Noble Emblem

Chapter 561: Faith transfer

Beta left the city's capital.

Roderick has been subdued in disguise. Now the form is stronger than others. The only worshiper who can help is Vulcan. In the eyes of the other party, he is already a doomed loser. Beta is not afraid at all. What use is not a matter of giving people a head.

As for asking other nobles from other territories to help ... Rodrik had never considered it. He can see that the God of Wealth is indeed a good religion. Even if the other party has occupied the hearts of the people in the city, as long as he does not go out of his way and breaks the moral bottom line of the Workin Temple, he will have no worries.

But if you bring in the vampires ... don't say to drive them away, it is only a trivial matter to dovetail the nest, or you will be killed by those vampires.

"Forget it, forget it." Rod Kerry looked out the window and sighed longly. "Sometimes living under strong wings is not a bad thing."

Like Roderick, most of the nobles in Puttibu now have a ‘fate-seeking’ or confession attitude. Although the Working Temple does not respect them too much, and is so good to the mud foot dead ghosts, the problem is that the Working Temple stand is so big, and it never mentions any tax collection. Each month's personal professional ability is opened. Bidding is also fair. There is no real conflict of interest between the two parties, so there is no dislike or fear.

Now everything is on track in the teaching affairs of the city of Tibu. The caliph is even more intelligent. Now that he has understood the way of doing things at the Vol'jin Temple, the next thing is to ignore Beta.

That night, Beta's soul was pulled into the kingdom of God by Woking.

"Aren't you going to save people? How did you go to the Stanlow Kingdom, which was thousands of kilometers away?" Woking's pretty face was full of curious smiles: "Or did you run away with Kyle?"

Beta coughed heavily: "You can't say this indiscriminately. Shouldn't the goddess be serious? She even knows to be joking."

Woking blinked twice: "It's normal to make jokes among friends. Or, I mean?"

"Okay, you're right." Beta sighed helplessly: "Now say something serious, I just wanted to see you. By the way, I said clearly a few months ago that I want to talk to you about something, why now Just pulled me up. "

Woking sat upright and said, "The Kingdom of Stanlow hasn't started with my followers. My divine power can't be applied directly here. The most important thing is that Shirley is not with you. So even if I know you are here, You have to wait until the power of faith here has formed a certain scale before you can be drawn to my kingdom of God. "

That's it ... Beta has collected some little knowledge about the power of the gods.

Next, Beta told the goddess about limiting the number of gold coin sacrifices, at the same time she said her thoughts and opinions, and emphasized the importance of 'hunger marketing'.

Woking agreed directly, without any hesitation: "These things, you can make a decision to tell me. By the way, now Tibble City does not need you to preach anymore, what are your plans next?"

"Go back, after a few months, there are a lot of things waiting for me in Okinawa City." Beta smiled helplessly: "The other is that Kyle followed me for a few months, his wife must have hated me and I was so terrified. Let him go back and reunite with his wife and children. "

"I have something to give you about this." Wo Jinyu pointed a little bit on Beta's forehead, and the faint golden liquid sank into Beta's skin. "This is a small spell, you should be able to use it."

Jin Guang came into his mind, and Beta felt something hazy before her eyes, and then it was morning when he woke up.

Turning on the system, he was surprised to find that he had an extra magic: Faith Teleport.

This divine skill allows the holder to teleport to a temple in Woking in the country at a long distance in Woking's temples. The teleportation opportunity is once a day, which is a very practical skill. Beta knows that with more and more devotees of Woking theology, Woking will master more weird theology in the future, and helping Woking is actually helping himself and strengthening himself.

Beta then went to the Vol'jin Temple, where both Caliph and Pete were praying.

Although Pete was a second-level knight of Beta, he was also a follower of Woking.

Beta greeted the two, then said, "Calif, I'm leaving, and you will be the archbishop here."

When they heard this, they were startled.

Caliph asked the first two steps: "Sir, are you ... going to preach elsewhere?"

"I have to go back and build the Holy City of Workin. At the same time there are other things to deal with." Beta looked at the caliph and said, "You now fully understand the way our temple works, and your understanding of the doctrine is to a certain extent better than I'm more thorough ~ ~ You are more than sufficient as the archbishop. "

The caliphate was not humble, nor was he coquettish, he just asked, "So, after a while, can I preach to other cities."

Caliph's eyes flashed a light called ideal, or ambition. Beta patted him on the shoulder: "You are now an archbishop. As long as you don't violate the teachings, you are free to do whatever you want."

As for Pete, Beta did not arrange for him. Now that Caliph is the archbishop, it is natural that Pete should be commanded and managed by Caliph. He doesn't want to change his robes and give others a bad impression before leaving.

Caliph bent down and saluted Beta as a deep gift.

For Caliph, Beta was his benefactor, and rescued him from despair, gave him hope, and gave him a future. If the teachings of Goddess Wolding entrust his ideals, then Beta represents the hope of the world.

Beta didn't leave directly, but went back to her new home first. He told Brigitte the news that she was leaving, but Brigitte was so scared that she sat down on the ground.

After a while, she crawled on her knees, holding Beta's thigh, crying heartbreakingly.

The Kingdom of Stanlow is different from other countries. Once a woman has no asylum, the end will be very miserable, especially for her. She has just married a new husband within a few days. If she is abandoned, it means that she will lose everything as a woman. The guarantee, even, her status is not as good as the nightingale on the street.

After hearing this, Beta thought about giving it to other people for protection, such as Pete, but then thought of it, this is different from treating women as goods and transferring them at will.

In the end, he had the same heart and simply threw Brigitte into the mansion space, and then went to the temple to start the teleportation of faith.

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