Noble Emblem

Chapter 536: Brunette girl Elise

The village of Myers and others was built by a large lake.

A large lake composed entirely of hot springs. Next to it is thick ice floes. The igloos, high or low, were built by the lake.

Beta followed Miles into the village and immediately received great attention.

The whole village put down the work at hand and ran over to watch him. Beta smiled politely to the people around him, the men almost jealously cursed their little white faces, and most of the women were red with cheeks and excited.

This is also no way out. Most of the men in this village are thick-skinned. The long years of labor have even made women look like men. They have seen Beta-like muscle-white lips there. Red, looking young man with great temperament.

Myers asked Beta to sit down at home, and after entertaining him, let him wait while he went out.

There were many people standing outside the igloo, and when Myers came out, some familiar friends went up and grabbed his shoulders, followed him, and asked, "How did you bring the foreigner back?"

"He saved our team's life, can't he bring it back?" Myers said with a helpless expression: "Besides, the place where he saved us is already close to the village. Even if I don't bring him back, He can find it himself. "

The friend was wearing white bearskin, but was a little yellow because he didn't change it all year round. He then asked, "What do you do next? You should know the rules in the village."

"So I'll see Ms. Elise now and ask her what she thinks."

Myers chatted with my friends for a few words, and walked down the road to the big igloo on the east side of the lake.

The igloo seemed a bit huge, and it looked slightly blue in color. In the village's legend, only those ice cubes that have been formed for a long time and have not melted will gradually become such a color. This is the igloo where Ms. Elise lives. To be precise, it is more suitable to call the sacrificial hall.

Ms. Elise lives in this igloo all year round and rarely goes out.

Speaking to the outside guard, she soon received an order from Ms. Elise to see him. He unpacked his clothes and walked into the door.

The ground in the sacrifice hall, which is exactly the ice surface, is a whole piece, smooth and flat, and it is also faint blue.

In the middle of the hall, there was an ice table. Elise stood at the back of the ice table and looked at the person with a smile.

Miles glanced at the lady in front of him, lowered his head again, and walked in slowly, sat down on the ice chair prepared for him, and whispered, "Grateful for your call, Ms. Elise. . "

"Shuishen will bless you." The opposite girl nodded slightly, her voice soft and gentle, as soft as a spring breeze: "I hope you can tell me in detail how I met the outsider."

Listening to the young girl's clear voice, Myers felt that his bones were a little lighter, and he hurriedly told the story carefully. If there was any concealment, he would say as much detail as possible.

After listening to it, the girl groaned for a while and smiled, "After you go back, ask the outsider to come over. I want to see him."

"That's not good."

Myers has some key points: "After all, it's a foreigner or a man, and his strength is very good. If he sees you like a lady, he should have thoughts that he should not have. What should he do?"

The girl named Elise did not speak, but just looked at each other quietly. After a while, Myers felt invisible pressure. He swallowed his mouth and said awkwardly, "Sorry, ma'am, yes I got better, I'll go back and invite the guests over. "

The girl nodded slightly, Myers, like Montauk, turned and left. If it had not been for the cold, he would have been sweating all over.

About half an hour later, Beta was sitting on the ice chair that Myers had just sat.

He looked at the girl opposite him with a little surprise in his mind.

This young girl named Elise has very rare long black hair, smooth satin-like hair and waist. Her eyes are pale green, she has a cheeky face and she wears a thin white. Silk long skirt, faintly seeing obscene clothes,

This cool look makes people feel that the surrounding igloo is extremely incompatible. Of course, Beta is also looking at the very thin magic land robe, which does not match the style of the surrounding environment.

The woman has a beautiful appearance, almost equal to that of Shirley. But it wasn't this thing that surprised Pei, but the woman was very capable.

In the system's label, this girl is LV13, two levels higher than Beta.

It stands to reason that the master-class powerhouse can get something close, but the young girl in front of her looks like a calm deep spring without any fluctuations.

"I heard that you are a sacrifice here, right Ms. Iris ~ ~ Beta said a kind of nonsense, and then continued:" I do n’t know what a respectable person like you is. ? "

"It's just curiosity." Elise had a sweet smile on her face. "I grew up here since I was a kid, I haven't been outside, I just want to see what a foreigner looks like."

Beta believes that the other person's words are ghosts.

In the game, he has been the lord for several years, and he has seen many cows, ghosts, and snakes. Although this girl's expression and temperament are impeccable, his intuition tells him that the other party is definitely an old churros on the social field. In her words, she can believe three achievements That's great.

Beta smiled: "Everyone is a human, with hands and feet, one head and two eyes. It's no different. Madam, your temperament and strength are incompatible with the personality here."

The girl opened her mouth slightly, her face was inexplicable, and the expression was really like: "Hello, what are you talking about, strength? I'm just a weak female sacrifice. I don't even see this temple, I don't understand you Does it mean that the way foreigners speak is different from what we have here? "

Elise frowned anxiously, seemingly embarrassed because she couldn't understand each other's words.

LV13 did not leak any strength fluctuations, and the expression of the other person's embarrassment made me feel pity. I couldn't help but want to believe her. If not Beta could learn the strength level of the other side from the system, most of them would believe five Minute.

But now, Beta has labelled the other party as "Deep City" in her heart.

"I'm sorry, just a joke." Beta smiled, her eyes narrowed: "Outside us, when you meet a beauty like you, ladies, you guys can't help but laugh at you."

"That's it." Elise patted her bulging chest, and the jelly was shaking, a sigh of relief.

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