Noble Emblem

Chapter 363: Mild Woking

Greenton naturally knows what this means. He has a deep feeling for the Elven and a high belief in the goddess of the forest, but this does not mean that he is a kind of silly fanatic. Outlook, world outlook.

He accepted Beta's suggestion and raised his glass with a smile.

The banquet came to an end very late. This banquet was destined to be a symbol of Tonggu City. Whether it is the local star flower Alice in Bronze Drum City, the little princess Emma, ​​or the former Bishop Shirley of Vorkin, they are all first-rate beauties.

These three people formed three central points at the banquet. Loli, maiden, and gentle mistress are three completely different types, which made the nobles who came to the banquet talk for a while.

After attending the banquet, the three sisters returned to their room and immediately faded away from the gentle and elegant disguise. The three were paralyzed on the edge of the bed almost at the same time.

Different from men, they only need to dress beautifully and neatly. Girls' clothes are very doorway. Various corsets, waists, high-heeled shoes and other high-heeled things are worn on the body. These things are just as uncomfortable as wearing them Yes, a few things together can be life-threatening, Beta cannot understand how these girls can bear it.

But this matter had nothing to do with him, at this time he was opening the system interface and examining his Round Table Knight system.

At present, four of the Round Table Knights have been divided into four, namely Kyle, Tina, Jessica, Alice, and one remaining.

In the first line of Kyle, there are the second-level knight Barbara, the lady of the city, Joshua. Originally the city owner Uther was also a member of the Knights of the Round Table, but he later withdrew, the place was taken back by Beta, and the city owner's wife was hung under Kyle's name.

There is only one second-class Alice here, Vincent.

There are three second-level knights on Jessica's side.

There is no second-class knight on the paladin girl Tina.

Such a lineup cannot reproduce the style of the 'Knights of the Round Table' in the game.

The knight system is the foundation of the profession of the divine nobles, but unlike the game, this time Beta's bloodline ability is too strong, and there are many good people around him, whether it is Kyle, Shirley, Emma, Still Alice, much stronger than Theodore, Greenton and others.

As a result, Beta doesn't need to rely too much on the number advantage of the Knights of the Round Table. He only needs to gather a few people to get through most of the difficulties.

But this does not mean that the Knights of the Round Table is useless, but it is more and more proof of the power of the Knights. Because Kyle and Alice are members of the Knights of the Round Table.

A round table knight can enclose five rank knights, and each rank knight can recruit five knight apprentices ... In this way, each round table knight can bring 30 subordinates, plus himself, and is considered 31. .

But Beta can enclose five round table knights. In this way, when the number of round table knights is full, it is 155.

It sounds like there aren't many people, but from a different perspective, think of how terrible a charge of knights made up of professionals can be when riding a heavy horse. In the past, Beta played with the knights. Whether it was a cavalry on the plain or a ground battle in the mountains, he and the knights could easily cut through the army of thousands of people. The morale of the NPC's army plummeted.

Now, the number of Knights in the Round Table is less than twenty ... it has great potential to be tapped.

Beta looks at the loyalty of the people in the Knights of the Round Table. The loyalty of people like the second-class knights is generally not high. The loyalty of other second-class knights to him is not more than 75. This is normal. After all, Beta and their The relationship is not familiar, and the time spent together is usually not long.

But there is an exception. The lady of the city owner ... Beta remembers that the original lady's loyalty has already exceeded ninety. Now, she can see that her loyalty has risen to 99.

One hundred is full. The difference between the value of ninety-nine and one hundred is that at full value, you order the knight to die, and he will execute it without hesitation. Ninety-nine, however, considers a few more seconds to die. .

Why is the loyalty of the city's wife rising so fast, even faster than Kyle's student, Kyle is just ninety-two.

Is it really ‘love for a long time’.

Beta was startled by her own brain hole, and then felt that this was a good way. There was a nightmare space for the lady of the city lord. As long as the female knight was pulled in, then hahaha could increase loyalty, how convenient ... ...

But Beta thought about it just casually, and then she passed by and didn't care. This method is too filthy. First of all, Beta's psychological bottom line will not be passed, and even if he loses his integrity, he will dare to do so. In the future, when he meets Xiaobai and Persian cats, they will definitely fight him to take care of himself.

