Noble Emblem

Chapter 382: Disagreement

The elf looked at the man opposite him with a little surprise.

She had no idea that the person who came to save herself was a human, not a half-elf, as she had imagined. In fact, at the time of most makeup, she thought it was her own tribe to save herself, but later found that he did not understand the elf language, and thought that he was a half-elf lost in the human world.

But she never expected that she was a human being across from her.

And a handsome young mage who can be called a handsome boy even if he is placed in the elves, he has bright blond hair and clearly tells others that he has a noble and special bloodline.

"You are a human, why should you save me?"

The female elf felt that her whole fruit was covered by a blood-red cloak, which made her feel a lot easier. After all, no normal woman likes to expose her body in front of strange men.

Beta broke the gold handcuffs. Gold is not particularly tough. For the elves, it may be difficult to break free. But for Beta, a compound professional, it is not difficult. After all, he is already Master-level, and the power also reached more than ten points, it is easy to deal with a golden handcuff.

Throwing gold handcuffs into the space, this thing melted into gold coins, at least about twenty worth, not take nothing for nothing.

"You also advanced into my space. There is another elf in it, and I think she will talk to you in detail about our purpose."


There was a hint of worry on the female elf's face. Generally speaking, space magicians can indeed form a small heterodimensional space and store some items. But you can only put some dead things. After all, there is no place to stay in the space of different dimensions. Without light, there is endless nothingness and darkness.

With the exception of Missela's mansion, no other small-dimensional space can store living things. This is already a well-known thing.

Beta did not explain so much, but just waved her hand and put the female elves into the mansion space.

With him into the space were the bodies of young nobles.

Elves are very contradictory creatures. On the one hand, they are strong and proficient in magic. On the other hand, they are also very fragile. Once they leave the lush area of ​​the plant for too long, they will weaken and they will get sick. Go back into the trees and even die.

This makes the Elves' 'aggressiveness' low. After all, not all places are like Elven Forests, covered with all kinds of plants, and have the same climate as tropical rain forests.

Julie, now this female elf saved by Beta, after a short sting, she found herself in a strange space. Her first reaction was that this should be the lost mansion, but then she found that this The space seems to be much larger than the average mansion.

It is not only furnished with furniture, but also divided into two floors.

In the mansion, there were still some potted plants. When she saw her heart was happy, she immediately followed.

She has been in the desert for too long, and has been locked in the room for too long. If she doesn't replenish some plant breath, she will soon get the illnesses peculiar to the elves.

I was running two steps, but when I saw another person sitting under the side table with a potted plant, I took a closer look and found out that he was his acquaintance, and immediately screamed and rushed up.


Julie rushed over and held the sitting elf in her arms. The latter was closing his eyes and snoring suddenly, and was suddenly hugged. He was suddenly startled. He opened his eyes and was about to fight back. When he saw a familiar face, he immediately screamed in surprise.

"Julie, have you been rescued too?"

When the two female elves met, it was inevitable to have a long talk with tears, but soon Julie had some questions: "Mariana, why are you here?"

Wiping away the tears, Marianna told the story.

"A half-elf, decided to rescue all of her kinsmen in Djibouti?" After hearing this, Marianna was so surprised that she could not shut up: "Did she have this strength and financial resources? It would be nice to swallow it again. "

Mariana shook her head: "I don't think she will be afraid. She is very good. She is a summoner in our clan, and she is a quasi-master."

Julie was startled: "Then she shouldn't even risk this place, you know, even in our Elven Forest, there are not many young summoners."

Looking at the anxious Julie, Marianna sighed slightly: "You mean, we won't let her save the other companions, ignore the other companions, and just leave us two?"

Julie suddenly opened her mouth and couldn't speak, and finally had a long sigh: "I'd rather stay here forever, I'd rather she can't save others, and I don't want the genius in the clan to fall into this place."

This is not Julie's affection, putting herself and her companions at risk, but the elf summoners above the master level are really scarce. Each race has its own special profession. Such a profession, other races cannot find employment.

For example, human samurai, dwarf black rock guard, orc shaman.

