Noble Emblem

Chapter 377: Have goals

Beta has seen many magic towers, especially players' magic towers, all kinds of strange shapes, all kinds of strange interiors, all kinds of funny styles.

And Aisha's magic tower style is very normal, so normal that Beta is touched a bit. After seeing all kinds of freak magic towers, and then seeing a traditional classical magic tower, the inexplicable feeling of sigh is not that the player simply cannot understand it.

什么 样 What kind of inner cry arrangement is the traditional magic tower? The most basic ground magic formation, then various traps, layered bookshelves, and various magic materials and alchemy materials.

Not the s.m house style of the player, candy house, indoor landscape like small bridges and flowing water.

Most players have made the magic tower a place for leisure and entertainment. The magic research is just an incidental function.

Although Aisha was leading the way, she would look back at Beta from time to time, and naturally found the strange sigh on his face.

I was a little puzzled and nervous, and Aisha asked, "What do you think of my magic tower?"

Beta nodded: "I haven't seen a magic tower with such a classic design for a long time."

Beta's sigh made Aisha scratch her head. But she didn't think too much, at most she thought that her magic tower was too outdated, and the other side looked down on her.

After all, on many occasions, the word classic represents the old-fashioned meaning.

The two went up to the top of the magic tower. The whole floor is a house. The large round bed is placed in the center. Around it, there are many furniture and a large dressing table.

Obviously, this is Aisha's bedroom. After all, Beta also smells a touch of daughter's fragrance. Although it is not as fresh and pleasant as Shirley's body, it also makes people feel very comfortable.

"Sit down!"

There was a round table in the mortuary room. The two sat down, then a soil element smelt in, and they brought a glass of fruit wine and some dried fruit.

After the two took a bite of fruit wine by etiquette, Aisha smiled, "His visit this time should be for the Trump family."

This is actually what Aisha expected ... She deliberately told Beta ’s Trump family that there was a difference, and did not finish all the information in order to attract Beta to her magic tower.

Now it seems that this plan is quite successful.

孤 When lone men and widows are in the same room, as long as the men are not in the basics and the women are not too ugly, they will generally have some lovely atmosphere.

Also, I wanted to come to Aisha. She was beautiful and sexy. As long as she found a way to be alone with His Excellency Beta, it always made him think.

As long as he has a little of those thoughts, he will follow halfway and halfway ...

For this reason, she put on the best and sexiest clothes.

At first glance, Aisha seemed very casual. When she saw Beta and looked handsome, she wanted to send herself out.

But in essence, Aisha is still a virgin. The folk customs of the desert kingdom are very enthusiastic, and women are not of high status. The women here usually have that experience around the age of twelve, and Aisha is beautiful. Until now, she is nearly twenty years old, and has rejected countless bumblebees. In the country of Sunland, Definitely extremely rare.

I can say that she is very popular with young people in Perth.

But because she is a spellcaster, she is more powerful, and she is more arrogant in the face of ordinary people. Many young people have lost the courage to pursue her after encountering a wall before her.

事实上 But in fact, Aisha is still a typical desert national female character, she instinctively pursues a powerful spouse.

For example, Beta.

I just didn't think that Beta had any interest in her.

"I want to ask, how much do you know about the Trump family?" Beta thought about it and said, "What kind of price do I have to pay."

以 Aisha sighed slightly, because she found that Beta's eyes were pure, and her looming dress style had a terrible charm to men, and she knew very well.

But he couldn't let Beta move, which made Aisha extremely disappointed.

"My Excellency," Aisha said lightly, "can you tell me the important magic skills and knowledge, this is already a great grace to me. I will tell you all about the Lamp family. "

Beta is somewhat surprised by Aisha's boldness ... With his understanding of the country of Sunland, men and women, as long as it involves intelligence, interests, and other things, will exchange or conduct various transactions.

以 Aisha smiled and blinked at the same time: "I said, sir, the magic knowledge you have taught me is enough for me to do tasks."

This is a very explicit expression, but Beta still does not respond.

Aisha sighed secretly. She looked at Beta's dazzling blond hair and the face that was so handsome that she could hardly hold her legs. It was a pity ... If her offspring had such bloodlines, it would be How lucky is it.

