Noble Emblem

Chapter 397: Demigod Way of the Elves

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Royd immediately stepped forward and gave a sublime ceremony to Harris, saying: "Slave Loyd, you can see the young master very well."

Students of ordinary masters, like their descendants, are called masters by their slaves. Royd thinks he sees it clearly. Harris's arrival is only to supervise their slaves, so that they don't run away or have something different. He felt that the master really didn't have to be like this. A good master like Beta, they felt that it was rare to meet one for hundreds of years, and maybe they promised that after the castle was built, they would be given the status of free people.

If they have such good conditions, they will run away, or they will be unconcerned, then they are really big idiots. Unless ... the owner is reluctant to acknowledge what was promised before.

Beta continued: "Although Harris is said to have management and supervisory duties, your authority is not higher than that of Royd. And in case of trouble, you must consult with Harris and not make your own claim. If you two If you are not sure, you will find a way to notify me. "

Hearing here, Royder froze for a moment. The master's student is just equal to himself? No, it should be said that he actually has the same status as the host student?

He looked at Beta carefully and confirmed that it wasn't a lie, but his body trembled slightly because of his excited emotions.

In most cases, one needs to understand where one is, and contrast is needed. Even if a person has ten million possessions, if the people around him are all richer than him, then this person will not feel that he is a rich man, he will only feel that he is a poor man.

This is the case for Royde at this time, although Beta has given his people a chance to survive, but also gave him certain rights. But when he grew up in the slave group, even though he was much smarter than his fellow members, he didn't know exactly what it meant. He only knew that he seemed to be ... reused.

Of course, he just felt faintly, because he had never been appointed, and never had any host communicated with him so, so he was not sure whether he was really reused, and what kind of reuse degree.

But now he understands that he is really reused, and it is very heavy.

Even if he was a slave, he knew what position students would have in the teacher's mind. What is the status of a lord and a student of a higher professional.

He can have the same weight as his master's students ... if it were not for the master, he would jump up in excitement.

Harris was a little distressed: "It's freezing here, teacher, you can throw me this place, but also bear it?"

Beta shook her head helplessly: "You should have heard us just now. There is a girl named Amanda. She is only one year older than you. She was a businessman like your sister. But she is now working hard for me Stone, help me manage the caravan. By contrast, you are far behind, both in terms of vision and mind. "

Harris naturally refused to accept: "That's because she has no way to go, so she will work so hard."

"No way to get ahead?" Beta smiled and laughed: "You can't compare to her when it comes to family. She is better than you when it comes to ability. You are not her opponent when it comes to vision. You don't think such a person will be motivated. The way? I shouldn't say whether you're arrogant or say something crazy. "

Harriston didn't know what to say. He is also very clear that he is not afraid of the opponent's efforts, he will be more powerful opponents than you, even harder than you.

Beta sighed: "You may have grown up too smoothly. Your sister ran outside with your father. Both your heart and ability are the best of your peers, and you have stayed at home and you have the opportunity to succeed After you become a professional, and then a few months later, you have become the second leader of the main shrine. Such a smooth experience may give you an illusion that the world is very simple. "

不管 "Anyway, you first build a temple with Royd here. Although it will suffer, it should be very beneficial to your tempering."

Harris had only a bitter face and nodded in agreement. By contrast, he prefers to suffer here rather than being mocked in Bronze Drum City.

He felt a stomachache as soon as he thought of being beaten by Katy. In this world, men lose to their favorite women, it is a shame in itself.

Beta turned to look at Royd: "I just checked it out a moment ago. Your progress is faster than planned and you are doing well. If you need anything, ask it now."

Luo Yide restrained the excitement in his heart, he forced to calm down and said, "Master, there is still about two months left in the grain, and about half of the gold coins you left, there are no problems."

Before leaving, Beta left some gold coins for Royd to buy food on their own, which meant decentralization and trust. After all, if the gold coins left behind are more than enough to buy a small aristocratic life, Royd did not do so, indicating that this person really has a bottom line.

