Noble Emblem

Chapter 401: Bright and upright

Half an hour later, Tovard's slave caravan moved forward again.

But now he has lost the excitement just now ... the burning right palm still faintly hurts. He remembered what happened half an hour ago and still felt a little unbelievable.

A magician, instead of using magic, used sword skills to easily defeat his guard. Then he cast a magical array that looked quite mysterious in his palm. There was only one request from the other party, and that was to bring him into Perth as a slave.

Toward looked back at the long line of slaves behind him. The magician had just gone inside, wearing a black robe and a hood. Now he can't even recognize that talent is the terrible magician.

The wind was blowing in the desert, and the hot yellow sand rolled up and fell on his head and neck, making it intolerable. Toward hurriedly put on his hood and veil.

After separating the hot wind and sand from the desert, Tovard's mood suddenly gloomed. He really did not want to participate in the battle between the noble forces, but the other party came to the door, and he had no choice. The magic circle in the palm of his hand has been reminding him that his own life is in the hands of others, and he can't help but not listen.

The slave caravan moved forward slowly, and the city of Perth was getting closer and closer, and the gate of the city could be seen gradually.

A nearby guard rode on a camel pretending to be close to Tovard, placed his reins on his belly, and made a few vague gestures.

This is the caravan's secret, and Tovard of course knows what it means: when the gate is reached, I cover you and try to alarm the city guards.

Todd shook his index finger slightly twice, then put his right hand to the guard. The lilac magic array was dim in the palm of the hand.

The guard's face became unsightly, and slowly opened his distance from the master again.

Beta hid in the slave group and smiled slightly. He knew that Tovard had just made a small move with the guards. The magic formation was not a lethal magic formation, but a surveillance one. Magic is a very mysterious thing. If there is a magician here, you can naturally know what this thing does, but the problem is that the caravan's guards are all soldiers who do not understand magic and have low intelligence. When encountering such a godlike thing, I will definitely dread it.

No matter what, the slave caravan still reached the gate.

Looking at such a long team, the city guards in charge of the defense immediately gathered around. Tovard held up a sign high, while the other guards held their weapons high with their hands.

In Senlan Germany, this is a ritual for large business groups to enter the city to prove that they are not hostile.

The city guard of more than 200 people surrounded the city gate. The city guard was a middle-aged man with a long brown beard. He walked over with a big belly and slowly, gesticulating, Someone took off his veil.

Tovadela opened his face with a black scarf and looked at the other with a smile and said, "Lord Bush, long time no see."

"It turned out to be you." The city guard looked at the long line outside the city gate, smashing his tongue a bit: "This must have at least five hundred people, you guys sent this time."

Toward turned over the camel, walked to Bush, and flicked his wrist slightly, and a few gold coins fell into each other's pockets. The whole process was flowing, except for the two parties, the others could not see what just happened. thing.

Feeling that his pockets were getting a bit heavier, City Guardian Bush smiled with relief: "His Lord Toward is really pioneering. You are the first person who can bring so many slaves into our desert kingdom. He will certainly do a lot in the future . "

Just now there was a look of arrogance, and after getting a bribe, his attitude improved immediately. Tovard ’s early commentary on this kind of thing is common, and he laughed: “These slaves have buyers in a hurry, or you may scrutinize it, Mr. Bush,”

Bush's small eyes smiled even more happily: "Then I'll just check it."

With a wave of his fat hand, several city guards ran to the slave group, and set off a few black hoods of the slaves, revealing numb, thin, miserable faces.

"It really seems to be all goods, let's go into the city." Bush waved his hand and made way with his city guard.

The mighty slave caravan entered the city, and the streets were surrounded by layers of crowds, pointing, envy and envy. If in the past, Tovard would surely flutter and enjoy the attention of others, but now he was frightened, for fear that the magician in the slave group would enter the city and start to kill.

After all, in legends, magicians have strange characters. For example, the earth and fire dual-line magicians in the desert kingdom often don't agree with each other, and they kill people on the street.

