Noble Emblem

Chapter 411: Teach you to be human

Zoe left with the teachings of Woking, with irresistible ecstasy and satisfaction.

Beta is even more happy. As long as Zoe becomes a follower of Workin, even if it is only a shallow believer, he is confident that Zoe will slowly become a fanatic ... As long as he is on the road to counterattack, give some key help.

As long as Zoe succeeds in counterattack and becomes a fanatic, then it is bound to insert a nail in Faros.

Faros has the most territories and the most nationals. For any deity, this place is a battleground for soldiers. It is just that the largest denomination of Faros now is the natural light deity. About seven adults of Faros people believe in the goddess of light.

Although other major denominations also have believers in Faros, all the denominations together account for about three adults in Faros, which is far from the bright deities, which can be described by ants and giant elephants.

The Workins, in Faros, don't even have a believer.

Beta returned to the shrine, asked Katie for a room, and it wasn't long before she fell asleep that she went to the kingdom of Woking again.

Woking still looks like a blonde shawl. The white suspender dress is very loose, but she can still see that her figure is perfect, whether it is height or shape.

When she saw Beta, she smiled slightly and asked, "What are you rushing to see me this time?"

"Is such that."

After Beta talked about Zoe, he continued: "I think Zoe is very promising. Although he said that his heart needs to be strengthened, people will grow. I believe that as long as we secretly push him a few, it will soon He can achieve his purpose and increase his faith in you. "

"It's just a great swordsman. There's no need to be so troublesome." Woking was puzzled. "Although it is true that the swordsman is rare, he is not worth your heart."

"In fact, I just want to play a game of chess." Beta explained: "If it succeeds, our theological forces will enter the Faros country, and there will be a good entry point. If it is not successful, at most it will lose you a little. Divine power. I think it's worth the investment. "

Woking froze: "You already think so long?"

"It's not a long-term plan, it's just a gossip to let go."

After being a lord for several years, Beta has become accustomed to laying out such small plans that seem to be overwhelming.

With his hand on his chin, Woking said helplessly: "Because there is no priesthood such as conspiracy in my godhead, and I don't have much communication with outsiders, so I lack a lot of knowledge about this. Three More than a hundred years ago, Mo was overshadowed in a strange way, and that's probably the same thing. "

Beta didn't speak, just smiled. In fact, he has long felt this way. The essence of Woking is a very powerful house girl. Although it looks sacred, stable, and powerful, it is still a house girl. This may be related to her staying in the kingdom of God for a long time and little communication with outsiders.

Having said that, Akua, the **** of water, is said to be mentally retarded ... He remembered that some people had said it on the forum, and he had heard Woking say it a while ago, and it seemed to be true. The Goddess of the Storm heard that it was a bit stupid. The goddess of life, Elise, was naive, and Thor seemed to be a madman who could only fight wars. In short, there were few smart people who were strong in the gods. And smart, not so good.

"Now that you have a plan and it sounds great, I will of course cooperate with you." Woking stood up and suddenly asked, "Beta, will you be like Grew more than 300 years ago?"

Beta thought for a while, then slowly said, "I wanted to say something nice, but I decided to tell the truth ... Actually, I don't know. I can't guarantee that we will have conflicts in the future, such as interests Or something else. After all, you know, I'm not your true believer. "

Woking smiled gently: "Yeah, you never really believed in me. It should be said that you never believe that we are the true God, you just treat me as a particularly powerful creature."

Beta didn't speak.

"Anyway, your help to me is real. You saved my life." Woking smiled softly, like Jing Zhongyue: "You can't guarantee anything, but I can ... I will never be your enemy. "

Then Woking's smile faded. Beta woke up from the bed, patted her face, and there was an inexplicable sigh in her heart.

He casually ate some breakfast from Katie in the shrine. As he approached the door, he suddenly heard a weird scream, hurried back two steps, and a transparent arc-shaped sword gas struck from the left side of Dai. Come, and then scratch across ... There is a deep scratch on the marble floor.

Beta turned to the left and looked a little surprised: "Zoe, I didn't expect you to become an elite swordsman so soon."

Zoe was carrying a huge black sword ~ ​​ ~, wearing leather armor, came over with satisfaction: "Mr. Beta, you really are right. After I read the teachings and decided to believe in the goddess of Vol'jin A golden light fell from the sky, and I became an elite swordsman. "

With a look of admiration on his face, "No wonder you say that every professional and every class will have great changes. I feel that I am stronger now than last night, and I even think I can kill dragons."

This is the illusion that everyone has when they suddenly get strength. In the game, Beta became a nobleman of the descent and mastered some basic dragon vein spells. He also had this feeling, and then he was soon taught to be a man. A female professional hooligan stunned him seven times.

Beta asked: "So what are your plans for the next? Go to Dragon Slay?"

"How is it possible!" Zoe said positively. "Although I am confident now, I am not a fool. Next, I intend to return to Faros, and my brother should pay the price."

Beta waved his hand: "I suggest you don't go back so early. Although you are good now, your combat experience and consciousness are still average. If I were you, I would go to the mercenary union to register and become a mercenary After a few years of work, it's not too late to go back after raising two or three strengths. "

Zoe considered it, then shook her head and said, "I can't wait."

Beta chuckled, her body flickered suddenly, then Zoe flew up and hit a big tree.

He stood up with his arms over his chest, looked at Beta indifferently, and asked indignantly, "Lord Beta, what do you mean?"

"You still can't beat the master-class strongman, there is still a lot of distance." Beta shook her head: "Can you be sure that your elder brother will not follow the master-class professional?"

Zoe's expression froze.

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