Noble Emblem

Chapter 360: Good teacher

After Benedict gave the invitation to Beta, he casually said a few polite words and then left. He seemed afraid of spending too much time with Beta.

Beta was simply washed, and there was little and precious water in the desert, so the hotel did not provide much water. After doing these little things, Beta ate the dried meat provided by the hotel and walked out of the hotel.

The aristocrats are very face-to-face. Under normal circumstances, they will not make such things as eating and walking. But Beta is different. Even though he is now a lord, and even if his status is already regarded as the upper class of the aristocracy, in his bones, he is still a player.

A creature like a player, no matter how elegant and courteous on the surface, but in the bones, it is still the style and habits that you want.

Beta stepped out of the hotel, swallowed the last bite of jerky into her stomach, and looked around, and found that the atmosphere of the city was a little weird.

At this time, the sun is already hanging in the sky, and the coolness of the desert night has not completely dissipated. If it is normal, many vendors should already occupy the sides of the road at this time and start yelling about their business.

But at this time there were only a few vendors selling small objects on both sides of the street, and their expressions were obviously melancholy.

Obviously something happened in the city that affected people throughout the city.

Beta thought for a while, returned to the hotel, and asked one of the attendants.

It turns out that things are very simple. According to the experience of hundreds of years in the past, there will be a heavy rain, light rain, which is usually called the desert rainy season, which lasts for about ten days.

Today is the last day of the desert rainy season. If there is no heavy rain, it may take four months before new rainfall will come.

After listening to Beta, it was strange: "I remember there is an oasis on the north side of the city, where there is ample water resources, and it will last for four months. There should be no problem."

"The water in the oasis is less than one-third," the attendant said anxiously. "And it is the water of the lord. When there is too much water, he can let us use it, but now the water is not enough, and the lord has already Send people to surround the oasis. Except for the nobility, ordinary people are forbidden to fetch water. "

Beta left her worried attendant, he re-exited the hotel, and wandered the street.

The unique talent of the divine nobles, ‘Inner Affairs’ once again worked. Beta observes the layout of the city, listens to the conversations of the citizens, and silently looks at the quantity and whereabouts of the goods on the streets or in the stores. All the information is collected by the system, then sorted, screened in the internal affairs system, and finally get conclusion.

Beta seems to be aimlessly strolling down the street, but as time goes by, more and more information comes out of the interface of the internal affairs system. By the evening, the internal affairs system has sorted out some things.

City: Perth City

Affiliation: Sunland

Lord: Cole Middleton

Population: 200,000 (estimated)

Specialty: Cactus Fruit, Placer Gold

Cleanliness: 42

Happiness: 59

Guard strength: 4500 (estimated)

Looking at the basic properties of the city, Beta narrowed her eyes. The incumbent city owner's management ability is not enough, the happiness degree is only 59, and even the passing line has not been reached. It is difficult for this city to have no riots.

However, it is normal to think about it. If the city owner who knows management, such as Beta, encounters such a severe drought period, he will indeed carry out water source control, but that is an equal distribution control, and everyone can go to the water source every day to get a certain amount. The amount of water guarantees the most basic living conditions. After all, if people do not consume water for a day, it is easy to go wrong.

Then he would send people to look for water outside, or even use his own money to organize a team to transport water from other places.

Instead of allowing the aristocratic class to fetch water, like the Perth City Lord, they have never heard of civilian life.

For this reason, Beta suddenly felt a bit disgusted with the lord of Perth City. Even so, he had to go to a later banquet. Until now, he has not found any clues in the city, and there is no movement on the mouse side, that is to say, he is likely to need to stay here for quite a while. For a long time.

In this case, contact with the local nobility is essential. The banquet was an opportunity for him to enter the local noble circle, or to find some useful news from these local nobles.

He returned to the hotel and made an enchanted ruby ​​out of magical materials.

When it was darker at night, he walked to the city's main palace.

Unlike the earth-gray rock castles of other countries, the main capital of Perth City is a white-domed sand building.

Sand can be made into sand sculptures, and then solidified with soil-based magic. This way, you can get a strong castle. There are two earth and fire dual magicians in Perth. To do such a thing is very simple.

The city's main house was brightly lit, and Beta showed her invitation to the waiter at the door and went in.

