Noble Emblem

Chapter 597: I also have a backer

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The harder to get, the more cherished, and the more afraid to lose.

The York people finally changed from slaves to free people. Loyd was afraid that the lords would re-enter them into the 'cold palace' and become slaves again because of this. He hated the tribe who did this kind of thing, but could not find any reason to excuse his tribe, so he could only kneel in front of Beta and had nothing to say.

In fact, this is also the reason why Royder is not confident. After all, it has been more than a year since they just changed from slave status to free people. They live in trembling, fearing that they may not do well and offend the lord.

Beta told Royder that Okinawa City would not be angry with the entire ethnic group because of one's behavior, and he would persuade him to persuade him.

When Royde left, Beta's face turned dark again.

Obviously, the **** of killing the jab clearly focused on this. This may be a matter of time ago, and the other party's revenge came.

The followers of the four killing gods are still in the city, hidden in the crowd. But now there are about 10,000 people in Okinawa City. One by one, it is a big project, and it is easy to cause confusion.

Moreover, a believer who has already caught a jab killer in the front, if it is a reward, it will be easy to hit the grass and scare the snake. Beta wants to shoot all four of them in one net.

Well, there is only one way to think about it.

For example ... detect evil magic.

If it is simple to detect evil magic, one by one, it is no different from interrogation.

But the player's creativity and innovation ability are unlimited. As long as the mind is in the right position, the detection of evil magic can be made into a group, for example, by means of magic array.

Beta originally did not intend to build a magic circle in the city, but the four disciples of God who mixed into the city reminded him that it is now during the jihad, not only must pay attention to the struggle between the main gods of the major orders, those The evil gods acting in secret must also beware, so a magical formation that covers the whole city can detect evil, and it is necessary to build.

Rich and powerful to do things ... Beta let Amanda collect the materials. Within five days, all the materials to build the super large magic circle were collected.

While building the magic circle quietly, Beta let the elite scouts of the Frostwolf clan pay attention to the strangeness in the city. If the actions of the believers of the God of Killing are issued, they will report immediately.

It may be due to the untimed relationship. The followers of the four gods of killing the jab haven't taken any action until the super large magic circle was built, and they didn't take any action.

When the Detective Evil Magic was completed, Shirley, Amanda, and Angel were gathered in Beta's study.

In the middle of the study is a two-meter-long square table with a magic sand table on it.

The light cyan light flowed on the sand table, and soon turned into a top view of Okinawa City. There are many light spots on the map. Most of the light spots are green, some are white, and some are light red. A few are dark red.

"Detection of evil magic can be changed by you!" Shirley stared at Beta with admiration. "How the head of your son of gold grows?"

Beta shrugged. "I also learned from others, not my original."

Shirley laughed: "That's good enough. Although I'm not very proficient in the magic circle, I can see that your accomplishments in this area are definitely master-level."

Angie suddenly asked, "Beta, what do these colorless dots mean?"

"Green is known as the lawful and good camp, white is the neutral camp, light red is the chaotic camp, dark red is ..." Beta's voice suddenly became cold: "Evil camp, the one everyone shouted. Species. "

Anjier watched for a while on the sand table: "I counted it. There are eight dark dots in total. Are they the believers of the so-called killing gods?"

"There are only four believers in the God of Killing ... Of course this does not rule out that the Yorker gave us false information." Beta swept his eyes at the eight dark red dots: "Or these eight dots are all believers of the killing god. , Of course, it may be a follower of other evil gods. "

Amanda asked: "What next? The annual increase to these places, grab these eight 'red dots'?"

"It's a bit difficult. This detection of evil magic arrays detects an area, but because the magic itself has unstable characteristics, the positions of these light spots actually have deviations." Beta continued: "If you go directly to capture people It is very likely that you will make a mistake, but we can observe the actions of the citizens in that area near these light spots, and cooperate with the magic circle, we should be able to find people alone in a few days. "

In reality, Beta was right.

Seven days later, all eight people from the 'evil camp' were found and arrested.

Seven of them were followers of the God of Killing, and the other was a simple murderer ... he had killed many people, and then disguised himself as a civilian, and moved to Okinawa City.

The seven believers of the killings had hard mouths, and even if they were forced to confess by Royder, they did not say anything useful. No way. Beta held a public trial of great scenes. Almost everyone in the city participated. They watched Beta convict the believers of such a **** of killing and then sentenced all eight to death.

After the public trial conference, in the face of the people in the city, Beta explained to everyone why the **** of killing was called the evil **** ~ ~ and told them clearly that the believers of the **** of killing were the most Like killing, they can absorb human souls and gradually become stronger.

And the more people you kill, the faster you grow.

After hearing these words, everyone in Okinawa City has no feelings or even dislikes the God of Killing, and every time a citizen moves from the outside, they will be tested by the nearby residents together. Only after confirming that they are not believers in evil gods will they communicate with them.

They are already afraid that they will be killed by the believers of the **** of killing as a stronger salary.

When the seven believers of the God of Slaying were executed, a vague breath entangled from the void, with anger and resentment. But without waiting for such a breath to approach the sky above Woking City, a golden light from the statue of Woking rushed into the sky, directly crushing that blast of breath.

The faint breath screamed and shrank back.

Over the holy city of Woking, the humming voice of Woking was heard: "A small bug in a stinking ditch, even dare to come to my site to find trouble, and live impatiently!" Mobile users, please read and read, Better reading experience.

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