Noble Emblem

Chapter 428: Someone is full again

The attributes of this golden sword are not particularly dazzling, unlike those that Beta has seen in the game, the so-called Need Weapons, various special abilities, and various attribute enhancements.

For a master of this level of Beta, whether a long sword is good or not depends on whether it is tough enough or not sharp enough. If toughness is enough, then pursue sharpness. As for other special effects, if it is natural, it is better, but it is not bad.

In the early stages of the game, various attribute enhancements or special effects of weapons can often change the direction of a battle. So early in the game, magic enchanting weapons, special effects weapons are very popular.

But in the middle and late periods, these two types of weapons became commonplace because they were easily damaged.

If you gain something, you will lose something. Even if a powerful enchanter is engraved with magic lines on the weapon, it will cause some damage to the structure of the weapon. Maybe such damage is not seen in ordinary times, but in high-intensity weapons After the fight, it was easily exposed, and the weapon was damaged.

Although players have portable space on them, they usually have two or three spare weapons, but in a fast and tense battle, many times, the consequence of a weapon break is that they will be killed in the next second, and no space can be found at all. Opportunity to extract weapons.

Beta put the golden sword into the space to store, then stared at Shirley for a while, and asked, "Actually ... your relationship with the goddess is very close. The goddess can pass through you at any time and know my situation. . "

Shirley laughed. "See? Well, yes, the goddess has been following you."

In fact, Beta had this feeling for a long time. Woking would know the first time what she did, and if she wanted to see her, she would see it almost immediately.

This is not the case for other deities. Even mad believers, it is almost impossible to meet the gods in the form of souls. It is rare to see them once in a century, let alone a situation like Beta, which you can see when you see it. .

"I was the Pope for the first time, so some things are not clear." Beta asked slowly: "The popes of other gods, like me, can change their teachings at will?"

Shirley shook her head: "The popes of other deities only have the right to order believers and the right to defend the doctrine from distortion, but they have no right to change or be good at adding doctrine."

After a pause, Shirley said very seriously: "Beta, you are the most special of all the Popes. Don't let down the goddess' trust in you, and look forward to it."

Absolute trust can bring heavy pressure.

In the past, Beta had helped Woking because there were interests. He wanted to use the power of Woking to achieve his purpose of becoming stronger. In the subsequent constant get-together, Beta thought that Woking's 'person' was very good, and the two gradually became friends.

But it now appears that Woking's trust in him has far exceeded the level of friends.

Thinking of this, Beta felt that there were hundreds of pounds of heavy load on her shoulders. If it's just a simple job, or a mutually beneficial transaction, it's okay, as long as you get things done. But this kind of trust between friends, if not done perfectly, he will feel ashamed of friends.

"The goddess really gave me a problem," Beta murmured.

Shirley smiled. Although there were some complaints in Beta's words, it was friends or acquaintances who could hear such complaints.

Patting the table, Beta sighed, and asked, "Sophia is in there. What's your reaction?"

"I was surprised at first." Shirley shook her head helplessly and smiled: "Later I got used to it and started making fun of jokes, first of all saying that space is a good place to cheat, and that if Jessica gave her instructions, she would clean Sika has become a real assassin who can kill people under the bed. She is very optimistic about Jessica's talent. "

Jessica is indeed an assassin, and as a 'Round Table Knight', with her own werewolf blood, her talent is indeed quite good.

Beta thought about it and said, "Sophia, I know you can hear us. You can teach the knowledge and abilities of Jessica the assassin, but you don't need to teach another thing."

Shirley looked out the window: "It's getting dark, then I'm also resting in the advanced mansion space. If there is anything, you can call us out."

Beta nodded, after Shirley entered the mansion space, he opened the game system interface, then clicked the tab of the Knights of the Round Table system, and watched the latest system prompt above.

‘Second Knight Sophia, loyalty reaches 100. ’

Seeing this message, Beta was helpless in her heart. Of the five Round Table knights, only Shirley's loyalty reached its full value. As for Kyle's rank, they all swayed above ninety.

But what happened to Sophia, there were more than 90 values ​​at the beginning, and then it became 99. Beta thought that Sophia's value was difficult to increase to full value ~ ~ but did not expect it to suddenly increase.

What has he done in these two days? Is it because she spent thousands of gold coins to hire her?

However, it is indeed possible to think about it. Most women are prone to men who are willing to spend money for her.

After thinking for a while, Beta slept in bed.

Although Sophia can see him, in essence, because of the dimension of space, Sophia is far away from Beta.

As long as the distance reaches a certain level, the nightmare space will not work, and Beta is naturally not afraid of being pulled into the space, so he feels comfortable sleeping.

The next day, Beta released Shirley from the mansion space.

Sophia stared at Beta, rather resentfully, who completely ignored it.

The three were eating breakfast. It didn't take long for Bart to come over. He was wearing new armor, holding a brand new shield, and even the sword was replaced with a new one.

And it seems that because of the relationship of sleeping well, he no longer looks like yesterday's puppet, but looks very heroic.

As soon as the door was opened, Bart stared at the three beautiful women in the room with stunning faces.

Shirley needn't say more, Sophia's overall quality is equal to Katie, and Jessica is also a beauty embryo.

He pulled his throat a bit, then looked at Beta with some resentment: "I now believe that you are really not malicious to the lady named Katy. These three people are enough for you."

That's what he said, but Bart was very understanding. He didn't fall on the three people like Shirley, like other young people, and didn't pretend to have any gestures to attract their attention. He just sat in Beta Opposite, eating breakfast in silence.

It didn't take long for several people to finish their breakfast, and the Royal Embassy came over.

The Bailai were fully armed, riding high horses, and stopped in front of the hotel.

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