The next highest loyalty was Kyle, followed by Alice, who also reached 91.

It's not surprising that the two men followed Benta's loyalty.

Tied for fourth place are Jessica and Tina, both of whom have ninety loyalty.

There is one round table knight remaining ... Beta thinks for a while, and turns her attention to Shirley who is resting. Whether from an emotional point of view or from a reality point of view, Shirley is an excellent candidate for a round table knight, but she is a divine clone of the goddess. If she rashly enlists her as a knight, it may be an insult to the goddess.

However, Beta suddenly thought that the goddess seems to have spoken well recently. If you communicate, you may have unexpected gains.

With this in mind, Beta called out Woking's name, and fell asleep early.

When he woke up, he found himself standing in the golden kingdom of Woking.

The Kingdom of Gold is still the atmosphere that is extremely quiet, and Okin, who is shining with the golden light, comes down from the seat of the God. As she walks, her golden skirt slightly rises like flowing water. The ground moves and looks pretty.

At this time, Beta found that the goddess Vol'jin changed her clothes. She used to wear gold armor, but now she wears a long dress made of gold.

Her dress was entirely made of golden divine silk thread, without other task equipment. It was simple to look at, but it gave a sense of elegance and luxury.

It is possible to wear pure gold so noble and far away, and there is probably only one goddess of the world.

"Is there something wrong with me?" Although Woking's face was bland, his voice sounded unusually mild.

"Suddenly wanted to chat with you," Beta smiled.

Woking's eyes fluctuated a little, and she pointed to the golden ground, and the golden tables and chairs popped up after a while.

The two sat down, Beta looked at Woking up close, and found that the more she looked at her, the more intimate she became, because he had been with Shirley for too long, and Woking was almost exactly the same as Shirley. Yes, so I feel familiar with her.

It's not intentional. Betta flashed this idea, but thought it was impossible ... Although Okin's divine power had deteriorated a lot, she had to help her rebuild her faith. But with the arrogance of the gods, it is impossible to win the favor of a mortal in this way of boiling frogs in warm water.

Beta doesn't think she deserves a lot of attention from a goddess.

"Actually, I feel very boring today." Beta knows that because she has been watching the goddess for a long time, the other person ’s eyes are a little confused, and she laughs: "I have a friend who was looked down upon from an early age. People who didn't think much of him before summoned him and asked him to help, but he ran away, and although I understand why he did it, I always feel uncomfortable. "

In heart, Beta is still worthless for Greenton. After all, the two of them have been together for several years, and they can be regarded as good friends in adversity.

Woking said calmly, "It doesn't matter, your friend is happy. I don't think you need too many other friends. You have me ... this friend is enough."

Beta rolled her eyes. In this tone, how she felt a bit similar to Shirley, but she was more domineering than Shirley.

Woking gently tapped the table with her jade fingers, and another glass of divine fluid came out. She pointed to the cup and said in a slightly tough tone, "Drink, good for you."

Beta lifted the golden cup and drank the liquid of divinity, and Woking nodded slightly with satisfaction.

Next, Beta talked eastward, and Woking kept listening, and occasionally answered a few words. The two had been chatting for a long time, and Woking was not impatient at all, but he looked more and more soft when he looked at the cold corners of his eyes. .

When Beta was a little thirsty ~ ~ When he paused, Woking took the opportunity to say, "It's almost time, and you should go back. Let's say, what are you doing here this time? As long as it's not too much, I promise you. "

"Oh, did you see it?" Beta shrugged, but didn't have much embarrassed expression.

The corner of Woking's mouth was slightly curved. Although the smile was not obvious, it made people feel as warm as a spring breeze. She said, "No matter what, I'm also a goddess, let's talk, time is running out."

"I have a special power that can enclose others into knights, thereby increasing their strength."

Woking nodded: "I know this very well, indeed, in the fragments of memory from Shirley."

Beta drew a little breath and said, "Shirley is very good, and I need her help recently, so I intend to book her as my knight. I don't know if you agree."

The corners of Woking's mouth are even more beautiful: "Shirley is already your plaything, she is a matter of life or death, you decide, let alone this little thing."

(To be continued.)

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