Noble Emblem

Chapter 472: Guiding God

As a result, two people visited without waiting until the next day.

Beta was a bit impressed by the two, and he remembered that both were relatives of Joshua and also knight apprentices of the latter.

Beta revoked Joshua's second-level knighthood, and their knight apprenticeship was naturally cancelled.

When their status was cancelled, they were shocked. They thought they had done something wrong and were abandoned by their relatives. As a result, when they visited later, they found that the strength of the city's owner Joshua had also dropped significantly. .

How can they not understand what is going on.

Then they casually surveyed people whom Joshua had met recently, and soon knew that Beta was also here. After a second thought, they roughly understood what happened. So late at night, the two came to the mansion secretly. visit.

In the parlor, the two were polite, and even seemed to whisper their own names. The older name was Ralden, Joshua's cousin, and the younger name was Shaz, Joshua's cousin.

"You want to be a knight apprentice again?" Beta looked at the two with surprise. "What this means, you should understand."

"Of course, this means that it may be possible to become an enemy with Joshua," Raeldon said. "If we don't understand this, we are not qualified to visit your Excellency."

"Is it a knighthood, is it worth it?" Beta asked curiously, "Joshua is your loved one."

The two youths glanced at each other, and Ralden smiled bitterly: "Joshua has changed. He is no longer the cousin who was gentle and kind. Now he is too obsessed with power and believes that power brings it. Lili, half a year ago, he even slaughtered Yiwen who came to him for help. "

Ivan ... Beta remembers this person. She used to be Joshua's fiancee and left him when Joshua was most miserable. Later, with the help of Beta, Joshua successfully counterattacked and the woman was deprived. After everything, he was driven out of Sicily.

Beta didn't expect Joshua to kill Evan. He remembered that at that time Joshua had taken the matter of Evan down, and in just one year, his temperament had changed too much.

Power can easily erode people's hearts until there is a matching strong heart.

"I think about it for two days. How about you come to me the day after tomorrow?" Beta thought for a while and said, "Be careful when you go out, not to be seen by Joshua."

"We understand that."

Seeing that Beta did not refuse directly, the two youths were relieved at the same time.

In front of the window, Beta looked at the two young men in black clothes and left quietly. Shirley nestled beside him and asked, "Why not promise them that if they regain their knighthood, they will reply. The original strength can help you restrain Shuya well. "

"Joshua is not really a big problem. You do n’t know my character. You start, and rarely think about status and status." Beta said lightly, "I have to ask about their comments. After all, we don't want another 'Joshua'. "

Shirley smiled. Amanda had already returned to her room to sleep. She looked around and smiled and asked, "It's time to use my scabbard. It's time for maintenance."

Beta rolled her eyes helplessly.

After waking up the next day, Shirley and Amanda went on the streets to gather information, and at the same time see which one's weapons and armor were sold cheaply and in large quantities. And Beta continued to hang out. He came to inquire about the ratings of the two young people last night, and to see if there was a chance to encounter Frey again, although he also knew that this possibility was very small.

As a result, he didn't meet Fu Lei, but met another unexpected person.


The girl of the **** of the underworld was following a few other priests in black robes to preach on the street. Each of them was holding a stack of paper with a picture of the **** of the underworld. When Beta was thinking about whether to go up and say hello, Su Fei found him, his eyes lit up, and stuffed the paper in his companion, then trot over.

Not seen in a year, Sophie has grown a lot, both in height and chest size.

"It's been a long time, Beta." Sophie put her hands behind her and greeted with a smile: "Why are you in Sicily?"

Beta looked at Sophie for a while, and found that a good smile was very sunny, and her complexion was also very good. She wanted to come out of the shadow of the bereavement, and then laughed: "Do something, you cult, actually. It's a luxury to preach on paper. "

"Because we have a genius of cults and found a cheap way to make paper." Sophie laughed proudly: "We will get rich in cults in the future, and this technology is only what we can."

Has papermaking finally improved? Beta knows how the popularity of paper,, will affect the spread of knowledge and cultural processes. After all, there are precedents on the planet.

In fact, in the game, the players saw that the paper was expensive, and the glass was sky-high. They also thought about making these things, and then found that the rules of the world are different, and there are magic elements in the air. Therefore, the paper produced is worse than NPC. Much more expensive.

Glass is even more exaggerated. This has become a very simple operation on the earth, but in the game, the player makes glass, which results in a lot of weird glue.

Because of the different rules, the players later gave up the idea of ​​moving the technology from the earth to the game.

Looking at the unhappy Sophie, he asked, "Since I haven't seen you in a long time, let's find a place to sit and talk."

Sophie nodded happily, and then she ran back to her partner and pointed to Beta. Most of her partners were girls. When these girls saw Beta, they yelled oh.

Sophie was very shy. She chased a girl who had the loudest noise, beat her coquettishly, and followed Beita, flushed and said, "Okay, let's go."

"Otherwise, I'll invite them together." Beta pointed to the group of devotees of the gods facing the two of them, "eye-catching."

Sophie waved her hands again and again, pushing Beta away: "You don't need to worry about them, they will do things."

A few minutes later, the two sat in a rather elegant tavern, where the drinks were expensive and the decoration was stylish, so there were fewer people, but they were also suitable for occasions to chat with friends. But that's it.

"I'm planning to find a chance to find you." As soon as she sat down, Sophie said with excitement, "I didn't expect to see you here, this must be the guidance of the gods."

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