Noble Emblem

Chapter 61: Difficult to argue

Barbara's mental power fluctuates fast and goes fast. It disappeared after a while, and Liang Lidong knew that she had successfully contracted the magic pet.

Li Liang Lidong left the large laboratory and went to the bedroom next door. Originally this was Carl's residence, but the furniture and bedding inside were fresh, and even smelled of wood paint. I have to say that Uther was well-prepared, the furniture and appliances in the room were fully used, and not too much, and a pretty maid came to knock on the door.

"Mr. Beta, the Lord of the City asked me to serve you." The girl was wearing a sackcloth maid suit, her head down was not too dare to look at people: "Besides, this is the gold coin that the Lord of the City asked me to send."

The maid maid held a small bag full of gold coins in front of Liang Lidong, who put the coins into a space backpack and said, "Okay, you go out to rest and call me when you have dinner."

After Bian was relieved, the maid quickly left. Liang Lidong could see that the maid was afraid of him. Jeanne stood on Liang Lidong's shoulder and snorted and said, "It seems that your master's reputation in Winterwind is not good. If you are a professional, it is normal for you to be afraid of you, but if even ordinary people are afraid of you, the situation It's not quite right. "

"I know, so I'm going to look it up." Liang Lidong looked out of the window: "It's still a while before we eat, let's go out and check the situation. Joan, you fly to heaven first, and I'll pay attention to it later. Around, if there is a tail following me, just support it. "

"Understand!" Jeanne fluttered twice and flew out of the window.

Li Liang Lidong came out of the castle and set off towards the city center. There were several soldiers guarding the castle suspension bridge. No one was allowed to come in and out at random, but they saw Liang Lidong in a red magic robe, but he didn't dare to come forward to block it. Instead, a smart soldier ran to the castle to report. .

I walked down the street, and many passers-by saw him in a red robe, all subconsciously hiding away.

According to the experience in the game, without any consideration for money, if you want to get useful information at the first time, the first choice is the manual killing club. This time, Liang Lidong familiarly found the "Black Iron Blade" smithy, and this time he came in contact with the beautiful girl who was so scary. But this time she stopped playing any mysterious means. After being introduced to Liang Lidong into the hut, she walked out without closing the door and wearing a veil on her face.

"Meet again." Liang Lidong looked at the other party: "It seems we are more fateful people, don't mind saying your name."

Fighting the beauty of the Handicraft Association lightly opened her lips and said, "Katelina! Beta, I'm glad you can take care of our business of the Handicraft Association again. I don't know what your so-called here is."

Zhi Liang Lidong knows that this name may not be the real name, but it is always good to have a title, and it is convenient for communication. He said: "Ms. Katerina, I recently discovered that ordinary people in Winterwind seem to be a little scared of me. This is not normal, so I want to entrust your union to help me find out what is going on."

Katerina stretched out her hand: "Thank you, fifty gold coins."

价格 This price usually sounds scary enough, but it is not an exaggerated number for professionals, especially players like Liang Lidong who was once a lord. He took a bag of gold coins from the space backpack and placed it on the table.

Listening to the heavy sound of the money bag falling on the table, Katerina slowly opened the money bag, counted fifty gold coins out of it, put it in her clothes, and then she said with a smile: "About this commission, I now I can tell you. Two and a half months ago, the mercenary union accepted the commission of the aristocratic Rex, which was to spread your rumors in Winterwind City and ruin your reputation. The content of the rumors is nothing more than that you are cruel , Lascivious and sexual, and also like (girls) to kill girls. "

Xi Liang Lidong frowned, and the matter became stranger: "Why did Rex do this!"

Katerina frowned slightly, and she said a little funny: "Maybe he's just boring?"

Rex seems to be particularly obsessed with angering Liang Lidong. In the castle, he tried to stir his emotions twice and three times. As for spreading his rumors, it seemed to be an act to anger him. What the **** is going to make Rex do such a weird move. No matter from the perspective of interest or from the perspective of psychology, angering Liang Lidong is not good for Rex, but the problem is that the other party did just that.

I ca n’t afford it early, this is the noble creed. Liang Lidong did not believe that Rex simply wanted to irritate himself, nor did he believe that the other party was just boring and wanted to find something to relieve boredom. He believed that there must be a reason he did not know.

