Noble Emblem

Chapter 556: Crashed

After the fruit knife thrown out by Beta was blocked, the man in black brought an unpleasant laughter to his hair.

"We have killed two masters. We are very experienced in how to deal with masters. You just give up."

Looking at each other's skillful cooperation, the man in black has a high degree of credibility, but Beta thinks that most of them are lying.

First of all, there are not many master-level strongmen. Even Holewen is only a dozen. Although Hollewyn is not a big country, other cultural heritage is not low in all countries. The average small country is much taller.

And Stanlow ... From the time of Beta's observation, the cultural heritage is really not working. The opponent's skillful cooperation at most shows that they usually practice this fighting method a lot of times, but it can't explain anything. As for the opponent, it can be regarded as a word that disturbs the enemy's heart.

The swear words in the battle, Beta was seen a lot in the game, heard a lot, and a hundred times worse than this, players can speak it. The words of the man in black, for Beta, is not much different from hearing a fart.

The temperature near Beta and the cabin continued to rise, and the confusion of the elements in the air became more and more serious. After he threw out a dagger, there was no more movement, but he just stood there quietly.

The man in black asked from a distance: "Why, as a master, you gave up so quickly?"

He looked at Beta's calm expression, always feeling weird and uneasy, the other side was too calm, which was unusual.

Beta didn't speak, just flipped her fingers and signaled.

A golden light flew from the dark night sky, and the speed was astonishingly fast. Unexpectedly, he caught a man in black with a pair of sharp claws, and white and red liquid flew around.

All the people in black didn't say anything, but immediately centered on the four people in black holding the flame nuclei, forming four small protective circles.

Jeanne succeeded in a blow and flew back into the night sky. After waiting for a while, she disappeared.

Before waiting for the men in black to release their guns, they suddenly saw a black figure and jumped from a distance. The speed was fast, and it seemed to be the sound of wind and thunder.

"Quick flash ..."

Before the leader of the black man shouted, when the black shadow was about to fall, a blue flame suddenly appeared on his body. If the meteorite smashed into one of the black man's defense circles in general.

After the bang, the blue flames were mixed with the shock waves visible to the naked eye, directly shaking all the people in black in the entire defense circle. Everyone started to vomit blood in the air, and was contaminated by the blue flame, and then burned.

They landed on the ground, screamed and rolled twice, and then there was no sound.

The blue flames on them, like burning oil, burned violently. Within a few minutes, all the people in black were burned into fly ash.

The person who came was Kyle. When these men in black first entered the city, Jeanne detected their whereabouts, and then Kyle left from the mansion to sneak into the vicinity.

The mantis catches cicadas, and the carduelis is behind. The sword in Kyle's hands was burning with blue flames. Almost all people in black, seeing this blue light, felt like they had encountered natural enemies.

The man in black holding the crystal nucleus was burned to ashes, which suppressed the orange world and was naturally broken. The flame nucleus was also shaken not far from the foot of Beta.

He picked up the flame nuclei and laughed: "A fine flame nuclei, at least one hundred gold coins, four ... Thank you for sending such scarce magic materials."

After the shock, the leader of the man in black shouted, "Run away."

It's just not that easy. After missing a small defensive circle, they only have three waves of people, and each wave has exactly four people. Beta watched a wave, Kyle watched a wave, Jeanne watched a wave.

Two people and one bird are both masters, and it is very easy to deal with four enemies who have just passed the elite level.

The beam of light shone, the blue flames were vertical and horizontal, plus Jeanne ’s magic of the air. In less than a minute, the enemy was completely destroyed, and only a half-dead captive was the leader of the man in black.

"Don't worry, we won't kill you. As long as you help me testify to the assassination plan of the worship of fire, I will let you leave immediately."

Hehe! The black leader sneered, as if laughing at Beta's innocence, and then didn't know what method was used. When the head was tilted, there was no breath.

"That's why I say that craziers are so unreasonable."

Beta sighed helplessly, he knew very well that the attack tonight must be a cult of worship, but he knew there was no use, no way to testify to cult, and no way to continue to defeat their reputation, which made Beta feel quite unhappy.

Fortunately, there is a consolation prize ... four flame nuclei ~ ~ This thing has many uses, and the amount is quite scarce, which can indirectly save him a lot of magic material money.

It was soon dawning, and in the church of worship, Megeve, who had been sitting in a chair waiting for news, opened his eyes. There was no news until now, and he knew that things might have gone in the direction he didn't want to.

Sure enough, not long after, a priest walked in and whispered: "The archbishop, here are the bodies of more than a dozen men in black found here. Now those corpses have been handed over to the city guards, and then the city guards took them All the bodies were hung on the wall. "

It ’s over, everything is over ... Megeve has a bitter smile. The city guards have always ignored these things. Even if they found the bodies in the past, they just threw them on the barren hills outside the city. Now they are hung up That can only explain one thing. Not long ago, they were still in a neutral state, and even the city lord who faintly stood on the side of worship and began to stand in line.

Stand on the side of heresy.

With a long sigh, Mikhail stood up and walked slowly into the hall. He knelt down in front of the idol of Vulcan and closed his eyes. Within a few seconds, Megeve's hair turned gray, and the priest who had been behind him felt wrong, and stepped forward twice.

"Archbishop. Are you okay."


The little priest felt strange and couldn't help but shook Megeve's body forward, but he did not expect that as soon as he shook Megeve, the latter's body fell to the ground and looked very stiff.

No ... The little priest stretched out his fingers, peeped into Megeve's nose for a while, then fell to the floor in shock.

Megeve has no breath, and his body has become stiff and cold.

昴 Tibu City, Archbishop Megeve of Prayer of the Fire ... So silently dead!

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