In fact, he does not have to show an invitation, and he has the right to enter. After all, he is wearing a magician's robe, which is itself the last pass.

Upon entering, it was the welcome hall of the city's main government building, where many people stood and divided into small groups. They talked quietly, and although they were crowded, they didn't seem noisy.

Walking quickly and elegantly between them are the waiters of the city's main government. Most of them are wheat-skinned women. The average appearance is good. Occasionally, when noble hands fall on some parts of their bodies, they will be charming Smile, spring marks are all over.

This is the norm that occurs in most noble banquets, but the difference is obvious.

Sunland's magnanimity is even more fierce in this respect.

Most of the guests in the field are nobles, of course, they are mainly small nobles, and there are also some luxury merchants. Most of them are natives of the Sunlander who have a black complexion, and a few foreigners with a white complexion.

Beta's dazzling bright blond hair caught the attention of many people as soon as she entered the field.

Noble temperament talents, plus the identity of a magician, Beta is like a night pearl rolling into the firefly pile, it seems impossible to remove his eyes.

The nobles began to whisper and asked each other who the man was.

The few well-informed nobles already knew the approximate identity of Beta. After all, the news that even rats can know, these aristocrats can find out what they think.

Moreover, Sunland is bordered by Hollewon, and Perth City is also a main traffic route to Hollewon. It is normal for nobles here to inquire about neighboring countries. Most importantly, Beta is not well-known among ordinary people, but in the upper levels of Hollevan, it is well-known.

Beta entered the meeting room and stood for less than ten seconds. Benedict gave up his conversational subject and came to the front of Beta.

"Thank you very much for coming," said Benedict. "Please wait a moment, the Lord will come out soon."

Beta nodded.

"Your Excellency, please follow me. The lord has prepared a place for you, and in your capacity, you should not stay in such a noisy place."

After speaking, Benedict led the way, and Beta followed.

The guests in the welcome hall almost watched the two pass through the hall, and then went up to the second floor. When the figures of them disappeared at the entrance of the stairs, the guests boiled slightly.

They are very clear that the status of the caster of Benedict in Perth City, except for the lord, is his highest status. Although everyone knows that Aisha is stronger than him, Aisha is Women, and women's status is not high in Sunland, so Aisha's deterrence, even real power, is a little less than Benedict.

Seeing Benedict in front of this young man showed a humble appearance, which made more people wonder about Beta's true identity.

Going up the stairs, Beta was taken in front of a box room, and Benedict knocked gently. It seemed to be a secret sign. After a while, the door opened. What appeared was Aisha's very exotic flavor. Playful face.

"Two lords, please come in." Aisha stepped aside and twisted her waist slightly, very charming.

The two entered the room, and Benedict invited Beta to the main seat.

Beta wanted to refuse, but seeing the relaxed look of the two men seemed to be a bit cramped, and then sat down on the subject as they said.

Sunland's class is very severe, and it is a little bit more serious than Hollevin. Beta is a master of the strong. Among the three, he is the most exaggerated. He does not sit on the main seat, and the other two are even more afraid to sit. .

After Beta was seated, Aisha breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled, "You are so amazing, Lord Beta, not only is young and gentlemanly a master, but also a senior bishop of the Vol'jin Temple. I wonder if you can Teach us how to improve our strength faster? "

Upon hearing this, Beta knew that the two of them already knew their identities.

This is normal. Even the 'rats' here can hear about Beta. ~ As a magician, if they really want to check, it is not difficult.

However, Benedict is a little nervous, and quickly improving his strength is a secret that every caster is eager to know. Those who know it will not say it casually, and ordinary people will not ask it casually.

And Aisha is a beauty, and beauty is always privileged.

Benedict is very clear that if he asks himself this way, the consequences are generally not very good, but if the beauty asks, even if the other party is unwilling to answer, he will not get angry.

There is still some time before the official start of the banquet. Beta thinks for a while and says, "My method is not suitable for you, but I know a method that can be used by almost everyone. If you want to listen, I can give you Talk about it. "


The eyes of the two casters opened up together, and Aisha asked this casually. It was an opening remark to break the silence. She hadn't expected that the other would agree, but now she had unexpected surprises.

"I don't know if you've heard the magic creation training method?" (To be continued.)

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