Noble Emblem

Chapter 497: Still a population issue

From the expression of the Virgin Winter Wolf at this moment, Beta can naturally see that she has been under a lot of pressure recently. Women are all beautiful, especially beautiful women, and they will cherish their looks, but now the maiden of Winter Wolf is dull, looking at the gloomy appearance, her appearance is greatly reduced.

This is the expression of the maiden of winter wolf. She was ashamed. She said that she would regret it last month, but now she came and begged others. If it were not for the burden of racial survival on her shoulders, she would not have practiced herself like this. Self-esteem.

"Well, sir, you won." The Virgin Winter Wolf didn't make any mistakes, and went straight to the topic as soon as she came up. "It was my fault a month ago. Now I want to ask your Excellency, if we pay for our own food and we are self-reliant, It will give us a place to live here. "

Beta saw the Virgin of the Winter Wolf for a while, after all, the Frostwolf family was once the race sheltered by the Winter Wolf Loya, and Loya was her cousin, and she also sent a godhead to herself, not watching the monk's face to see the face of the Buddha As long as the other party is not excessive, taking care of it should be.

"Under the premise of not having deep hatred with me, I don't like to take advantage of others, so you can rest assured." Beta, using a quill in his hand, nodded to the desktop, and continued: "The Frostwolf clan can live as temporary citizens. In my city, there are a lot of land here, you can rent it at a low price, and you can even open up the land and use it until you leave. "

This welfare is very good. Compared with the conditions developed by other forces, it is almost a conscience like a saint, but the maiden of winter wolf knows that there is no 'hate' for no reason and no 'love' for no reason. Behind the seemingly excellent treatment are deep exploitation and malice. The experience of this month has made her confirm this.

She resisted the excitement in her heart and said calmly, "It sounds great, but what do we need to pay?"

"Like the ordinary citizens of Okinawa City, we obey our laws and pay taxes normally." Beta slowly said, "What the ordinary citizens can do, you can do, what the ordinary citizens cannot do, naturally you can't."

At this moment, the maiden of the winter wolf is almost jumping for joy. This is the best answer she has received in a month. Although far from her initial expectations, a fair environment is a rare luxury for the current Frostwolf clan.

But she held back her boiling mood and continued to ask, "What kind of price do I have to pay?"

"Ms. Do you want me to make other demands?" Beta said with a look: "Although I also want to do this, but this is not consistent with my philosophy. I know that the people of your frost wolf clan like to fight each other. In order to show strength. So here I must emphasize once again that to restrain your clan, we must strictly abide by the laws of our city of Okinkin, otherwise ... In addition, about the laws of this city, you can go to Emma and ask her There's a law book from Woking. "

"I see!" The Virgin Winter Wolf stood up, she looked at Beta with deep eyes, and then continued after a while: "A month later, more than two thousand people of the Frostwolf clan will move here, and Please mark a piece of land in advance for our use. "

Beta nodded.

The Virgin Winter Wolf no longer said more, and turned to leave. Compared with the heavy expression at the time of the arrival, the Winter Wolf maiden at this time seemed to fly more easily.

After the Virgin Winter Wolf left, Beta called Amanda and said to her, "Find a way to get the caravan to a nearby city, buy some weapons and armor, and then ship it to the Frost Star Country for sale. I will give you a On the map, there is a secret smuggling lane that can safely lead to the Frost Star Country. "

Amanda's eyes brightened: "Frost Star Country is going to civil war?"

"It's just a small-scale conflict, and I think the war will end in two or three months. But as long as there is war, there will be homeless people, prisoners, and there must be talent among them." Beta drew one on the table. The map said, "Pasting with weapons and armor is just a bitch. Making money is only a secondary purpose. Your task is to bring back those who have fallen in the frost."

Amanda stared. "I want to go too?"

"Yes." Beta nodded and said, "Talent is also a business. We in Okinawa City are in short supply of talent now, so you have to go there in person and check in person to bring as many people back as possible. Your event funding. "

Amanda was a bit reluctant: "But it's so cold there. After a long time, the skin will crack. Also, since the war is over there, it must be dangerous."

"You can rest assured that I will strengthen the protection of the caravan. If you bring back more than fifty talents, I will personally fund you to sacrifice gold coins, at least to raise you a level, how?"

Amanda then smiled, "Well, deal, generous owner."

The next day, Amanda set off with a mighty caravan.

A week later, the first pub in appeared in the central business district of Okinkin. The owner of the pub was built by one of the refugees. The wine made in this pub is hard to drink and the side dishes are not delicious, but because it is the only pub in Okinawa City, its business is quite good.

Beta is happy about this.

Two weeks later, an outside bard appeared in the tavern. The bard sang in the tavern, earning a lot of tips, stayed one night, and was invited by Beta the next day. In the main palace.

The bard, at Beta's request, recounted some recent events. For example, the desert kingdom is now having a serious civil war, and the Yellow Sands and the White Sands are fighting each other out.

The country of the forest was destroyed by the bear people.

There are Elves who choose a new Queen and so on.

In fact, as long as Beta is transmitted, he can find out in other cities. When he asked the bard to come over, there were actually other things he wanted to entrust to him.

A cloth bag containing ten gold coins was thrown in front of the bard.

Beta was sitting on the high platform, and looked down at the bard: "After you go out, you will compose your songs in the wetlands into songs and spread them to the world. This is your remuneration. In addition, tell your audience. Only 40% of the first 10,000 residents who came here, we will send the house for free, the field, one person per acre. "

The bard opened his eyes wide, and for a while he asked in a dumb voice, "His great city lord, may I and my family go to this beautiful city?"

"We welcome everyone who is willing to abide by the laws of this city, men and women, young and old," Beta continued with a smile. "You can also introduce your peers. I need more bards who are willing to promote the city for me."

The bard leaned down deeply, "My Highness, my great Lord, as you wish."

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