Noble Emblem

Chapter 483: It's noon

With Givado taking the lead, the other two's faces are not very good-looking, but for the sake of their own lives, they can only recognize by holding their noses. There are already a lot of four hundred gold coins. This is also because Sicilia is an important economic town. The nobility or the leader of the power here is relatively wealthy before taking out this money. If it is a remote border city like Winterwind, four hundred Gold coins ... difficult.

In fact, if these people do not pay, Beta will also find a way to save their lives. After all, they have a holiday with Joshua. Beta also wants to use him to disgusting Joshua.

But now, in this case, if Beta is not 'black' on the money, how can he be worthy of his player identity, after all, for most players, without involving the moral bottom line, the wild goose will try to count as much as possible. It is normal to fight for your own benefit.

After seeing all three willing to pay four hundred gold coins to buy their own lives, Beta laughed a few times in her heart, and then pulled Shirley out of the mansion surgery space. She saw things from the beginning to the end in the mansion space. She really likes Beta's robbery.

Of course, whatever Beta does, she will love it.

As soon as Shirley appeared beside Beta, she caught everyone's attention. The two big men, Givado and Fashu, were naturally stunning, and after a short envy of Mevis, they were deeply jealous.

Unlike Beta, a multi-professional, Shirley is a pure caster and a divine creature. Immediately after she appeared, she added another 'sunshine' magic in the sky. The effect was slightly better than Beta's. The two light **** suddenly expanded the aperture range a lot, and those undead behind the windows. The creatures receded a few meters away.

The two masters, Givado and Fashu, both knew that Beta was followed by a big beauty. When they heard the monitors report that Shirley's appearance was like a goddess, they did not believe it.

After all, the monitors are all bottom-level personnel, and they have not seen the real upper-level beauties, so the owners of Jivado and Fashu think that Shirley should be a middle- and upper-level beauty, but it is too exaggerated to say that she is a goddess.

But now they feel that there is nothing wrong with the words of the intelligence personnel.

After Shirley had cast her magic, she sat next to Beta and snuggled softly. For the others, she didn't even feel the glance.

Fashu wanted to talk to each other, but when she looked at Shirley, she stopped thinking. He is slick and knows how to look and look, but that can't be seen. Shirley is so proud and ordinary that it is difficult for ordinary people to look at her.

Givado is not too interested in women. Although she is astonished by Shirley's looks, she dares not have much thought. It is the most important thing that she can survive her life.

The only thing that cares most about Shirley's appearance is Xue Weisi ... After all, she is a woman, and women are naturally in love with other women. As a result, she carefully looked at Shirley for a while and fell into a deep loss.

No matter from the body, appearance, temperament, or figure, even if she is of skin type, Shirley completely explodes her, and most importantly, Shirley looks young, only about eighteen years old, but Mevis is already Nearly thirty years old woman.

If Shirley was an ordinary woman, Mevis would definitely find a way to make her face. Sometimes the woman's jealousy is so unreasonable, but Shirley is a professional and she still has a man named Beta, Let Mevis only take this idea and die in her heart, and she didn't even dare to show her thoughts on her face.

Although they all felt that Beta was a bit ‘stupid’ and had fostered the role of a white-eyed wolf uptown, but they were more aware of the strength Beta had. The Joshua kind of people without foundation, on the top, the power of the former city owner is not bad, this is all done in a few days, they can not afford this strong man, not to mention the parasites now rely on He will survive without incident.

Suddenly there were more people in the side hall, which made the three Jivados feel more relaxed. After all, they believed that if Beta was not confident, they would not be willing to pull in such a charming woman to die.

Beta and Shirley sit side by side. The atmosphere between them is very quiet and sweet, with a kind of comfortable tranquility. In many cases, the emotions can be transmitted, and the three Jevardos are gradually relaxing. When they got down, they even started to lie on the table or lie on their backs with their eyes closed to rest.

Although just a dozen meters away, the dark mist with a gloomy and evil atmosphere was rolling, among which dense undead lives were 'staring' at them, but these people in the side hall were very relieved and nervous. Vado has even started snoring.

The heart is so big ... The owner of Fashu opened his eyes at Givado and shook his head silently.

However, Mei Weisi is a little bit upset. She has been a widow for almost ten years. In the past ten years, she has never touched a man at all ~ ~ and no man has slept beside her. It is extremely unaccustomed to hear the purring of men.

In this way, more than three hours passed quickly. In the mist outside the side hall, the sound of a hammer hitting the ground came. Beta and Shirley opened their eyes at the same time.

The crisp percussion sounded on the table, and the masters of Mevis and Fashu opened their eyes immediately, and Jivado jumped in a stun, and then left the left hand subconsciously on his waist and left and right. Glance, in the small eyes, the original hazy eyes became sharp again within a few seconds.

"Get ready, the undead are about to attack."

After adding a sunny spell, Beta looked at the three and said, "The owner of Fashu and Jivado followed me for a while, and Shirley was responsible for protecting Ms. Mevis. Remember, no matter what happens, you can't Five meters away from us, otherwise it will be difficult for us to protect you, understand? "

The three nodded, and their hearts grew nervous.

At this time, the aperture was significantly reduced by about four meters compared to three hours ago. Two huge skeletons came out of the mist outside. They were about two and a half meters high, covered with rusty iron armor, and a horned helmet on their head. The fire of the soul in the eyes is pale.

Master-level undead.

What's more terrible is that both skeletons carry heavy weapons in their hands, one holding a two-meter long axe, and the other skeleton holding a meteor hammer.

The meteor hammer with spikes swept across the black stone floor, producing a rather harsh 'eat' sound.

Their footsteps are very stable, unlike other undead, they are afraid of the two light **** in the side hall. They did not even hesitate, stepping on the ground stumblingly, and came forward, just an axe, and then With a hammer, the thick walls of the side hall were removed.

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