Noble Emblem

Chapter 340: Divine Fluid

In the game, life professionals are not unusual. Although most players like the exciting career of swordswords, there are always some players who like comfortable logistic work, like watching players fight in front, and they are in Pointing behind the rivers and mountains.

Beta has always thought that in the real world, there are also life professionals, but did not expect that it did not. Because if there is such a profession, the goddess of Woking will definitely know. After all, the professional businessman is considered to be connected with the priesthood of Woking, but now even Woking does not know about it, then the situation is obvious, there is no life in this world Professional.

Let ’s deduce it like this, I am extremely scared ... There is a cow on the earth, not only digging a corner of the origin of this world, but also creating many new life occupations.

Beta feels a bit unreal. Isn't the earth a scientific world? When is there such a strong man like a god?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt incredible, and he couldn't help but took a breath.

Seeing his strange appearance, the goddess Vol'jin asked: "You seem to have thought of something terrible. Let's set aside other things first, and talk to me about the professional businessman."

After she had spoken, she waved her left hand gently, and the golden table and golden chair popped out on the ground. She first sat down, and then made an invitation gesture to Beta.

Beta was not coquettish and sat down. Although gold is metal, Beta sits on it, but feels that the golden chair is soft, a bit like sitting on a sofa, not tough at all. He thought that this might have something to do with Woking's divine power.

When he sat down, a cup popped up on the table, which contained a white liquid that looked like purified water.

"Say, drink something when you're thirsty," Woking said calmly. "I want to know everything about this profession."

Among Beta's friends at the time, there were also businessmen, so he knew the profession quite well. The ability and particularity of the merchant were said again now. Because he had to elaborate a lot of things, he said for at least half an hour, the goddess listened very carefully and nodded from time to time.

"It's an interesting profession." Goddess Volkin's eyes lightened with a golden light. "I can use this profession to strengthen my influence."

Beta said a lot of words, and felt a little thirsty, so she took a cup and drank. As soon as the water was in the mouth, she felt a scent of fragrance and moisture, and she also had a slight sweetness, which had a good taste.

"What kind of drink is this? It tastes good." Beta asked, lowering her cup.

"Divine fluid, although there is nothing in use, but it can stabilize the spirit. If you like, drink more." Woking fingered at the desktop, and then continued: "After listening to your instructions, I am a professional The merchant is very interested and intends to use divine power to create such a profession, just like the paladin of the temple of light. "

"This is a good thing. The temple has its own special profession, both in terms of face and cohesion of faith." Beta sees the liquid in the cup slowly becoming full, and he looks up for another drink: "It's just that there is still a doubt, whether a professional businessman should have a certain fighting ability. As a special professional, the face of the temple, if it has only auxiliary ability and no fighting ability, it is easy to be bullied. Going down will actually affect the reputation of the temple. "

Woking looked for a moment: "Well, you're right, I'll think about how to add self-protection ability to a businessman professional."

Creating a new career out of thin air involves the ability on the level of laws, which is not yet something that Beta can touch. He stood up and said: "Then I won't disturb the goddess of your thinking, let's talk again when I have time."

Talking to the goddess is like being at home, probably only a mortal in the world can do it.

The goddess nodded, and waved her hand, Beta's eyes darkened, then she opened her eyes and found herself back in the real world.

Climbing up from the bed, Beta looked at the sky, and it was almost approaching dawn. He held his lazy waist and moved his heart to release Shirley, Emma, ​​and Jessica from the mansion space. .

Beta has a slight masculine tendency. In his opinion, all three are delicate girls. They should not rest in a small building that is almost ventilated like him, and throw them all into a very comfortable mansion. Stay in the surgery space.

As soon as the three of them came out, Hexika looked around for towels and was ready to start cleaning. Emma leaned back, raised her hands high, stretched her waist, and said lazily, "Oh, this was the last night I've slept most comfortably in a few days. It's still a little nest I designed myself. "

Although Emma stretched her clothes, her clothes were stretched tightly, which should have been very **** ... but because her chest was too flat, she changed her taste and became quite cute.

