Noble Emblem

Chapter 539: Knowledge is not priceless, but very expensive

This sharp-skinned youth is called Pete, a very common name. He is indeed familiar with the city, but he does not know much about it outside the city.

For example, Pete asked if the city was located in the direction of the Stanlow Kingdom, and which neighboring country was around the Stanlow Kingdom.

However, a local guide was still useful after all. Bebao lived in a comfortable and cheap hotel, and after knowing Beta's needs, this Pete actually brought an elderly man.

The old man was dressed in shabby, patched clothes, with a straight waist. Compared with Pete, who had bowed his knees, his eyes were shining brighter, and he was more of a spirited young man.

"Master Master, this man is a famous scholar in our city. When he was young, he had walked around and seen the world. If you have any questions, you can ask him."

"Scholar?" Beta sat in the hotel and looked up and down for a while, and found that although the old man had worn out clothes, he did have the spirit and elegance of a scholar, so he became curious: "Knowledge is priceless, you The elderly can live a decent life after they have just taught words. Why are they so down? "

The old man sighed with webs on his face, with a bit of helplessness.

But Peter nodded and explained, "Master Master, Caliph has offended the city master before, and the city has sentenced him. He cannot teach anyone in the city to read or leave the city, otherwise his whole family will be killed because of him."

This is so ... Knowledge is indeed priceless, but in many cases it still cannot defeat the power of the world.

Beta also understood why Pete did this.

This old man must have been consciously or unintentionally rejected by almost everyone in the city. A scholar is indeed worse than ordinary people when he cannot use his knowledge and insights.

At least ordinary people can pick their shoulders, raise their hands, and do some hard work to support themselves, and scholars ... self-esteem, of course, these tasks can't be done, they can only be supported by family members.

Old scholars ca n’t provide knowledge to the people in the city, but Beta is okay as an outsider, and most importantly, Beta is a mage. Even if the city knows this, you can get a face, not Collect the money rewarded by Beta.

Of course, the premise is that Beta is willing to give.

A silver coin struck Pete's hand, Beta said: "You can leave first, I have something to ask the old scholar."

Caliph was a little excited. He hadn't heard anyone call him a ‘scholar’ for many years, but the old city was naturally deep. He buried this excitement in his heart, but he was proud and slightly owed.

This is his respect for his peers.

In the eyes of scholars, the caster is also a scholar in nature, but they have some special powers.

"Sit down, in fact, to make you laugh, I came here to get lost." Beta took out some fruits from the space north bag and put them on the table: "I am a space mage, because of a casting accident caused I was teleported to this neighborhood. This is a country I have n’t been to or heard of, so I want to know the countries and customs of this neighborhood so that I can judge where I am. ”

Caliph looked at the fruit on the table and believed in Beta's words. After all, the Stanlow Kingdom has been frozen for many years, and environmental factors have affected it. Fruits can only appear in June and July, but now it is October.

Moreover, the fruit on the table he had never seen before, not a local product.

The caliph thought for a moment: "The customs and customs will be endless for one and a half. Can you tell me from which country you come from first? In this way, I can more accurately judge what I should tell you."

"Holevin." Beta admired the old scholar for his straightforward subject, and he didn't hide it: "I don't know if you have heard of the old man."

The old scholar closed his old eyes and seemed to be recollecting his knowledge. After a while, he opened his eyes and said with some admiration: "You can transmit more than 5,000 kilometers in a straight line. It is really young and promising. This should be a master Level of strength. "

"Just the magic experiment failed."

The old scholar shook his head: "Although I don't know magic, but at least I know that once magic fails, if there is not enough strength, it will end in death. You can teleport thousands of kilometers, but you are still safe and sound. Is enough to show your strength. "

Beta became more curious: "You seem to know a lot about magic?"

"When I was young, I also wanted to learn wood magic, but I did n’t have the day to learn the most basic tricks. I almost died because of the backwash of spirits." The wrinkles on Caliph's old face were pinched together, like a ditch. Magic is not accessible to ordinary people, at least not to me. "

For most people, being able to learn magic is in itself a recognition of the world by itself ~ ~ Everyone has been young or dreamed.

"Now that you have heard of Hollevan, you can tell me how I should go back." Betta took out a pen and paper from the space: "And on the road, things to pay attention to."

"The farthest place I've been to is Faros." Caliph sighed weakly and said slowly, "So I can only tell you how to get to Faros from here."

When Beta heard this, she smiled: "Just right, the farthest place I've been to before is the Faros country, which just happens to be right."

The caliph was not surprised at hearing this. After all, many people in the caster group may not go too far in their lifetime, but there are also a group of people who like to run around all day long, and the polarization is quite serious. The young man in front of him should be of the more detached type. After all, people who study space magic without a ‘jump’ to ‘jump’ are hard to fit into the realm of magic.

Hafari stayed in the room and talked with Beta for nearly three hours, until it was getting dark, and he left with a gold coin.

Knowledge is priceless. This is just an adjective, but it also shows how valuable knowledge is in this dark magical world.

If you talk for more than two hours, you can earn a gold coin ... even if Caliph had been 'broad' when he was young, he thought that the price was really high.

In addition to the surprise, it was a touch of recognition. He almost cried, leaving his gold coins in his fists.

Beta remained in the room, looking at the rough topographical road map and the main points of the journey written on the paper, and habitually turned her hand, the ink that had dried up.

Kyle came out of the space and asked, "Next, let's go back and continue to find a way to save Alice out?"

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