Noble Emblem

Chapter 577: map

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Beta has nothing to say about an ethnically supremely rational, idealist like Anse.

Although reason and idealism sound contradictory, they are not irreconcilable.

Ans's opponent's views are very radical, but if you stand on the other's racial position, it is understandable. And if Ans's guess is correct, then the situation of the Elves is very bad. Maybe for hundreds of years, or even a thousand years, nothing will be seen, but if this continues, maybe the Elves are really Will be 'consumed' by humans into endangered species.

Seeing Ans's expectant gaze, Beta shook her head: "Although it may sound attractive and honorable to marry a lovely queen, it's fine, after all, I have two wives."

Ans was already mentally prepared, and was still a little disappointed when he heard the words. Then he smiled: "Don't say things like honor, listen very hypocritical, I know the character of your son of gold, even God dare ... don't say a There aren't many real queens. "

"In fact, you don't have to be so disappointed." Beta thinks he has rejected Ans, but he has to give him a little "expectation", lest he can't work hard when he rescues Alice himself: "In fact, the marriage you expect Already in progress, I have a student named Kyle Reed. He is a descendant of Kate Reid and has now awakened his blood and became a brave man. "

"Brave ..." Ans' eyes lightened. "It's not a shame to lose our little queen's identity, it's feasible."

Beta waved his hand: "You listen to me ... It's not about the little queen. Alice really likes Kyle, not the kind he didn't marry. He came to rescue Alice with me last time, but it was unfortunate. The thing is, the world tree woke up, and she was almost unable to return to the world of her different dimensions. "

"Is he here now?"


Ans asked curiously, "Why? Such a good opportunity, as long as he comes to rescue Alice, then things will definitely be 100%, and we don't need to do pushing hands at all."

"After all, he dare to have a lot of big things to do, you know, brave, comes with a constitution that attracts trouble."

Beta lied without blushing.

In a way, it's not a lie. Beta comes with a constitution that attracts magical girls, which is really a big trouble.

After hearing this, Ans didn't doubt either. After all, in his impression, the brave is indeed easy to get into trouble. In the knight novel, the brave are in danger in various ways, not from nothing, but the re-creation of real examples.

"Well, now that you're satisfied, let's get back to the topic. I want to get the Alice ribbon out, but I think your old opponent, the old elf named Morton, will definitely lay down measures against me."

Ans smiled and asked, "Are you so sure?"

"Of course. If it were me, I knew someone would be ready to play against their own pawns, and they must be prepared," Beta said slowly. "I don't know how he does it, but I believe it will definitely cause me a lot. Great impact, especially in space transmission. "

"It's true." Ans laughed. "The last time you used space to tease Nana, it has spread to the Elves. Now Nana has been unable to grasp the real power, and people have not Forgetting rumors has a lot to do with it. "

Nana ... Beta thought for a while, then it reminded him of the elf girl who was **** by him like a **** artwork.

"So you have to help me."

"How to help?"

Beta made a rather unreasonable request: "Give me the topographic map of the palace."

How important is the topographic map of a capital city, as long as people with a bit of common sense know that Ans sat on a chair and held his chin for a long time before he said, "OK, here you are."

He did n’t take the opportunity to ask Beta, such as not being allowed to harm xx, because he knew that such verbal things would not be useful to the son of gold, and they would definitely do what they felt they could do. They dare to do things they rarely do.

Beta looked at the topographic map of the palace and smiled slightly.

What's the best thing about Elves? Most people will sink to be their ranger, elves bow, and the world is unparalleled.

This is indeed a sentence, but for players like Beta, the biggest trouble for the elves is their natural magic.

This is the elven forest, the home of elves, and natural magic will be multiplied.

And most importantly, many bows in the elves have to rely on natural magic to achieve them, such as guide arrows, such as arrows.

As long as the elf clan is prohibited from using natural magic, most of the elf mages will not be able to use magic, and legendary elf mages can still use magic, but because it is difficult to mobilize natural forces, their strength will decline to a certain extent.

Elf archers, lacking the help of the power of nature, can at least dispose of one-third of their strength.

To make a large anti-natural magic array, you need to go to the topographic map of the palace.

Holding this picture, Beta disappeared into the night sky, and Anse seemed to have happened without any incident, and went to bed to rest.

The next day, Alice woke up from her tree house. Just after washing, she saw the little queen waiting under her tree house.

"I'm here to play with you again."

The little queen carried a flower basket filled with fruits and pastries.

Alice came down from the tree house, and a few moments later, the unicorn ran over, rubbed Alice's body twice, and then ran out to find wild fruits to eat.

The little queen looked at the unicorn, and still had envious eyes.

Alice looked at the little queen, but felt a little speechless: "You come to me every day, you don't have to deal with government affairs?"

"Huh?" The little queen's eyes brightened and she wondered for a while: "No need ~ ~ Anyway, there is Morton and Ans, don't worry about me. And I'm too young now, they said Let me grow up before I get exposed to government affairs. "

Alice grew up in the human world. From the perspective of the human world, the little queen is completely seized of power.

But she thought for a while, and still felt that she shouldn't talk much. After all, the elves are different from humans. Maybe this is some kind of rule, she just doesn't know it.

Today's weather is very good, the sun is clear, and the mottled golden light spots are transmitted from the tree gap, shaking gently on the grass.

The little queen took out a colorful brocade cloth and spread it on the grass. Then she put the flower basket on Shangshuo, and then took out the fruits and cakes.

"I made all the pastries ..." The little queen was proud and patted her flat chest. "Lilisha said it tasted good."

"You should learn more magic than cooking techniques."

It wasn't Alice who spoke this, but Nana, who appeared from behind the fountain not far away and walked slowly. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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