"In addition to the very powerful Patriarch Alcado, the Trump family also has a woman Ivanka."

Aisha looked at Beta and went on to say, "You must know, Your Excellency, Ivanka, a woman, likes women. According to the customs of our country, such a woman should be killed alive. But until now, no one has Dare to touch her, but her reputation is growing. "

Beta thought for a while and said, "Should the Trump family be very powerful, is the Alkado patriarch strong?"

"This is just one of the reasons." Aisha slowly said, "In fact, Ivanka is very powerful, and it is not clear to most people. Many people used to want to stone Ivanka, but these people died later. Many people thought it was the ghost of the Trump family, but I know that these things are actually done by Ivanka. "

Beta frowned: "Ivanka did, did you mean she used external force or her own strength?"

"She herself." Aisha said without hesitation: "Ivanka loves beauties. I used to be on her hunting list, but I used to be in the magic tower, so she had no choice for me. Over time, give up."

Aisha is disguising herself as a beauty, but Beta also has to admit that Aisha does look pretty.

"I once inadvertently felt a strange and strange magic, not Benedic's. I thought there was an enemy from the outside, rushed to the scene of the incident, and found that Ivanka was killing and killing ... she used a This strange magic, with a strong **** smell, every time a person is killed, that person becomes a dead body. "

Beta frowned: "Are you sure those people have become corpses?"

"Yes, I didn't read it wrong," Aisha said lightly, "She found me, but didn't do anything to me. But I still remember what Ivanka looked like, blood, and a pair of scarlet s eyes."

谢谢 "Thank you for your information," Beta said lightly, "this matter is very important. If you have anything that I need help with, even if it is not too exaggerated, I can satisfy you."

"No, you're very kind."

以 Aisha smiled, with a slight loss in her eyes.

Beta thought for a while, or left a magic array design ... The magic array of the earth and fire dual system, if used to consolidate Aisha's magic tower defense, the effect is quite good.

After waiting for Beta to leave, Aisha looked at the magic map on the table and sighed softly. Although this thing is very valuable, if she had got it before, she would definitely not be happy, but compared with someone, it was far worse.

Beta returned to the hotel and let out Jessica and Alice.

Emma stared at Beta, looked up and down, and walked beside him to sniff, as if to see if he was in close contact with other women.

Alice laughed with a smile: "Rest assured that Jessica and I can guarantee that Beta does not have any ambiguous behavior with other women."

Emma's face was reddish and angrily, "What are you talking about, I will tear your mouth later."

Alice smiled even more happily.

After Shirley let the sound-enhancing enchantment begin, Beta repeated the news she heard from Aisha. Then continued: "According to Aisha's situation, I think Ivanka is very much like a vampire. Usually, she is rarely seen out. This may be to avoid direct sunlight, and scarlet eyes and killers become corpses. It sounds like no difference to a vampire. The odds are extremely high. "

那 "Shall we go and kill the vampire?" Shirley asked.

Emma shook her head slightly: "This is not appropriate ~ ~ After all, we are the nobles of Hollevan, and Sunland borders on Hollevan, in case we really have a noble family over here Has a bad impact on our diplomatic relations in Holebun. "

After all, she is the princess of a country. Although she can't accept the actions of her eldest brother and uncle, she is still very affectionate for her country. And as a princess, she would think more.

Beta nodded, he knew Emma's concerns, and said, "Let's go to them secretly."

晚上 "Evening?" Alice asked curiously.

"It's too obvious." Beta smiled. "If we have just inquired about other people's affairs, then the Trump family will have an accident. As long as everyone thinks of us, we will definitely throw this pot on Hollevin. "

"What should I do?"

Beta said: "We go to other cities for a few days, or a dozen days, and then teleport back ... I wrote down the magic coordinates of the Trump family, and can carry out raids thousands of miles away."

Emma clapped her hands gently: "This method is good, we can completely remove our doubts. After all, there are not many space magicians in the world, and they are transmitted from more than a thousand kilometers away. Few people can do it. No one can do it. Will doubt us. "

"It's not too late, let's leave here first."

Beta waved a few people into his mansion space.

(To be continued ...)

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