Noble Emblem

Chapter 45: All are on track

Looking at Ackerman's unscrupulous expression, Liang Lidong couldn't have any sympathy. Perhaps he has a very great future. As long as the location of this gold mine is reported to the temple, at least he can be transferred to a small town to be a bishop of the temple, and then move on to activities, and finally be transferred to the temple.

But unfortunately, when he was thinking of killing Liang Lidong and wanted to hire to go to Reed Village to do evil, he was already doomed. Liang Lidong extinguished the lighting technique and walked out of the cave. Without the thick fog of 'driving the fog' magic, the moonlight fell on the mountain like a silver screen. He took Jeanne out of the space backpack because of the magic of ‘Spa’ and the fact that Jeanne was Warcraft, and his vitality was much stronger than ordinary people. Now it looks much better.

Li Liang Lidong examined his left wing carefully and found that the wound had begun to heal. He breathed a sigh of relief: "It is estimated that in two days, you will be flying in the sky again. It's just a minor injury ... but if you don't work so hard in the future, even if the mercenary flees, it will have little effect on my plan. Then, your own life is the most important. ",

"The impact is not significant ... but it will have an impact anyway." Jeanne jumped onto Liang Lidong's shoulders himself, and it seemed to like squatting on his master.

"The enemy has no plan to run, no plan to run," Liang Lidong smiled. "There are no perfect ideas in this world. You can only plan ahead of time. You should respond at random to complete the details. Then you can review them later." What's wrong? Most of the plans are successful, with some luck. "

"How confident are you in your plan, Master?" Jeanne asked.

Slowly walking on the mountain road of Moonlight Yingyin, Liang Lidong said: "About 80%. As for the remaining 20%, it depends on your luck. Luck is hard to say. I have seen some people pat their own breasts. The plan will succeed, but the result is ruined by an unexpected little thing. That kind of situation is luck, so before I, no matter what I plan, I will not be full. "

"I don't know if you should be cautious or if you are not confident." Jeanne hesitated for a while, and then asked, "I have always had a doubt. From the knowledge you have passed to me, I know the gold. The small stones in your eyes are very important things, even more important than delicious food. But why do you let such important things out and tell others? "

"Opening a mine is not that simple, especially a gold mine." Liang Lidong said: "The interests of a gold mine representative are too exaggerated. I certainly can't keep it now, and I may not be able to keep it in the future. It does something, and if my plan is successful, maybe I can get a share of it. "

人 One person and one bird went down the mountain, because the night was already deep, the gates were closed, and border cities like Winterwind City would close the gates once it was night, and would never open without special things. Liang Lidong is also not critical. He found a clean large stone not far from the city gate, and then used the 'fossil for mud' scroll to make a small, hollow vertebrate mound to wrap the large stone. Then I picked up some dead wood from the surrounding trees, burned a small flame in front of the mound, and then compacted it, leaving only the Martian foam, so that the fire generally burns slowly until the next day, And he got into the mound, blinked a fake, and Jeanne slept beside him.

For players who have experience in the wild, this is just a very simple matter. Even if Liang Lidong can't cast, he has other methods to safely survive the cold and cold winter nights.

The next morning, Liang Lidong took Zhende to Winterwind City in a spirited manner. He found another good hotel, and then let Zhende rest and healed. He went outside and bought some parchment paper, ink, and Some weird powder came back. Next, he began to keep busy. He first mapped the parchment paper, then threw the parchment paper into water, dried it with magic, and then sprinkled some powder and then into the water ... … He was dissatisfied with this hard-working stuff, turned his head and threw it into the fireplace in the room.

"What are you doing!" Jeanne couldn't help asking, wounded in bed.

做 "Make an" old "treasure map, otherwise there is no way to explain to Uther why I know there is a gold mine on the mountain."

Bian Zhende stood up, and said puzzledly, "Even if you have an old treasure map, he may not believe you."

"Talk to those aristocratic foxes. Most of the time, he doesn't care if you are telling the truth. They only care if you can find a reason that is at least superficially logical. The exchange of benefits underneath is another matter. This is the aristocracy, and I see more. "

Jeanne sighed: "Well, not to mention the treasure map, Ackerman is dead, you don't worry that the Temple of Life will send someone to find him, in case they find Ackerman's body in advance, we Would have to go bankrupt. "

Liang Lidong shook the parchment paper soaked in his hand and said: "Relax, Ackerman is not a child. He disappears for a day, and it is strange to others. If they disappear for two days, they will realize that something is wrong. Your wings are already set, and it is not too late to monitor the action of the Temple of Life. "

"Why don't we guide them to 'discover' Ackerman's body?"

"There are not many stupid people in this world. If we do things too deliberately, we will enter the vision of the Temple of Life. As long as they are careful, most of them can find Ackerman's death strange. There is no impenetrable wall in the world , What we have to do is try to take away the sight of the Temple of Life from us. "

Jeanne understands: "So we need something that attracts their attention, 'being' they found, and you gave up the gold mine for this purpose! But you are also worried that the power of the Temple of Life will increase after the gold mine is obtained, no People can check them. When they slow down and continue to investigate Ackerman's affairs, we can't hide it. To this end, you want to draw another force and compete for gold mines with them, right. "

"Correct!" Liang Lidong nodded: "The two forces with little difference in strength, in order to win the gold mine, will surely pull in the forces in the city, and even move out of the forces behind them. The two sides fought each other for two or three years, definitely. No result. After two or three years, when the dust falls, the Temple of Life will no longer care about Ackerman's cause of death, no matter whether he wins or loses. "

Bian Zhende shivered, "I have to say, you master, you really have a good mind!"