Many people have always thought that the characteristic occupation of the Elves is Druid, but this is actually wrong. Druids are not characteristic of Elves, at least Trolls can become Druids.

It's just that the Druid heritage of the Elves has more details.

The elf summoner's real characteristic class is the elf summoner. The elf summoner who has grown up can even confront the undead legion of the necromancer. It is also the only one among all professionals who can face the necromancer.

The growth needs of the Elven Summoner are very mysterious. It is not simply to increase the magic power, but only based on their own perceptions ... and the consequence is that there are not many Masters or more Summoners in the Elven clan, and they are not old. It's too small.

Now, Alice is the only quasi-master elven summoner among the young generation of elves. If she had an accident, she might have to discontinue it with the chance that the elven clan now produces a master summoner.

That's why Julie feels that Alice shouldn't appear outside the Elven Forest.

"But I think Alice should try it." Marianna's expression was still gloomy, but her eyes were a little brighter: "Her human friends are also very powerful. I don't think that even if I can save all the people, Can save a few more. "

Julie gritted her teeth. "But what if something happens?"

Marianna didn't speak, but closed her eyes quietly.

Julie is fortunate. Although she is a slave, she has not been persecuted. Unlike Marianna, she has experienced the most terrible nightmare in the world. She knows that few people will end in the hands of these humans.

So when she wanted to come, Alice could save one by one.

Seeing Marianna's appearance, Julie was a little puzzled, but she didn't say much. She just sat next to her, holding her magic cloak, feeling the temperature still on it.

Before leaving, Beta walked quietly around the mansion, and took a lot of gold cups and silver tableware. At the same time, she also found a small vault and carefully calculated it. Tonight, she had at least about 300 gold coins.

Sure enough, it is a gold belt for killing and setting fire ...

Beta used secondary stealth to leave the mansion. Before returning to the hotel, he went quietly outside the city, took the body of the young nobleman out of the space, and threw it at the foot of the dune.

The sand dunes in the desert can flow, but Beta believes that it won't be long before this young aristocrat's body will be hidden under the yellow sand, making it difficult to see the sun.

When he returned to the hotel, he saw three beautiful women returning from the outside. The four sat down around the table. Shirley said what they had encountered tonight, and then asked, "Beta, you have What did you find? "

"I saved an elf, and it was in space."


As soon as Alice patted the table, she immediately entered the mansion space.

Beta smiled, told her past story and Shirley again, and then continued: "According to that man's words, a prince of the royal family had a bad mind for you. I think you need to pay more attention. "

"Did you kill him because that man had a bad attempt against us?"

With a delighted smile in Shirley's eyes, she seemed extremely happy.

Emma's eyes were also bright.

Beta sighed. Well, women's concerns always leave men scratching their heads, and they are clearly talking about business, but suddenly they are crooked on those things.

"Although a few uncles will not be your opponents, it is better to be careful in everything."

The two women didn't seem to listen in their ears, but were happy about themselves. Beta shook her head, was about to go to rest, and then moved her heart, and released Alice and the female elf who had just been rescued.

"Thank you for your help, Your Excellency Master."

Julie wrapped Beta's cloak, her carcasses looming, and she was quite seductive.

Looking at this situation, Emma snorted coldly, but she really wanted to wrap the cloak around herself.

"But I have a very important thing to tell you ~ ~ Julie looks a little shocked at looking at Shirley and Emma, ​​but she still speaks out:" I hope that ’s all for you Close up, and persuade Alice to leave here. "

As soon as this word came out, everyone was shocked, but Alice was silent.

In fact, after coming out of the mansion space, Alice's face was a bit ugly.

Beta stared at Julie for a moment and asked, "Why?"

"Alice is a genius in my tribe, and she must not be in such a place."

"Genius, Alice?"

Beta was a little stunned, and then thought about it, I think so, although she said that Alice was more than a hundred years old, she was still a minor girl in the elven clan, and she was so powerful that she really became a genius after she was registered as a knight This name.

But Julie's next sentence really made Beta stunned.

"As the rarest elf summoner in the tribe, Alice can't take risks in this **** city, at least until she really grows up."

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