Noble Emblem

Chapter 443: Bear

The death of this mighty bearman did not affect the momentum of the bear people. At least six hundred heads of capable people are still surrounded by a semicircle.

Among the bear people, there is a bear man who is quite conspicuous. He is completely different from other bear people because its fur is snow-white. If it is not in the middle of a large group of black bears, it is also holding a green emerald in its hands. With a staff, Beta has no way to find him out of the Black Bear Man.

White fur is the best protection color on the snowy field.

Seeing this unusual bear, Beta knew that she had encountered the legendary shaman sacrifices of the bear people. The tribe of the bear people is still a tribal system. A small tribe has more than three hundred bear people and three or four thousand. This bear tribe belongs to the middle tribe, and in each bear tribe, there must be a shaman sacrifice. This is the key to forming a tribe. The bear tribe without the shaman sacrifice will never appear. It is the soul leader of the bear tribe. .

In common sense, as long as the Shaman sacrifice is killed, the bear race will disappear without a fight, but the problem is that even Beta, it is impossible to face hundreds of bear men, kill seven in and seven out, In the end, the enemies defeated the chieftain under the horse, even if the legendary level is suspended, if it is a demigod level, it is almost the same.

And just now the wave of exaggerated magic missiles has consumed more than half of his mental power.

It is impossible for him to devote all his mental energy to the battle. In the words of the player, at least some of your MPs must be used to control the field, or run away.

Since there is no way to stop the impact of these bear races, there is no way to resist it.

Beta just killed a large number of bearmen with magic missiles, properly pulled the hatred, and then chuckled and ran away.

The white bear-man raised his wooden staff in his claws and made an angry roar. The other bearmen seemed to be affected, their eyes became red, and they ran faster. They abandoned the direction of their feet, changed their original ancestors, and landed on all fours.

Although there is no way to use weapons in this way, the movement speed has been greatly improved.

In this way, Beta ran ahead, and behind him a long list of black bearmen.

Blaming this matter, Beta has done a lot before, can be considered familiar. Anger was irresistible, and his talents for moving two feats were very fast. His movement speed was much faster than that of the bear race. The cold wind rushed past his ears. He ran very fast, and the red cloak pulled into a strip. Straight line, even if Liu Xiang is here at this moment, he has to give up.

Looking down from above, there is a gray dot in front, and a long black 'train' across the back of hundreds of meters.

This can be regarded as a spectacle. If other players are present, it will definitely yell cow X, and immediately start the video function, record this exaggerated scene, and then upload it to the forum, but unfortunately, now Beta's side, Except for the hundreds of bear people behind him, only one Sophia was with him in the shadows.

After running for about half an hour, the bear people behind them slowed down, and they seemed to see that they could not catch up with the abominable human in front of them.

But Beta wouldn't let them go so easily, he found a scroll of fireball from space and threw it away. After a fierce flame, a large pit appeared on the ground, along with five incomplete corpses of the bear people.

This move once again angered the bear people, and they went on chasing madly.

Beta continued to run, the benefits of the compound career are here, but the frontal fight, but the side roundabout, melee is not the opponent's long-range magic attack, if the number is insufficient, take advantage of the speed advantage ‘going dogs’.

Players never pay attention to any knight spirit, nor do they admire head-to-head confrontation. The phrase 'DPS only when standing' is deeply rooted in their bones.

After running for more than twenty minutes, Beta began to feel tired with her legs and her speed decreased, but the bear race was very rough and still maintained the pursuit speed ahead.

"It's time to get out of it." Sophia got out of the shadows and ran with Beta. Her majestic peak was huge, and she trembled like a jelly as she ran: "Are you still using the weird flying magic as before?"

Beta shook her head: "There is no space for the foam to spout the reels."

"What to do?" Sophia looked at Beta with anxiety. "Although I still have enough energy, I'm just an assassin, and I can't run too far behind you."

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome." Beta sighed as she ran. After running at almost full speed for so long, he was also a bit tired: "Run again, run again, they will give up."

Sophia was skeptical, but instead of questioning, she got into Beta's shadow. She wanted to save her strength. In case Beta's method didn't work, she would have to run away with Beta on her back.

As for running away alone? She never thought about it ~ ~ She has a loyalty value of a hundred points, and she has long regarded Beta as as important as herself.

Beta ran for another while, throwing her hands up, the bears in the front row immediately stopped their bodies and ran around, which hindered the running of the bears behind.

In fact, Beta didn't have anything at all. After he laughed, he continued to move forward.

The bearmen who had been teased were furious and snorted and rushed up.

Beta turned again, throwing something up.

The bearmen did not hide this time, but unfortunately Beta was throwing out the real goods. Two fireball scrolls instantly blasted the top ten bearmen into barbecue.

The other bearmen wanted to chase again, but after a weird growl, they all stopped. The white bearman shaman slowly came to the front, throwing his staff on the ground, a large amount of dirt gathered around the staff, piled up, and then turned into a giant dirt bear.

This mud bear is about four meters tall. It seems to have a sane, muddy yellow-eyed pupil. Looking at Beta, it seems to be remembering his appearance.

Bear Spirit ... a legendary special soul creature.

Beta smiled slightly, ignored these bearmen, and turned away.

The bearman shaman just dropped their totems. The bear spirit summoned by the totem is quite powerful, but there is a big disadvantage that it can't be too far away from the totem.

Xiong Ling watched Beta leave and did not catch up.

After about ten minutes of running, Joan of the air confirmed that the bear people were stationed there to rectify the wounded. Beta also stopped, cleared the snow from the place, and spent more than ten minutes drawing a simple teleportation magic circle.

Before he left, he recorded the magic coordinates. After a brief magic flash, Beta transmitted to Shirley's side.

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