Noble Emblem

Chapter 365: Extremely terrifying

Generally speaking, bandits and bandits are rarely seen around the city. After all, there are guards in the city, and as long as the lords who are not particularly idiots understand that the presence of bandits around the city will have an impact on the business system of their city.

Without business roads, there is no tax.

So in general, the guards of major cities will perform carpet-like twisting around the cities to ensure the transportation of commercial roads.

But this method is less reliable in the desert. Deserts are not just volatile, the terrain looks different every day. As soon as a larger current comes, the shape and orientation of those dunes will change. Sand robbers in this kind of environment, as long as they ran away immediately after the robbery, even if the guards came after them, they escaped, but the guards did not dare to chase after them.

It can be said that pirates are a phenomenon unique to Sunderland.

But even these burglars are very decent. They know that if the robbery is too severe, there will be no caravans willing to come, so as long as the caravans surrender, they will not kill anyone, and they will only **** them away. About half of the goods.

Although for the caravan, half of the goods stolen make a lot of money, but there are always some gains, and in case they are not stolen, it makes a lot of money.

Therefore, even if the Sunderland national sand robbed, but there are still a lot of caravans coming and going here.

Although businessmen are not too afraid of sand robbers, the lord hates them. From the lord's perspective, these robbers snatched taxes that should have belonged to them.

Interest is the greatest catalyst for hatred in this world. The lords and sand robbers belong to the relationship between you and me, and the large double earth and fire double magicians belong to the lords of Sunderland.

Now Beta sees an earth and fire dual-line magician, besieging a group of sand robbers.

Four sand walls erected high, trapping more than a dozen sand robbers in the shape of a mouth, and soil magicians smashed small fireballs one by one. Every time they smashed in, there was a miserable sound. call. The sand robbers wanted to jump out of it, but the sand wall was too high, and they had to accept magic attacks, scream, and swear in it.

Every time the magician tossed a small fireball, he laughed strangely. Although the sound was arrogant, it sounded very comfortable.

That's right, this is a female magician. She has wheat-colored skin peculiar to the sand people and is extremely shiny in the sun.

Unlike other plains or woodland countries, magicians in other countries have almost covered their entire bodies with a robe, but in this hot sandy sea desert, the female magician here is dressed like a dancer, just a bunch of wipes- Chest, a short skirt, plus a luxurious magic cloak to prove his identity.

Beta sees this female magician, and then this female magician also sees Beta, she first inspects Beta for a while, then relaxes, and waves enthusiastically to Beta.

Generally speaking, it is almost impossible for a magician to appear in Sand Pirates. After all, the magician's status is very dignified. Most lords are willing to support them and do not need to run for money.

What's more, Beta has fair skin and bright blond hair, especially hair. It shines like gold in the sun. It's completely different from the dark brown hair here, which is obviously a foreigner.

There is no need for a foreign caster to make a fuss, and he looks so good.

The magician underneath took the initiative and waved with Beta.

Beta slightly nodded to the magician, then moved on slowly.

Watching Beta leave, the female magician felt quite regretful, and then launched an inhumane attack on the robbers trapped in the sand wall, and a scent of meat flew out quickly.

Shirley, Emma, ​​Jessica, Alice, four women in the mansion space, naturally saw this scene.

Shirley smiled: "The desert woman is average, but she has a good temper."

Emma frowned, "It's so undressed to look like that, and she winks at Beta, she's not a good woman at first sight."

Shirley smiled, "Your priest's robe in the Temple of Storms is just as sexy."

"But we have at least something on our upper body." Emma snorted.

Alice watched the two chuckle and smiled at the corners of her mouth ... After coming to the desert kingdom of Sunderland, she looked at the endless, empty yellow sand world, and she felt much more relaxed. She stayed in Tonggu City every day and thought Kyle couldn't be happier.

Beta continues to move forward. The moxibustion desert is a disaster for ordinary people, but for Beta, which has a physical value of more than ten, that is the case, not even the fire-resistant shield is needed. Put on.

Featherfall can not only reduce the strength required for walking, but also slightly increase the speed of walking.

Not long after, Beta stood on the sand dunes and saw a city on the horizon ahead. As far as he could see, he could clearly see the camel caravans coming and going under the earthy yellow city gate.

