Noble Emblem

Chapter 375: Bold

Many times, good intentions are rewarded after all.

Beta thought she had lost the Perth City news line, but now he realized that Aisha was also a member of the upper nobility. It was not surprising that she knew some special news.

Sending away Aisha with a murmur, Beta opened the interface of internal affairs, and there was no information about the Tronzen family. This is also a normal thing. After all, Beta has just arrived in Perth for a few days. Even if the talent of internal affairs is even more powerful, it is impossible to collect too much news in a short time.

After a hasty lunch, Beta went out again, and this time he went to the rich area.

At the same time, in the spiritual passage, he ordered Jeanne to continue to monitor the slum.

Although Perth City is one of the most prosperous cities in the world, the polarization is extremely serious. The rich are extremely rich, while the poor are extremely poor. The number of middle class is very poor.

This is also a customary characteristic of the desert kingdom.

The affluent area is very different from other places. In addition to the roads paved with special white sand, there are various exaggerated large villas and mansions, and many dry iron trees unique to the desert are planted.

This tree is very drought-resistant and its crown is quite large. The only disadvantage is that it only bears fruit once in decades, and it grows slowly. In the rich area, there are at least a thousand dry iron trees. It is conceivable that the dry iron trees near Perth City must have been dug almost.

Few people move around in the rich area, because ordinary civilians cannot enter this area, so it seems very quiet here, only the occasional wind blowing in the desert from far and near.

The Trump family is just northwest of the affluent area, and it's clear to just ask someone on the road.

This is a villa with an area of ​​about 2,000 square meters. It is not particularly large among the aristocratic groups, but for ordinary people, such a building with a floor area is beyond their lifetime ... or even It is impossible to accumulate gadgets in ten lifetimes.

Beta stood outside the Trump family wall, noted the magic coordinates of the place, and turned to leave.

He is returning to the city and continues to collect news. A caster walking around the city was a strange thing. Many nobles knew that Beta was good at leaving the banquet last night, leaving a bad impression on everyone.

Many aristocrats usually enjoy drinking and chatting outside the place of order, and they also like to sit on the balcony and look down at the civilians below, walking around like ants, struggling for life and struggling.

They stand high, which gives them a sense of pleasure as if they were gods.

Beta walked down the street and fell into the eyes of many nobles of heart.

There were ridiculous eyes, one by one falling on Beta.

As a master-class powerhouse, Beta naturally felt the sight of these people. He walked, stopped suddenly, and looked at the second floor on his right.

It was a very luxurious pub. On the balcony on the second floor, there were several aristocrats, both male and female. One of the young aristocrats was the most elegant. He looked at Beta as if he saw a clown.

After reading the man's eyes, Beta smiled, and he jumped up slightly, and jumped directly to the balcony on the second floor.

The women screamed in shock, jumped up and left, and the men all stood up and looked at Beta with some dissatisfaction.

Beta ignored the others, but walked directly to the young man who looked at him most and looked down on Beta.

"Sir, your behavior is rude." The young man's tone was indifferent, but his expression was a little arrogant: "It's hard to be like, a person like you would be a magician or even a lord . "

But Beta gently pressed on the opponent's shoulder, and the other person's face changed greatly, as if he had eaten shit, and sat back to his position.

Others reacted at this time, blabbling accusations of beta.

Beta, however, sank, her noble temperament, and her master's spirits spewed out. Within a hundred meters, she became silent, and then the pedestrians on the street ran away and ran into chaos.

The young aristocrats on the balcony were shocked to sit on the ground and shivered.

Beta has always felt that the nobles of this world are very strange. They know that strength is the root of everything, but often some idiots can't help provoking more powerful people than themselves.

For example, these young people who do not know the heights and heights of the sky.

Although Beta is proud, he also knows how to judge the situation and works hard to make himself stronger.

But what about these people, thinking that with some status, they can despise professionals who are better than themselves? Or do they think this is their own country, and a foreigner like Beta is afraid to make trouble here?

The imposing coercion comes fast, and naturally goes fast. To deal with these young people who have no strength, the mastery coercion is really too much. Beta is afraid that if time goes outside, they will leave a little psychological. Sequelae.