"I entrust your union to help me find out the reason." Liang Lidong pushed the remaining half bag of gold coins in front of the beauty: "This is a deposit, if it is done, I will pay another 50 gold coins as hard work."

"It's generous!" Catelina put away the purse and smiled like a stolen lucky beckoning cat: "We will pick it up by killing it. Rex is strange. He came from King City Less than five years since I came to Winter Wind City, I have a firm foothold here, and there are unknown sources of funds behind him. In fact, we have been investigating him. Although we have found many things, we always feel that there is a key core. It's hidden by him, maybe it has something to do with him spreading your rumors. "

The intelligence reconnaissance of the Fighting Craft Association can be said to be the best in the entire continent. Liang Lidong did not doubt that they could not find anything: "How much time do you need."

"Soon, our personnel have penetrated into the core layer of the Rex family. It will be ten days in a short time, and news will be a month in a long time." Katelina stood up, and she looked at Liang Lidong with a smile: " If Lord Beta can be our peripheral, then this mission can be free. We know that you have a special fog magic that can play the effect of silent movement, and it is not easy to be dispelled ... You are born to be a killer. You have this quality. "

Uh ...

Uh ...

Leaving the 'Black Iron Blade' smithy, Liang Lidong walked in the alleys of the slums. He rejected Catelina's invitation. It was a matter of course. He had a lot of things to do and was busy upgrading his level. , There is no time to play any killer games, not to mention he does not want to be commanded and controlled by himself, which is the nature of most players.

There are dirty yellow water on both sides of the street, and there is Yituo Yida of the Tudor. Liang Lidong is covering his nose. He wants to leave this place quickly. Professionals have much better physical fitness than ordinary people, but their relative sense of smell is also much better than ordinary people. Many times, a little odor can make a professional feel uncomfortable. Liang Lidong can endure much worse environments than this, but this does not mean that he likes such places.

The squint was about to leave the slum. At this time, Jeanne's voice sounded in the spiritual passage: "Master, you are followed by two people. I notice that they have been for a while."

"Someone followed?" Liang Lidong asked, "When did it start?"

"It didn't take long for you to come out of the killing club."

Li Liang Lidong took a few more steps, then speeded his foot into an alley. Two people hurried to trot behind and followed the alley, but they soon found out that the alley was actually a dead end. After looking around for a while, they were surprised to find that there was no one here and their goal was missing. Already.

When the two trackers were surprised, there was a slight footstep behind them. They looked back and found that the target was actually behind them. Then the two of them immediately punched each other. One fainted and the other hugged their noses. Rolling around on the ground ~ ~ Liang Lidong walked over, grabbed the collar of the unconscious person with one hand, and then hugged it heavily on the wall. The huge power almost made the tracker faint. . In order to catch these two trackers, Liang Lidong even wasted a ‘phase shift’ magic scroll. He was very distressed. Money is a trivial matter. The key is that the success rate of this magic to make the scroll is not high and a bit laborious.

"Say, who asked you to follow me." Liang Lidong stared at each other coldly.

The tracker coughed violently, and finally took a breath, and said, "Sir, don't kill me, I just want to steal some money from you. I didn't mean to follow you, and no one directed me. "

"You treat me as an idiot." Liang Lidong pointed to the red magic robe on his body: "As long as you see this dress, everyone knows that I am a spellcaster. If you have no one to direct, thieves if there is no huge amount of Reward, how can you dare to follow me ... It does n’t matter if you do n’t say it, I ’m the caster, I can search your soul, I can find it out after I kill you, it ’s more troublesome. ”

Xi Liang Lidong smiled overcast, grabbing a ball of black magic element material in his hand. In fact, he does not search for such advanced magic at all, but he is a caster, and ordinary people have a natural fear of the caster. He said that ordinary people will believe three points first.

The man broke down immediately, and his tears and snot flowed together with fright: "I said I said, don't play with my soul ... It is the Lord of the city who let us follow you. He promised us that we will have a gold coin reward, the caster My lord, let us go, we will give you all the money ~ ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ ~ Mobile users please To reading.

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