Shirley walked to Beta, sniffed left and right, and cried suspiciously, "Master, did you see the goddess again last night?"

Beta nodded, and this was not a matter of sight, and he admitted it directly.

Emma's face was bewildered, and she always gotta see if Beta met her goddess a lot.

"Did you drink what she gave you?"

Beta frowned, "Yeah, it seems to be something divine liquid, it tastes good."

Shirley opened her mouth in astonishment, as if exaggerating to see Beta turned into a woman in front of her eyes. After a while, she said stupidly, "Do you know what the raw material of the divine fluid is?"

"Is it something rare?" Beta saw Shirley's expression, and knew that she seemed to be drinking something quite remarkable.

It took a while for Shirley to close her mouth, and she swallowed hard: "Not that it is rare, but extremely meaningful ..."

"Then what is its raw material?"

Shirley shook her head vigorously: "Since the goddess didn't say it, I can't say it, otherwise the goddess will kill me."

The Goddess of Workin was a mother to some extent to Shirley, of course, in more direct terms, the subject was more precise. Woking can sense all of Shirley's mental thoughts, which is why something happened to Beta, the goddess Woking knew immediately.

Beta also guessed this, but he didn't think it mattered, nor did he feel under surveillance.

Now that Shirley refuses to say, Beta is not reluctant. After making a breakfast with the materials in the space, he goes out and directs Royd to start building a new building ... a new Vol'jin Temple.

After having breakfast, Emma saw Beta leaving, and quickly pulled Shirley aside and asked, "What is the material of the divine fluid?"

Shirley grinned, "I don't think you'd better know."

"But I'm curious." Emma's face was tickling: "I promise, I will never tell Beta, and we will form a front against each other next to Beta, other women, what do you think? . "

As soon as Shirley heard it, she became very interested: "Uh-huh, that's a good idea. When the two of us joined forces, ordinary women wouldn't dare to join Beta."

"Then you can tell me now what the material of the divine fluid is."

Shirley struggled for a while, finally got to Emma's ear, and said a word in a very low voice. After listening, Emma's eyes and mouth became rounded, as if she had received three views Major refresh in general.

At this time, Shirley suddenly held her head and rolled around on the ground, mourning at the same time: "Don't hit the goddess, I know I'm wrong, don't hit"

Shirley rolled a few laps on the ground, then stood up, looking blue, as though seriously injured.

Emma's mouth hadn't been closed yet. Shirley looked at her and couldn't help laughing.

Beta was outside and didn't know that two ... should be the interaction of three women's slaughter. He asked Royd to unload the stone and pile it on a flat space. When things got mad, he recruited Royder and asked, "I plan to give your people ten free people. Only the ten hardest working people can get it. The right to choose is up to you. In addition, This is the low map for the next building. You can dig the foundation first. "

Ten Free People! Loyd took a deep breath. Although the number was not large, at least some people would really become free people. Loyd has never heard that slaves can become civilians again. This is an opportunity, a great opportunity. He must move the entire ethnic group, work hard, and make the new owner satisfied. Ten freelance places, or hope for the future of their Yorkers.

"Master, please rest assured that we will build this sacred building for you as quickly as possible."

Loyd fell to his knees on the ground ~ ~ and kept kissing Beta's upper.

Beta shook her head and left. Although he has been a lord for several years, he is still very unaccustomed to certain etiquette in this world and too disrespectful of people.

But he has no ability to change either.

Next, he plans to build a Volkin Temple. Now he is also the Pope of the Volkin Temple, and the power of the Volkin Temple has also developed. If used well, it can prevent a lot of trouble for him. After all, Emma had come to warn herself, but you can imagine how many aristocrats were watching him secretly.

However, while building the Temple of the Goddess, it is necessary to pull some people back. Based on the population of the York people, if you want to develop into a big city, I don't know how many generations of talents will go through.

It seems that I have to buy some slaves to come back again ... Beta calculates in the mind that slaves are cheap, and a gold coin can buy dozens of mouths, and that it is a good thing to save the slaves. In addition, the slaves work hard and complain. In the early days, it definitely has a lot of uses.

It seems that we have to go to Caronte next. (To be continued.)

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