Noble Emblem

Chapter 520: It's not my business

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This plain is flanked by hemerocallis, commonly known as daylily.

Yellow orange orange hemerocallis flowers are very beautiful in the sun. Nana sits on the night blade, watching a few whirlwinds tear the dense mist to pieces. Numerous petals of hemerocallis flowers spin up to the sky. , Densely packed with vision.

A beautiful victory.

Nana smiled on her good face.

But the next moment, her smile was frozen, a wave of magic wave flickered in the thick fog, and then the sky became clear.

The dense fog disappeared, the blue sky and white clouds, the boundless sea of ​​flowers ... everything was beautiful, but Nana didn't think the image was beautiful at all, because there was not even a ghost image in front of her eyes.

What about people?

Anse in the sky flew back at a very fast speed. Nana bit her silver teeth, her face flushed, and pinched her long bow's slender fingers, but she became pale because she was too hard.

Ah! !! !! !!

After half a ring, Nana screamed crisply and nicely, and the swirling petals of Hemerocallis gradually rang away.

Ans flew back to the place where he found the dense fog according to the magic wave he just felt, but after coming to this place, he can no longer feel the existence of the magic wave. His old friend once again in his Under the eyelids disappeared without a trace.

It can only be said that the son of gold is indeed the son of gold. This ability and talent ...

Ans shook his head. He felt that he should not hide and seek with Beta. Just now he thought about it for a while, and it seemed clear that he had come to the Fairy Forest for Beta. He flew directly to Millin City, where the elves' kings are also the world Where the tree is.

Beta is sitting in the mansion space, looking through the dimension wall, watching Anse leave.

The opposite Kyle laughed: "Teacher, you are really mad at them. If I encounter this situation, I will directly doubt whether there is a problem with my IQ."

‘Flashback’ is the term of the game. To put it simply, ‘set a coordinate somewhere by a specific means, and after a certain time, the magic starts and returns directly to the place’.

It sounds simple, but it's hard to do. To do this, first of all, you must have a deep magic array, and secondly, you must have a very powerful magical control. You can accurately set the ‘flashback’ time. If the magic cannot be controlled, even the flashback time cannot be determined, then how to grasp the fighter or the timing of the flashback.

After discovering Beta's fog-driving skills from Ans, and chasing them to the plain, the time passed almost two hours. Even if Anse was flying too fast, it would take him more than half an hour to get back here.

After Beta flashed back, slowly wiped away the magic array at this time, and then made some hands and feet, and after he hid in the mansion space, even the magic of coordinate points completely disappeared.

And Ans ran back, and naturally could not find any traces.

Anse left, Beta was not in a hurry to get out of the mansion surgery space. After all, the Anse people were old and sophisticated, so it was impossible to be as good as that female elf and kill the carbine. Anyway, Beta decided to stay in the mansion surgery space for two days until Ans and the female elf completely gave up.

Sure enough, after about an hour, Ans went around again. After checking the surrounding conditions, he really disappeared this time.

Kyle whispered twice in the dimension wall: "This old elf is really ... if I was alone, maybe he entered the elf forest, he would be caught by him."

Beta laughed: "After all, Ans lived for hundreds of years. You are still young, but it is normal for him to fight."

"Teacher, you are very young too."

Beta reluctantly touched her face: "Actually, I am also very old."

Kyle naturally didn't believe it.

Beta's mentality is indeed young, but he has seen much more about combat, or trickery. After all, the battle between players is extremely useful ... the popular anchor Feng Timo, who was beautiful and rich in money, was dressed in a divine costume, and was not directly overturned by Qi Hailin of F6 using two bags of feces, a divine costume Steak well. If it weren't for the female player's system protection, she would have to have her small triangle removed.

At that time, Qi Hailin had not just entered the game for a long time. Regardless of level or equipment, he was far from Feng Timo. But Qi Hailin won, which fully illustrates the effect that tactics can play in battle.

There is no lower limit for players to fight, only you can't think of it, you can't do it without them.

In contrast, Beta's Flashback Turtle contraction tactics are actually quite normal.

Shortly after Anse left for the second time, Nana brought at least thirty Silkwalkers to the neighborhood and began a carpet-like search. Even across the dimension wall, Beta and Kyle could feel the nana's Deep resentment.

"Teacher, I think you'd better not be discovered by her in the future, otherwise you will have a hard time."

Beta smiled: "So, at this time, students have to be blamed by the teacher. This is a respectable performance."

"Don't you, teacher, you can't pit me. I have to go home to my grandmother and son. If she thinks it's dry, she must frustrate me."

Beta sneered lightly, but Nana was sweating.

Especially Nana, the feeling that a pretty face was so dark that she was about to drip in ink.

The mansion is a lost space magic. Although Beta has also given the magic modeling map to the impossible tower, there does not seem to be any public intention there.

After all, it is a rare life-saving skill. Those who ca n’t get up are not stupid, and they know how to make a lot of money.

Therefore, after Nana ordered her subordinates to search the neighborhood carefully, they thought that the **** unknown **** should have gone, so that they would expand the search circle and go to other places.

Two days later ... Betaker appeared on the crown of a large tree. On his feet, there was a very large black nest, and there was an about the size of an adult duck, but no fluff had grown on his body. Little fledgling ~ ~ This kind of bird is called a gray-headed hawk, which is a unique Warcraft in the Elven Forest.

The gray-headed hawk has magic, and Beta ’s mansion ’s space coordinates remain here, because the magical fluctuations of the spatial coordinates are very weak, and it is easy to be overwhelmed by the residual magic of the gray-headed hawk nest. , I did not find this little strange.

The two jumped off the tree.

"How do we find Alice's location," Kyle asked.

"Ask the elf."

Beta smiled and moved forward.

"But that's the way forward, the city is on this side ..." Kyle suddenly understood and patted his palm: "Oh, it's flashback again? Teacher, you are too sinister. This way will take that woman The elf wanted to kill himself. "

Beta doesn't care: "It doesn't matter to me that she commits suicide without suicide." 46 Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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