Noble Emblem

Chapter 508: Brief silence

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Slow map?

Beta doesn't have that much time. As he said, Kyle's identity as a brave person is enough to judge the opponent's wicked status. Moreover, the system has given the task clues, and now he is fully committed to the crime of death.

Beta and Kyle approached Archbishop Roosevelt at the same time, and the latter's eyes became more daunting.

Roosevelt heard of Beta ’s reputation as a red clergyman. Since Beta became the Lord of the Wetlands, more and more people have collected his information, and more and more people have become increasingly sceptic about him.

"Sir, you look very unfriendly."

Roosevelt watched Beta step up, and took a step back. He just felt that he didn't want to be too close to Beta. He believed that the other party had a good relationship with the Temple of Light, but he felt that the other party should not be in such a banquet, in such public places Move your knife.

But the common sense in his mind is not enough to speculate the behavior of the player Beta.

With the players keeping their bottom line, many things are unscrupulous.

For most players, the word unscrupulous is neutral, not derogatory.

Preemptive action is one of the most common techniques used by players.

Kyle, the brave, generally doesn't do such things, but he has a ‘unscrupulous’ teacher, so now Kyle ’s behavior has included the shadow of 30% of the players.

If Kyle, the brave man in Emma's prophecy, encounters such a thing, he must first notify the other party, and then wait for the other party to prepare for the knight showdown.

Therefore, human nature can be adjusted and changed the day after tomorrow.

Beta continued to stride forward, and he grinned at the words of Roosevelt: "No, the Archbishop you think too much. I just saw you, and suddenly I was very happy."

He was only four meters away from Roosevelt while talking.

At this time, Beta and Kyle were still moving forward.

Roosevelt's unpleasant feeling grew deeper and he began to frown, but the next moment, his frowning action was replaced by fear.

A long sword appeared abruptly in Beta's hand, and then the long sword was thrown and caught by Kyle behind.

Another golden, translucent long sword appeared in Beta's hand.

Storage space, enemy!

Roosevelt froze, then backed away sharply, and yelled, "Shield."

At this point Beta was holding a long sword and had swooped in the past. The distance of four meters, for a pro who is good at melee, is the distance to step forward and then pass the sword out.

In the case of archbishops of other temples, most of them will not be saved.

After all, if a melee professional is within range, there is no way to kill an unprepared caster with similar strength, then there is really no need to live anymore, a waste.

But the temple of light is very different. There is not much attacking magic in the magic of the goddess of light, but there is not much magic to save life and defense. And the most important thing is that it is also a defensive magic shield. The light department is faster than other temples.

So when Beta's golden sword stabbed in front of Roosevelt, a thin layer of light shield had already appeared.

It's hard to break a masterful shield of light.

But Beta's sword eyes were about to pierce the shield of light, but stopped strangely, and then slipped sideways, passing directly beside Roosevelt, flashing behind him.

A priest who had just reacted and was chanting a curse was cut off from the left neck and neck by a strong and powerful oblique cut from Beta, all the way to the left, separating his head and half of his chest directly from his body.

The bright red blood spewed from the oblique section of the chest cavity like a fountain, and sometimes the beating heart surface was faintly seen.

Beta, who succeeded, turned her gaze to another priest.

At this point Roosevelt finally reacted, and he roared, "You dare ..."

Then he pointed his finger to Beta, and his fingertips quickly gathered the magic of light.

"Where are you looking?"

Roosevelt made a loud drink in the square, and Kyle was already bullying. The sword in his hand was burning with blue flames and chopped on the former's light shield.

All I heard was the sound of shattering glass, the magic shield on Roosevelt's body was broken.

He was terrified, but the shield of light was notoriously hard. How could it be broken by a single blow? What exactly was this young man.

In essence, if it were a general light shield, Kyle would not be so easy to break.

But Roosevelt had a strong sense of evil. The brave profession, born with a special blow bonus to the evil.

Just as the Holy Light does special damage to undead, it's the same reason.

Roosevelt's light didn't cast out. Beta appeared like lightning to another priest, and drew the sword directly into the heart of the person. He had just had no time to respond, nor did he have time to make a defensive action.

In this short period of time, two priests had died, and Roosevelt was frightened and furious, but he had no ability to help. At this moment, Kyle waved his sword and split it in front of him.

Another circle of bright shields propped up, and the blue flame sword shattered it again. At this time Roosevelt was ready. He backed up by Kyle's attacking force, and then extended his finger to Kyle.

At this point he had discovered that Kyle was his real nemesis. The cluster of blue flames was as terrible as natural enemies. He kept stimulating his nerves and making him goosebumps all over his body.

It was only this time that he just stretched out his finger again, and a golden beam of light struck directly from the side.

The speed of this beam of light was too fast, and from this distance, Roosevelt felt a fierce magic wave, and could only retract his fingers again, barely supporting the light shield.

Then he was shot and flew out, hitting the thick stone wall of the main hall with a shield.

This is the tactical power brought by the tacit cooperation between comrades-in-arms. This method is very common in players' battles. It is called a wave attack. Several people continuously and uninterruptedly attack. Defeat enemies that are much stronger than himself ~ ~ and Roosevelt is not stronger than Beta, so he only took two attacks and fell into the downwind.

Once falling into the downwind, he will not have the opportunity to come back.

Roosevelt slammed into the wall, and the violent shock left him in a state of cyanosis, and his vision was a little blurred.

Without waiting for him to calm down, he felt that his heart was pierced by a sharp weapon of moxibustion, and he did not even make a sound of pain, and the whole person became a blue human torch.

Beta at this time overturned the other two priests, and the last one, with her hands raised high, fell to her knees on the ground, her face full of astonishment.

Roosevelt fell to the ground, the blue flames burning on his body, making a bang sound.

Apart from that, there were no other sounds in the venue.

After a brief silence, the women's harsh screams rang. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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