"Surviving in such a world, if there is no snack machine, don't eat too much bones."

The next two days, Liang Lidong kept the cat making ‘old’ treasure maps in the room. After Joan ’s wings healed, she flew out of the hotel and watched every move of the Temple of Life in the sky. On the morning of the third day, Liang Lidong finally made an "Old Treasure Map" to his satisfaction, and hadn't waited for him to be happy for a long time. Jeanne said through the spiritual channel: "Master, there are six people in the Temple of Life. Squad, they set out in a direction outside the city. "

Liang Lidong nodded and said: "Ms. Rose was originally a **** of shadows, very good at conspiracy and assassination. Many of her followers will use special tracking techniques. Since they are heading out of the city, they must have found Ackerman. You continue to monitor them in the air and report their movements to me at any time. "

"Okay, master!"

Li Liangdong ’s treasure map, which looks the most ‘old’, was put into the space backpack, and then went out of the hotel to the main residence of the city.

Uther's castle still looks majestic. After Liang Lidong asked the waiter to report, not long after, an elderly housekeeper came out in person and very respectfully took him to the second floor of the castle. A few months ago, the second floor was turned into a barbecue **** by Carl's magic funeral, but now it has completely returned to its original appearance and seems to have become more luxurious.

Uther entertained Liang Lidong in a large study. The two sat face to face, with honey and milk on the table in the middle, and Liang Lidong took a sip and said, "It seems you have been doing well recently, your enemy ... seems to be called Enleco. ? "

"Run away, Wang Du came to fish him away."

Qi Liang Lidong laughed: "Then you must get a lot of benefits, otherwise you will never let go."

Uther just smiled and did not answer positively. Instead, he asked: "A few months ago, I remembered the words you sent from a trustee, so I didn't dare to bother you, but now your Excellency came to me as a guest. The moon testifies and I am very happy. Does that mean we can be friends? "

"Friends don't need it!" Liang Lidong waved his hand: "I'm here this time to make a deal with you!"

哦 "Oh, please, please." Uther made a gesture.

"I recently found a treasure map, and found a treasure ..." Liang Lidong looked at the other with a jerk.

Uther was not in a hurry, he just asked the other party's words: "Oh, what kind of treasure."

"A big treasure that is too big for me to eat, so I must find an ally!"

Uther groaned for a while and asked, "Is this treasure in my possession."

"No comment!" Liang Lidong smiled: "Unless we sign an agreement."

"If it's not in my territory, I'm not good at it." Uther looked helpless.

"No comment, unless we sign an agreement!" Liang Lidong still said the same thing.

Uther looked at Liang Lidong for a while, and there was a crying expression on his face: "It seems that the treasure is really large ... Well, since it is your proposal, then I think this transaction can be talked about, then What kind of agreement do you want to sign! "

"This is a mineral. I can't tell you about the type of metal, but I can say that this mineral is very valuable and rich." Liang Lidong held out two fingers. "I think so, this mineral is owned by you Langman Come to full mining, I am only responsible for providing information. After the minerals you mine are purified, I want 20%! "

"It's not fair. You can get such a big profit just by saying a few words. Where can there be such a good thing in this world!" Uther patted the table and said angrily: "Otherwise you are solely responsible for mining, and 20% How will our profits become us! "

Li Liangdong laughed: "Now the information is in my hands."

"Damn, 10%, this is my biggest concession!"

"20% is not discounted, I believe that other nobles will be very interested in this news!"

Uther slammed the table: "I'm the city owner ~ ~ Without my permission, the nobleman in Winterwind dare to rush for business with me? One and a half, can't be lower, again The price was lowered and I started to rob. "

"Deal!" Liang Lidong clapped his hands, took out a magic contract from the space, and put it on the table: "Take a look at it, and sign another letter."

Uther looked at the provisions of the magic contract carefully, and after confirming that there were no text traps, he wrote his name on it. With the emergence of a white light, the magic contract burned. Under the witness of the God of Justice, This contract has entered into force. He threw the pen in his hand and said, "OK, now you can tell me the location and type of the mine."

Liang Lidong nodded and said very lightly: "This is a gold mine, the location is here." He took the "old" treasure map from the space backpack, and then continued: "I went to explore It is indeed a gold mine, and the treasure map has not been faked. "

什么 "What, gold mine!" Uther jumped from his chair. He snatched the treasure map on the table, opened it, and looked at it.

Liang Lidong took another sip of honey and milk, and then said slowly: "Yes, I have to tell you a little news. The temple of life also has such a treasure map. I do n’t know who gave them, anyway. I. It seems that their reconnaissance team has already started. "

"Shit, why are you telling me this now?" Uther grabbed the treasure map and rushed out, shouting at the housekeeper: "Merlin, you immediately go to the top floor and ring the cavalry emergency assembly order. You ca n’t steal my gold, not even the Temple of Life! "

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