The young man sat in his position, struggling to stand up, but Beta's hands pressed him like a mountain, making him unable to move at all.

With a black face, with a bit of fear and a little anger, he asked in a fierce voice, "What do you want to do?"

Beta asked with a smile, "What's your name?"


Listening to the sound that was almost forced out of the teeth, Beta smiled with satisfaction, and then continued to ask, "What is it?"

"My father is a sheriff of Perth City ..." The young man named Ron knew very well that this identity would certainly not be able to calm down the aristocratic caster in front, and then continued: "My grandfather was Earl Cossell There are several large territories that are also our real figures in Sunland. If you don't want to cause diplomatic disputes, you better apologize to me. "

"Oh, apologize?" Beta patted the other's head gently, as if the elders were encouraging their younger generations: "Why should I apologize to someone who looks down on me and even wants to mock me?"

"Because I'm a nobleman," Len En smiled. "And here is Sunland, but you are an outsider. You can't justify the crime of beating a nobleman in our territory."

"So, you have to apologize to me and pay a certain price, otherwise I will let my grandfather conduct political negotiations with the country of Hollevan. I don't think you can afford the crime of sabotaging relations between the two countries."

It turns out that this is the case, the other party is thinking about this idea, relying on this little political hands and feet, dare to offend and despise a professional.

Under normal circumstances, even if you are a master-level professional, you do n’t dare to mess around in other countries. After all, the relationship between countries is very sensitive.

But the strange creature like the player is an exception. Players don't care about the state-to-state diplomatic relations in the game, and Beta is the top of the pyramid in the player.

He is indeed a nobleman of Hollebun, but in essence, his identification with Hollebun is not high, and whether the relations between the two countries are hostile, he has no interest at all.

Now, he just wants to complete the epic task in his task list.

He was worried that he didn't know how to detect the truth of the Trump family. Now a guy hits his muzzle. If he didn't take advantage of this opportunity, it would really be ashamed of the name of 'player'.


Beta looked at him with a smile, and there was a young aristocrat secretly hiding a stick behind him. When he saw Beta facing away from him, his heart was malicious, and he rushed forward less than two steps, but saw Beta Looking back at him, the young aristocrat who was about to sneak up on his knees fell to the ground and shivered.

"Then do you know who I am?"

"Who are you important?" After seeing the scene just now, Ron had a bad hunch in his heart, but his aristocratic dignity did not allow him to put down his head and apologize to someone he had only laughed at: This is Perth City in Sunland, not your country of Holebun. "

From the perspective of Senrand, Len is a good young man who does not bow down when he encounters the "evil forces" and strives to preserve his national character.

But the problem is that many times, the relationship between nations really depends on strength, but Beta's strength is very good and courageous.

"It's really not the state of Holebun, but the more so, the easier I am. For example, do you know who I am?"

"A caster? Noble?"

Ron felt more and more uneasy.

"I have always disliked talking like this, after all, I suspected that I was being laughed at." Beta shrugged helplessly: "But when I meet an idiot like you, I can only tell you my identity."

Ron narrowed his eyes and said with a stiff mouth, "Then you say, I listen, but you better not make me laugh."

"First of all I am a caster, master."

Ron's eyes stared ~ ~ There was already a little panic in his pupils.

"Besides, I'm still a lord."

Ron's expression was a bit ugly.

"In the end, I'm still the Archbishop of Vol'jin Temple."

After three incidents, people have been hit harder. After all, there will be some resistance. At this time, Ron calmed down: "How do I know if you are telling lies."

"The city owner knows my identity, and I think a small number of people in this city also know my identity. At the banquet last night, I did not give the city owner a good look. Did you see what he did to me? Anyway You are so young and very daring. "

Ron was silent for a while. He looked at the scared and scared companions around him, and smiled bitterly: "Okay, I am too idiot and too bold, I admit this lesson. Sir, what can you do to let go I?"

"I need intelligence, especially from the Trump family? If you and them are allies, I will be even happier." (To be continued.)

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