Noble Emblem

Chapter 413: Side attack

Beta couldn't figure out why this crocodile came here from the White Sea.

The White Sea is in the south and the wetlands are in the north. The distance between the two places is almost 4,000 kilometers. This is still a straight line. It does not take into account factors such as mountainous ups and downs. It is the closest distance.

It is a kind of spirit that a crocodile wades through the mountains and travels thousands of kilometers to the wetland.

In short, Beta did not believe that the estuarine crocodile came over. There must be other ways to come. Mostly, it was brought by a special character such as a businessman, and was abandoned here, then gradually grew here, and finally Mutation becomes Warcraft.

When Harris saw that the crocodile was no longer moving, the first one jumped down, and then walked around the crocodile. He said, "Teacher, this thing is so big. How much meat can we have after slaughter! At least enough for us to eat one. Month. "

"It's too wasteful to eat." Beta also jumped into the deep pit. He walked to the crocodile and patted the crocodile's blue scale armor. "The estuarine crocodile itself is very powerful. Among ordinary animals, its fighting power The level is the upper level of the pyramid, and the strength is even more exaggerated after Warcraft. Look at this armor. If you do n’t use magic, Harris will give you a sword, and you wo n’t even wear it. ”

Harris thought the teacher's words were a bit exaggerated, but after he knocked with his fist, he did find that the crocodile's armor was too stiff.

Beta was beckoning to Royd on the deep pit, and when he came down, he said, "Call some people, get some longer wood, and bring the crocodile alive to it ... Now the hall of the castle has been built It's halfway there. There should be no problem putting this little guy in. "

Royder stood on the right front paw of the crocodile, smashing his tongue endlessly. He is an ordinary person, not a professional like Beta, Shirley and Harris. When ordinary people see a giant creature, they instinctively feel fear. He really doesn't understand why his master would think that such a terrible creature is a 'little fellow'.

In fact, in the cognition of Beta at this moment, this crocodile is really a 'little guy'. He has seen adult dragons, chopped flames, and gnawed giants. Compared with these three creatures, this crocodile with a length of ten meters is really a little guy.

Royder resisted the fear in his heart and called some bold and bold men down. They carried a piece of wood and shoved it under the crocodile, and at the same time exerted force to resist the crocodile and went to the castle in the building. go with. Shirley followed them, and from time to time she wielded a magic of ice, causing the crocodile to fall into hibernation, so that it would not suddenly rise up and run away.

Beta went into the cave and told him intuitively that there must be something at the end of the cave.

Because it is a cave of beasts, there is a stench in it. There was a strange, sticky, transparent liquid on the ground.

Harris also followed, covering his nose, and asked excitedly: "Teacher, are you looking for treasure? I have read many books and they are written in it. Wherever there is a guardian of Warcraft, there is magic equipment. Or wealth, is it true? "

Beta turned back helplessly and said, "You read too much about knight novels."

Harris didn't believe it: "The teacher, what do you run down for?"

"Just take a look and always feel something inside."

Beta left her students alone and went on. Because it was gradually getting farther away from the cave, the cave was getting darker and darker, and the ball of light thrown by Shirley just now has lost its effect. Harris was following him and shouted, "Teacher, I can't see the road anymore, you What is the solution?"

Beta has a dragon pupil, and naturally is not afraid of darkness. He reluctantly condenses a light ball in his hands and said to the rear, "Actually you don't need to follow it."

Harris was a teenager after all, and it was inevitable to escape. He rightfully said, "There are fun things, of course."

Beta feels that her personality has become more refined since Harris arrived here. Maybe it was out of the embarrassing atmosphere of Tonggucheng, and the relationship of sudden pressure reduction, maybe it was his nature.

Regardless of which, Harris can reveal his nature, which makes Beta's targeted education better accessible.

The two continued to move forward, and after about a dozen meters down, they reached the end of the cave.

In front of the two was a round pit with a diameter of about two meters and a dozen white giant eggs next to it.

It turned out that the crocodile was protecting his children ... no!

Beta hurriedly grabbed Harris and ran backwards, but after two more steps, he threw Harris forward.

At the same time, the earth wall on their right suddenly fell off. A cyan black image hit the city siege like a siege, and directly pushed Beta to the wall.

The huge impulse made the whole cave seem to vibrate ~ ~ Harris fell to the ground and fell a dog and mud. He looked back and couldn't help screaming: "Teacher!"

I saw Beta lying on the wall by a larger crocodile, and the whole person was sunk into the mud.

Beta looks miserable, but it doesn't really hurt. Where his body was hit, his skin became bright golden. This is a special divination he exchanged from the system ... the golden body.

Although not as good as the Dragon Warlock's talent, Dragon Scales are so easy to use, but they are passive because they can be launched under attack. Unlike Dragon Scales, they will grow a few scale armors in the vital parts of the body.

The estuarine crocodile hit Beta on the wall and stepped back, trying to swallow the human in front of him, but suddenly found that his mouth could not be opened.

It turned out that Beta had stretched her arms and choked her crocodile.

The crocodile's bite is amazing, but the tension is not. On earth, a brave little girl of nine years old can hold the mouth of an adult crocodile on land to prevent it from biting her younger brother, and Beta, as a master compound professional, wants to let one It is very simple for a crocodile to open its mouth.

When Harris saw that Beta was not only able to move, but also launched a counterattack, he suddenly called ‘Teacher’. He was about to come forward to help, but saw Beta hit his mouth with his arms around the mouth of the estuarine crocodile, using it as a point of stress, with his waist raised, he hit his knee directly against the crocodile's chin.

After being hit hard, the estuarine crocodile roared in pain, but because his mouth was blocked, he could only make a muffled sound.

This is not underwater. If it is a water battle, the crocodile can also use the famous "Death Roll" to shake off Beta. On land, once a crocodile's mouth is choked and there is no way to shake off the human, the combat power will immediately fall to the point of ‘5’.

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