So he walked all the way in fear, until he came to the slave market, and did not see the magician explode. The head of the slave market came over, and they looked at the more than 700 slaves in black robes in surprise. The black-and-skinny person in charge greeted his subordinates and began to remove the black robes of these slaves. At the same time, he said to Toward in wonder: "You have shipped back at least seven hundred slaves this time. You are rich. .I didn't expect to add a black robe to them, so many people can survive, you are really willing to invest. "

Tovard smiled, his expression was a little uncomfortable, he thought to himself, seeing that the slaves were about to be handed over, why didn't the magician come out by himself ... Is he going to wait for someone else to give him a slave burn mark?

Of course, this is impossible. Based on the magician's self-esteem, as long as someone dares to do so, the other party will simply bombard the slave meeting place, and at that time, once things are held accountable, he will bring the magician into the city. Surely it will be bad.

When he was thinking this way, he suddenly felt that the palm of his hand was refreshing, and looking down, the scary magic array had disappeared.

That magician is gone? Towad felt a moment of relief, and then said to the head of the slave field: "Help me sell all these slaves, at a price lower than 10% of the market, I think I should be able to sell them soon."

The person in charge shouted in surprise: "Tovard, are you stupid? This is more than 700 slaves, 10% less than the price, and you have to lose at least dozens of gold coins."

"There is nothing I can do." Toward pretended to be helpless: "I have a more important business elsewhere to catch up with. If you stay long, you will be too late. Less than 10% of the price , I think many people are willing to take over. "

"As long as I confirm that these slaves are free of disease, I am willing to take over." The person in charge looked at the other side with a burning look: "The question is will you sell it to me?"

"As long as you can pay the money once, it will be the same for anyone."

The responsible person's eyes were right, and he shouted to the servants behind him: "Go and check the hogs from the outside, pick out the good, and leave the difference in place. I will give you three hours. Time, do you understand? "

Tovard looked at the people to check the slaves. It was normal on the surface, but he was very anxious in the heart. He hoped that these people could check them faster and give him the money. Then he could leave these wrong places quickly. He It feels like something must be going on in this place.

By this time, Beta was already on the street. He was wearing a black Hades robe and a hood. On the surface, he looked almost like any other Shamin who just came in from the outside. No one would notice him at all. Out of the ordinary.

Trump's estate was easy to find, and Beta stood in front of a pub's top client and looked at the estate not far away.

Jeanne was already hovering in space, watching every move of the manor.

Shirley, Emma, ​​and Alice are picking magic scrolls. Although they have their own magic system and ability ~ ~, they have a few more magic scrolls, which is more secure.

No more, a carriage came into the manor from the outside, the curtain of the carriage was pulled up, Beta had good eyesight, and a beautiful young woman could be seen sitting in the carriage. Based on the woman's appearance, he concluded that this person was what I said in the rat intelligence.

After waiting for the three scrolls to be picked, Beta returned and said, "Ivanka has returned to the manor, but I'm sure she's not a vampire, because she can act naturally under the sun. But she has a lot of suspicions, and I doubt her. Have direct contact with the true ancestor of the vampire. "

Emma was a little strange: "How can you be so sure."

Beta said: "Because I just faintly felt the smell of dark energy emanating from the carriage. Although the dark energy of the underworld temple is also gloomy, it is not aggressive. But the dark energy just now is full of resentment. The dark energy can be used Yes, it's not necessarily a vampire, but vampires must use dark energy. "

"Go straight in now?" Shirley asked aside.

Beta looked at the sky: "The soldiers are speeding up, and dragging on might be bad for us."

About three minutes later, a dozen guards of the Trump family were standing scattered around the door and yawning. Although it is daylight, their spirits are very poor, and they do n’t know why. They feel that their bodies are getting more and more recent. Getting tired.

After yawning, a guard habitually looked up at the sky, and then saw that an orange, boulder-like fireball fell from the sky.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was turned into fly ash by the energy of moxibustion heat ... The big fireball landed at the entrance of the manor. After a brief noise, the door of the manor turned into a huge pit, and then he heard There was a loud bang, and the ground trembled for a while. The stones in the sky were falling like rain.

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