The desert is ruthless and can devour almost all life, but it is a very vibrant place. This Perth city is the only place in the desert that can survive, and it is also the most suitable place to live in the desert.

Beta came outside the city gate, ten meters to his side, in a vacuum zone.

No one wants to provoke the caster, whether the caster is a native or not.

Beta entered the city of Perth without paying a toll, because no one dared to collect it. The city is hotter than the city outside, and hawkers crowd the streets. They put a large sackcloth on the ground with various commodities on it, but most of them are local specialties, such as sand sculptures or desert cactus fruits.

In the game, the desert cactus fruit is very popular among players because it is one of the main ingredients of the strange dish of 'fruit fish' ... The fruit fish has a special effect. Provide energy replies to consumers throughout the day.

Although the effect is not obvious, the effect lasts for 24 hours, and the effect cannot be underestimated. He has almost become one of the must-have dishes for players.

But cactus fruit is not easy to preserve, it will smell two days after picking, and it will begin to rot about four days, so preservation is a great problem. The desert lacks fresh fish. Although many npcs know that the dish of fruit fish is excellent, they have not made it in large quantities.

However, in the game, there are super merchants who bring their own 'cargo space'. They bring a large number of cactus fruits to other countries and sell them at high prices. They just fry the cactus fruits in Perth City into sky-high prices.

And the first group of people who did this kind of thing were naturally members of f6, and Beta also shipped the goods with their cousins ​​and made a small fortune.

And the magic coordinates of Perth City were set at that time.

For more than three hundred years, the layout of Perth City has not changed at all, and it still has three horizontal and three vertical specifications. The only change is the order of the buildings.

For example, Beta remembers that there should be a well-known 'technician' shop near here, all of which are beautiful wheat-colored beauties. F6 members have tried it except cousin, and they all praised after coming out. My cousin came relatively late. After hearing that, I was trying to step in. As a result, a beam of light from the sky was shot and the mechanic shop was directly lit.

Then his cousin discovered that as long as he dared to jump into such a place, there would be a beam of light in the sky. Although he could not burn people, he could ignite the shops. In this way, he had no interest.

At that time, Beta still remembered that his cousin once complained to a few of them very depressed: Although it is true that as a samurai, it should be lined with ring bars, but so many npc samurai, Goddess Xiao late, no matter how they stared at me Look!

Is the player npc a special unit?

At the time, Beta was very speechless. He always felt that his cousin had been a spoiled person from heaven since childhood. When he was born, he was a handsome face, then his mind was good, and his friends were many. After playing a game, he was able to find a samurai that ordinary people couldn't find.

The line is online for less than three hours a day, but the upgrade speed is swift and fast ... I wandered around every day, first picked up a loli dragon to come back, and then separated by three, the goddess of light would upgrade his level.

Does n’t it mean that the promotion of the clergy depends on piety? I do n’t think my cousin has much faith in the goddess of light, at best she is a good woman. And the reaction of the goddess of light is almost like fancy cousin ... eh? and many more!

The Beta who was hanging out suddenly stopped, and he suddenly thought of a problem. Since there is no difference between the people in the game and the reality, it seems that the goddess is not too difficult to accept the cousin.

In this way, you can understand why your cousin has such good luck in the game ... In the later period, the goddess of light gave the cousin the shield of light, the sword of light, and the armor of light. This is the pope No treatment.

The cousin obviously didn't make much contribution to the Temple of Light, so he ran all the way to the west, cutting people to play.

Now think about ~ ~ If this is a woman who cares for his man, then everything is justified.

Thinking of this, Beta finally understood why the behavior of the late cousin would be a little strange, and even said the goddess' **** is fragrant ... Mostly it was fooling around, absolutely.

Beta could not help taking a sigh of cold air. A cousin, such a heartless character, was ambiguous with the goddess of light in the game ... If the goddess of light in this world also has a projection memory?

Maybe not. If the goddess of light has it, then the goddess of vorking should also have it. After all, in the game, the gods and players interact indirectly a lot.

If that's the case, Goddess Vol'jin should know the identity of her son of gold directly.

It should be thinking too much ... Beta narrowed her eyes, mingled with a lot of cactus fruits on both sides of the street. There are no players in the world frying fruits, so the price is now very low.

Otherwise ... buy some and prepare some fruit fish in the future. Anyway, you also have cooking skills now. It should be very simple to make a fruit fish. (To be continued.)

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