Noble Emblem

Chapter 448: Attraction of the Son of Gold

On one side is the torrent of iron riding, and on the other is the old, weak, and sick who are about to escape. As long as people with normal brains know that they should choose to break through that side. .し w0.

But often times, danger is hidden in this so-called 'normal'.

The robbers rushed towards the etiquette team frantically. Beta only looked calmly, without any expression. When the robbers ran to about 20 meters away from him, they screamed in horror.

The ground suddenly collapsed and they fell into the quagmire. After the first unlucky ghost fell into it, they just swore the **** and was swallowed up by the swamp. Although some robbers reacted quickly, they stopped by the swarm. But the companions who couldn't hold their feet in the back crashed into the mud.

Beta looked at these people as if they were dumplings. They fell into the mud, and disappeared within a few seconds. In an instant, more than thirty people were gone.

Those people in the back reacted and stopped. Nearly a hundred people stopped by the quagmire. Before they could celebrate the escape, Faxiu's cavalry pierced the bandits like a sharp knife.

Flesh and blood flew, and even if the robbers escaped the cavalry's lance attack, they would be hit by flying armored horses and then trampled by the accompanying iron hoofs.

In less than ten seconds, the gang of hundreds of people turned into a red meat blanket on the ground. When the cavalry rushed over, the swamp again turned into hard land.

Fossils are mud, and fossils are mud. These two spells can be used to shape buildings or to set up terrible traps to kill the enemy in the invisible.

This is why, in all wars, a mage will accompany you. The mage is responsible for mass killing the enemy forces, setting up obstacles, and at the same time countering the enemy's spells to protect their own combat power.

Among the gangsters temporarily gathered together, none of the casters would naturally feel it. When Shirley set up the stone wall, she had already set up a fossil as a mud skill in front of her. As a god, Sexual creatures have powerful fine-grained control over magic, which can turn mud into mud, but make the surface look the same as usual.

The pungent blood smell made many ceremonial officers unaccustomed to it. Some people even saw the tragic situation in front of them and even vomited.

Faxiu rode on the war horse and stepped in front of Beta. He was holding a long sword. The blood on the sword had become a frozen mule because of the cold. The horse under his horse was not only covered with blood, but also sticking. A piece of suspected intestine.

"It's refreshing. It's refreshing." Faxiu regained his sword and leaped from the battle. "Her Beta, your strategy is really great. I didn't expect someone to ambush us, but they didn't expect that you would have discovered it. Get them, haha. "

It is not surprising that Faxiu is so excited, but any man who leads a soldier will have the idea of ​​killing the enemy and building a merit. Before Faxiu, due to his identity, although His Majesty also had hundreds of cavalry on standby, he was in the city of Kings, where there could be enemies to fight for him.

But now it's different. I took a cavalry to charge directly, turned over a hundred robbers, and watched the enemy roll and scream on the iron hoof. That kind of irritating feeling, I don't know how many times faster than conspiracy.

Beta nodded slightly, and also recognized Faxiu's record. After all, the other party was a young master soaking up in the honey pond, and he dared to take the lead in charging, which was already quite courageous.

Many cavalrymen began to dismount, using long swords to solve the robbers who were seriously injured, not far from death, but still alive. To a certain extent, this is also a kindness that does not allow the enemy to suffer too much living crime.

Several cavalrymen dragged two slightly injured robbers and threw them in front of Beta.

One of the robbers is a bearded man suspected of being the boss.

The two were thrown to the ground, and before they had time to talk, Faxiu stabbed the back of the bearded hand with a sword and nailed each other's limbs to the cold ground.

"Say, who asked you to attack us."

After seeing this scene, Beta was slightly surprised. Generally speaking, people who hold their status will not go to interrogate the prisoners in person. It is obvious that Faxiu ’s behavior is to show his softness to Beta. The meaning of respect.

The bearded mercenary has pain in his hand, but he smiles smugly on his face and doesn't speak, just laughs, and it feels very uncomfortable to listen.

Faxiu was very angry. He kicked on the face of the bearded man, and the laughter stopped. The man had lost a few teeth and his mouth and nose were blood stained, but after a while, he laughed again, but The sound was a bit ugly, and it sounded even harsher.

Faxiu was about to give the beard a little more color, but Beta suddenly said, "No need to abuse him anymore. He is already under control and should not feel pain."

Faxue looked at the big beard strangely. He couldn't see it. The man had a place to be controlled. Because generally speaking, those who are controlled will look dull.

Beta jumped off the horse, walked in front of the big beard, crouched down, and smiled: "Star Beast, I know it is you. Your family has strong illusion skills, and it is easy to control one person."

The beard still smirked and didn't speak.

"People controlled by the Starlight Beast will have a subtle special magic magic in their eyes, I can feel it."

The beard's expression finally became normal. He stopped laughing and pulled out the long sword in his hand. Fa Xiu was about to go up to subdue the robber, but Beta waved his hand, and Fa Xiu stepped aside.

The bearded man stood up, no matter the wound on his hand was ticking and bleeding. He looked at Beta ~ ~ and sneered two times and said, "It is indeed a son of gold, and I can find that I stay The weak magic, you monsters, is incredibly strong. "

Many people did not respond to the word of the son of gold, but Shirley, Faugh, and Bart had different expressions.

Beta is not too surprised. Since he got Dina's diary, he knows that there must be many people in the world who know the word son of gold. As a long-lived race, the Starlight Beast has a lot of interaction with players in the game. It is not strange to know that their players exist.

"It looks like you're coming at me." Beta looked at the beard and smiled. "You can control a person's body ... is it interested in my body and wants to take it?"

The beard, the star monster, laughed, "The legend of the son of gold has never been cut off. Those who are interested in your body are not just me. I will come to you, come to you again and again, as long as If you don't find my real hiding place, you have to be scared to doubt anyone who approaches you, hahaha ... "

The beard smiled halfway, his head suddenly crooked, then fell to the ground without breath. It was just that weird smile that still remained on his face and looked extremely infiltrating.

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