer, how dare you come to your door!"

Since it is necessary to deal with someone, it is natural to get the enemy's intelligence first. This is basic common sense. She shook her hands, and a strong wind blew around her, blowing the mist all over the room.

At this moment, Beta and Shirley just jumped in from the window. The old man saw this, his hands moved, and six flying knives shot out, covering them both.

It was just that Shirley had already put on a magic shield on the two of them. Six flying knives were ejected. As soon as Beta fell to the ground, she would directly open the irresistible feat. She rushed to the old man's front at a fast speed, and then from the space Take out the false emperor meteor sword and pierce the opponent's eyebrow.

The old man seemed to be stunned. The long sword in Beta's hand directly pierced the opponent's head. Then the old man turned into a black smoke and disappeared without a trace.

It was only then that Beta found that she had come to a strange place, naked in a hot spring.

Around the hot spring, there are more than a dozen beauties standing or sitting, these people Beta know, such as the lady of the city lord, Jessica, Alice, Bingbing, and ab and so on.

In other words, all the women who make Beta feel amazing are among them, but the Persian cat, Xiaobai, Shirley and the goddess of Vol'jin are not there. All four of them have one thing in common.

Wonderland magic? Beta flashed the word in her mind, feeling a bit surprised.

Illusion magic is the upper branch of spiritual magic. The caster can use his strong spiritual power to create a fantasy, and draw the subject's spirit or soul into it.

Depending on the difference in mental strength between the two parties, the subject has three different reactions when attacked by the illusion spell.

The first is completely dominated by illusions, without knowing that they are in a illusion.

The second is that although you are in a fantasy, you know that there is no reality ~ ~ The third is completely unaffected by the magic of fantasy.

Beta, a nobleman of the descent, has reached the master level, and her willpower has reached 10.5. Such a spiritual power, placed in the mortal world, can only be stronger than the pastor.

But now, he is still drawn into the illusion, which shows that the strength of the caster is absolutely not bad.

The woman and the old man had absolutely no such strength. Who was it that pulled him in here?

The 'woman' around the hot spring pointed at him, and one of the women came over.

This person Beta is very familiar. She is the lady of the city. She came to Beta and turned around, her face was full of temptation.

Beta frowned, and reached out to capture the towering 'conscience' of the city's wife.

"Mrs. City Lord" smiled tremblingly, but Beta frowned slightly ... It feels exactly the same, can achieve this level of fantasy, the manipulator behind it is absolutely no less than the master. (To be continued.)

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