Noble Emblem

Chapter 545: Prepare for fishing enforcement

The assault of the worship of the fire religion is completely expected by Beta, and it is himself. If other gods come to the site to do something strange, most of them will also blew their hair.

When Abraham took dozens of temple guards and was aggressive toward the hotel, but just walked to an open area, he was suddenly attacked by a golden-haired eagle stabbed by Warcraft. Seven people were seriously injured, and the rest were all slightly injured. They gave up their mission and fled back to the temple in a hurry.

Naturally, many people "see" this battle, especially Roderick, who is sitting in his study, watching the information sent by his men, after two hesitant laughs, "Hit. , The harder the fight, the better. It's better to die on both sides, leaving only the temple. "

For the city owner, the gods who harvest people ’s hearts and beliefs in their own territories are the biggest enemies. They are legally robbing power and robbing taxes, and they are just as hard-headed as the secular forces.

Although it is said that the new Working theologians do not rob taxes, and regardless of changes in power and struggles in the world, they may not rob them at first, but who knows what will happen when they grow up.

At first, worshiping the fire was different. It was a good baby god. It was the kind that did not argue with anything. After establishing a foothold, it soon changed its way of doing things.

"Now it's Woking's advantage. It really comes prepared. Most of the worship is going to be unlucky this time." Roderick thought about it and said, "Butler, the dozen or so you left my father as nothing. The shadow people are sent to worship the fire, to be quiet, understand? "

The housekeeper was a little puzzled: "The shadowless person, but the" heritage "left to you by the previous city owner is not good."

"I can't completely control the power, it can't be regarded as a legacy. Besides, those people believe in fire teaching more or less and stay at home, but there may be problems in the future." Roderick's green face smiled awryly: "Now that the Temple of Workin has such a big advantage, it is better to give it to worship and let them fight longer, isn't it better?"

The steward understood his master's intentions.

The first is to make fierce worship and wealth theology more intense, and it is best to die together. Second, I want to send those who are not loyal enough to me, and can even be said to have some dissatisfaction, to send them to death by 'reasonable' means.

After thinking about it, the steward felt that his rear vest was getting cold. He always felt that his master was wicked, but he did not expect that he was more thoughtful and colder than he thought.

When he grows up and tempers the share of hair belonging to young people, the Stanlow Kingdom may not have the same age as his peers.

In worshiping the Temple of Fire, the newly appointed Archbishop Megeve looked at a string of wounded Temple guards in front of him, his face was extremely gloomy.

"So, you were beaten back by a beast?" Megeve warned himself not to be angry, but looking at the group of miserable and downcast subordinates in front of him, he couldn't hold back his anger at all: "Garbage , Waste, even a bird can't beat, you use your machete to wipe your neck to kill yourself, what are you doing alive, stupid. "

As a result, as soon as his words fell, three subordinates wiped their necks with scimitars.

A **** atmosphere filled the temple, and the other half-knelt temple guards lowered their heads.

Megeve's anger finally subsided. He looked at the three dead bodies and said slowly: "Since you are not afraid of death, why don't you want to die with the bird, at least this can bring you Come with glory, not like the whole city is watching the joke of our temple. "

Abraham knelt down on one knee, grieving helplessly: "The archbishop, the Warcraft has been flying in mid-air, and the speed is very fast. We lack the corresponding long-range means, and even if we try to do everything together, there is no way."

The archbishop sighed softly: "That's the way to go, Abel Khan, you need to organize a man who understands spells, study the means, and meet the bird again next time. You can't be so embarrassed anymore. . "

Abraham breathed a sigh of relief and withdrew his subordinates from the temple.

Megeve can be an archbishop, and naturally has a good instinct in political struggle and crisis awareness. According to the information received recently, combined with the current situation, Megeve is 100% sure that the golden beast that attacked his subordinates was definitely the golden bird who killed Locke yesterday, and most of the time he was with the little one who was preparing to start a new temple. Sects are related.

Many times, from the other side's small things, we can guess about the approximate strength of the other side.

Of course, if the guess is correct, it is called Weizhi Ju, and if it is wrong, it is called Leopard Peeping.

"A small sect who hasn't had any fame before and hasn't even heard of it, but has a strong domestication of Warcraft ..." Mijaf's face was full of bitterness: "The other side made it clear that we were running in the air behind us It ’s a good time to come to grab the faith ~ "

It's no wonder that Mitchell is helpless, now that the worship of fire is fighting the **** of the storm, the elites are all sent to the front line, and the ones who stay behind are all logistical personnel who are biased in management.

Although most of their priests have a certain fighting power, ordinary people are OK under bullying, and they can't do anything against professional fighting talents.

In fact, like Megeve thought, Beta just saw it, and now worships the fire behind the emptiness, otherwise the archbishop will not let a LV6 person to serve, at least it must be a master.

Seriously, he and Kyle, it is easy to destroy the worship of fire here, but their wealth theology is a neutral theology of the good camp, there are many things that are inconvenient to do.

The gods are born from human actions and the awe of certain things. Therefore, the character of the gods is substantially affected by human cognition of this thing, especially the believers ’overall knowledge of the gods, and the believers’ The general behavioral tendency will affect the strength and personality of the gods, and may even change the personality of the gods.

If the teachings of a denomination are evil, and the believers' behavior is not good, then the gods are also most likely evil.

Therefore, in the doctrines written by Beta, believers are required to help each other and to care for their families. They must be humble and not provoke others, but if they are attacked, they can use all means to fight back.

Beta does not actively attack the worship of Vulcanism, but the power of worshiping Vulcanism must be weakened, otherwise it is not convenient for the temple of wealth to spread faith.

The teachings of the worship of fire are extremely aggressive. They may stop for a while after suffering a loss, but they will definitely find the cause again later.

With these times, Beta is enough to put in some measures, so as to be a 'fishing law enforcement'.

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