"Which direction did Amanda go in?" Beta frowned slightly. "I'm a little worried about her safety."

Loyd shook his head: "I'm not very clear about the specific situation, but I heard Amanda said before leaving, maybe this has something to do with Jave City."

Beta looked harder, Amanda was born in Harvey Oasis, and she was also the daughter of the chairman of the Harvey Oasis Merchants Union. No wonder she said that she had to solve the problem by herself. This matter may have involved the merchant union of Harvey Ah City.

"Anyway, look over and say."

Although Amanda is not the type that Beta likes, but as a talent, Beta appreciates her very much.

Amanda awakened the profession that is unique to the Vol'jin Temple. The ‘merchant’ is also the first special profession of the Volkin Temple.

Twenty minutes later, Beta appeared outside the walls of the city of Javea.

The city of Javier in winter is even more beautiful. The city built entirely of white, blue, and red three-colored rough stones is dotted with the cover of falling mountains, and it has a taste of hidden dust.

Beta first found a hotel to stay in, and then released Shirley, Emma, ​​Alice, and Jessica out of them.

Although the living space in the mansion is really comfortable, it will be boring if you stay for a long time.

As soon as Shi Xue came out, she gave Beta a big hug. Emma looked straight away, she also wanted to have such a close relationship with Beta, but how can she say that she is also a young girl, very shy and unable to be as generous as Shirley.

Then Shirley took Emma and Jessica out shopping, leaving Alice alone in the room.

Beta poured her a glass of water and smiled. "It seems you seem to have something to say to me."

Alice sat and nodded. She played with the cup in her hand for a while before she said, "When you left, my father and you said the same thing to me."

Beta listened quietly.

"My father has become a little weird recently," Alice said with some worry. "In the past, my father was very concerned about everything in the family, and he gave everything down. But recently he has put a lot of power into the hands of the branches, which is nothing like His previous style. "

Beta slammed her finger on the table: "You mean, Granton has become disinterested, and he doesn't like to ask too much about things, right?"

Alice nodded again and again: "I know my father well. This is not his character, is it something he has encountered recently."

Beta laughed. "You do know your father very well, but you don't know power."

Alice's eyes widened and her face looked blank.

Beta nodded in the clear water in front of her, then pulled a waterline on the table with her fingers, and divided the waterline into quarters.

"With the improvement of his own strength, his character and worldview will slowly change." Beta points to the forefront of the waterline: "When a person has power, he will feel excited and have more confidence. It will probably continue to the elite level. "

Alice nodded. Indeed, she became a summoner, and for several months, she was excited.

"After the elite level, professionals will become more confident. But according to personal background, personality and other factors, some people will become arrogant, while others will maintain their original personality. But no matter what kind of ~ ~ Professionals after the elite level will try their best to pursue strength to go further. "

Alice continued to nod.

Beta continued: "And after the master, most professionals will become very calm and calm. But there are always exceptions, I just say a trend. Some people have been very public, become more calm, and difficult to see It can be concluded, but the trend of stabilization is generally not wrong. "

Alice is a little embarrassed when I hear this. She knew how proud and self-willing she had been before, and Beta's words completely poked into her heart and made her feel ashamed.

"When you reach the legendary level, you will be able to touch the power of a law." Beta said with nostalgia: "You haven't reached that kind of state, so it's not clear that the power of the law, for us mortals, has How tempting. Wealth, power, beauty, in front of the power of the law, is not worth mentioning. As for the level of the demigod, I have not yet reached it, so I do not know what kind of influence this stage will have on mortals. "

Alice understood: "You mean, my father has no interest in the world now, so he intends to leave the family? Then why did he have to go back to the Elven Forest, even at home, he can also pursue strength."

Beta wiped off the waterline on the table: "The elves were born from the mother tree of the world. After the legendary level, if you want to go further, you must return to the mother tree and find a way to communicate with the mother tree. The way to go. This is the fallen leaves of the elves and a new starting point. "

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