Noble Emblem

Chapter 493: Dust settled

Beta doesn't quite understand what Shirley wants to do. There is no difference between having one more maid and one less maid. The most important thing is that he really has no interest in Julie. Even the more beautiful big beauty Shirley, he has She couldn't bear it, didn't start, not to mention it was worse than her little maid.

However, since Shirley made this request, he would not object. After all, Shirley is with him. Although the two have no physical relationship, the union of souls has made them closer than normal couples. Moreover, since the time of day and night, the trust between them has almost broken. Maximum value.

In front of her, Julie asked Shirley what she would do if the situation reversed. Shirley did, like Julie, stay and stand alone for Beta.

But the problem lies in Beta. With Beta ’s current trust in Shirley, even if Shirley says no matter how hurtful or ruthless, Beta wo n’t believe it. He will just keep a cold face and drag Shirley together. Escape.

Compared to the two, Joshua and Beta are fundamentally different.

Beta is used to seeing scams in the game, and of course, she has seen truth, goodness and beauty. He can tell who is really good to himself, and who is falsely approaching himself.

But Joshua couldn't. He was too young and too bloated. Even Julie, who was born and died with him, couldn't get his full trust.

The same thing, different people deal with, the results will naturally be different.

For Julie, although Joshua didn't trust her and thought she was really betrayed, which made her a little bit lost, but Joshua was able to escape by herself, ignoring her burden, and she was very happy and satisfied.

As for that little loss, under the premise of lover's safety, it is nothing at all.

Beta put Julie into the mansion space and then left.

When their figure disappeared into the air, the other two pursuit teams touched it and found the trace left by Joshua very sophisticatedly, and continued to trace the past.

Then ... soon it was dawn.

Last night, the entire Sicilian city was sleepless ... A huge fireball suddenly appeared and blasted the city's main house into ruins. The land there barely cooled down in the morning, but those who went to investigate the situation could still feel In that huge pit, there was heat that could moxibust people.

The city's mansion is gone, the city man is missing, and life and death are unknown.

A well-informed person can figure out what is going on. When Beta returns to the manor, he finds that the owner of Fashu is standing outside the manor, his face full of embarrassment, his heart full of heart.

When he saw Beta, he came over with an embarrassing and humble smile, and asked his followers to carry a wooden box out of the carriage, and said, "Lord Beta, this is our four hundred gold coin. Please smile. . "

I did n’t send it before, but now I ’m sending it ... Beta can also guess what kind of mental journey the Master Fashu has gone through recently. He smiled and didn't talk, so he just looked at Master Fashu.

Staring at Beta, the owner of Fashu felt that he was being stared at by natural enemies. After a while, he was soaked in cold sweat, but he didn't dare to speak, and could only hold his head down, waiting for Beta's decision.

After a while, Beta said faintly, "Well, let's go in."

As soon as this word came out, the master of Fashu was relieved. Because his body was from tension to over-relaxation, there was a momentary imbalance, and the whole person sat directly on the ground.

The person who came to send money was not the owner of Fashu. Soon there were other people to send money. Of course, Beta did not collect it. Their purpose is very clear, that is, they hope Beta will support them to take the seat of the city.

Because until now ... no one caught Joshua.

Julie was working in the manor. She didn't run away, nor did she resist negatively. She did whatever she asked her to do, even with a smile on her face.

"Because Joshua hasn't been found, are you happy?" Shirley asked, looking for a moment.

Julie nodded without hesitation and did not conceal anything at all: "I know you are good people, and I know Joshua is sorry for you first. But he is my master anyway, as long as he is alive, I I am very satisfied. "

With simple wishes and simple thoughts, Julie is a simple person. She didn't think there was any surprise in this answer.

Surprisingly, Amanda, who should have waited a few months to release her weapons and armor, sold all of her today, and sold it at twice the purchase price.

Because of the vacancy of the city's position, the whole city, with a bit of confidence, is buying weapons and armor. The next city of Sicily will definitely have some blood and rain.

But this has nothing to do with Beta. Everyone who came to send money did not meet. Instead, he asked the housekeeper to tell them what happened in the city of Sicily. .

In the middle of the night, Ralden came with several horses and unloaded many strange gold nuggets from the carriage.

"These were dug out from the city owner's manor ~ ~ Reldon wiped his sweat and continued:" We weighed it and recast it, and there are about four thousand gold coins. "

Raeldon put the nuggets in the manor, and then left with a gift. Beta turned on the Knights of the Round Table and found that the brothers' loyalty had risen a few more times, and they were ready to reach ninety.

Beta actually wanted to push their family to the top of the city, but after thinking about it, she stopped. In many cases, it is not uncommon for Semen to fight against Miho, and Joshua is a living example.

If the two of them want to fight for the title of the city, when the time is right, Beta can consider a suitable push, but there will no longer be the same effort to help Joshua.

Of course, if Kyle wants to be the owner of the city, Shirley, or even Emma wants to win the position of Sicilian city, Beta will definitely help, because these three people, Beta can be trusted.

During the night, Beta called Amanda, cleared the gold coins, and found that they had earned nearly 7,000 gold coins in the past ten days.

We earned 2,200 weapons and armor. The total of gold coins sent by the three Guivadors was 1,200, plus the gold nuggets that Reldon had just sent, equivalent to at least 3,500, which is about 6,000. Income of seven hundred gold coins.

Amanda looked at the number, her eyes widened.

Beta, however, feels normal, killing and setting fire to the golden belt. Since ancient times, making war money has always been the fastest way to collect money.

Now that the money was made, Beta left a money for the housekeeper for the usual expenses of the manor. Then he took Shirley and Julie back to the wetland.

Amanda stayed in Sicily for the time being, because the caravan was also here, she planned to travel as a tourist and go all the way back to the wetland. According to her conservative estimate, she would return to the wetland after three months, and earn at least another profit To two hundred gold coins.

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