Noble Emblem

Chapter 616: As long as the hoe is well

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Shirley's body is soft and soft with a three-point fragrance. In fact, Shirley's body is no different from Woking. The two are physically identical except for their temperament and personality.

Now, it is Woking that dominates this body. Therefore, it can be seen that Woking suddenly hugged Beta and put his forehead on Beta's forehead.

The two face to face, and their lips are about two centimeters apart.

But in the next second, Beta's consciousness suddenly bounced into her own soul space.

Under the blue sky and white clouds, Beta stood on a green grass field, the breeze blew through, and the green grass was low, forming a light green 'waves' that quickly disappeared on the horizon.

Woking floated in the air, looking at the surroundings with a serious look.

Although standing on the 'grassland', although some wonder why Woking entered his soul space, the soul space is very private, but based on his trust in Woking, Beta waited quietly below.

Workin patrolled for a while, the serious expression gradually disappeared, and his expression became milder.

She descended from the air and fell in front of Beta, saying, "Fortunately, Rose's deity has not contaminated your soul space. Don't come into direct contact with the woman in the future, it is very dangerous ... just now you seem to want to be with her Fight in the battlefield of souls, don't do this kind of thing in the future. "

"Why, I think I have a chance."

Woking said angrily: "Queen of the spiders is fun to play with the soul. Of all the gods, except for God of Love, who is higher in soul accomplishment than others, there is no way that anyone can compare with her. The soul of an ordinary mortal is in her In front of you, there is almost no defense. If you mess up, you are afraid that your soul will be polluted by her and you do n’t know it. "

Although it was what she said when she was angry, Beta still heard a lot of concern from it.

Beta shrugged and accepted Woking's kindness: "Okay, I'll pay attention next time."

After seeing Beta listening to her words, Woking seemed a little happy. She looked around and said, "How can I be a guest. You are at home and you won't entertain me?"

Family? Beta stunned for a moment, and then came to understand that her soul world is indeed her own home. He thought, a three-story building of modern earth style appeared out of thin air, and then all the modern appliances in the house came out from nothing and slowly appeared.

After a short while, the door opened automatically, and Beta made a gesture.

Woking's mouth narrowed slightly and went into the room.

The style of the earth's living room is naturally very different from that of the world. At the beginning, Woking paid more attention to those furniture and appliances. Later, he lost interest and kept his eyes on Beta.

There were tea sets and green tea on the table. Although Beta liked to drink tea, she never drank real good tea, so she just imagined those cheap teas in the supermarket, boiled the water with an electric kettle, and fired a drink for Woking. .

The taste of the food in the soul world is 100% realistic. Woking took a sip and said softly, "It tastes strange, but it is not difficult to drink."

"It's a very common drink on our side." Beta looked with nostalgia.

"Then you tell me about your son of gold, I want to hear it."

"God is also interested in mortal worlds and things?"

Woking took it for granted: "I'm just interested in my friends' lives and the world."

Since it is a chat between friends, there is no way to cover it. Beta talked about things as a kid, talked about things in the game, and talked about her two wives.

Although Beta rarely talks about his past, but this does not mean that he does not miss the past, but because of some reasons, he is unwilling to disclose it. But since Woking already knew his identity as a stranger, he really regarded him as a friend, so it's okay to talk about these things.

Besides, Beta also needs to recall his past. He was afraid to leave the world. He would stay here for a long time and forget the previous events.

When a person forgets his past, it means that he has lost his roots and lost himself.

After nearly a day in the soul world, Beta was talking about her own affairs, and Vol'jin listened beside him, occasionally inquiring about the parts she didn't understand.

She didn't have a look of impatience, and even when Beta said he wetted the bed as a child, she heard it with interest.

A day in the soul world is only two or three hours in reality. Woking wants to stay and continue to be alone with Beta, but she is still weak and cannot stay in the main world for a long time. In desperation, she has to leave.

Vol'jin left Betta's soul world, and the latter awoke.

Behind his head was a warm touch. Beta opened her eyes, her gaze was upward, and it was Shirley's warm smile ... It turned out she was resting on Shirley's thigh.

Beta sat up, looked around, and asked, "What about that drow?"

"Sent to the basement and closed it." Shirley blinked: "I'm obviously here when you remember other women, I will be sad."

"This is not a good place to joke." Beta stood up. "I have something to ask her."

In the basement, the drow elbow was sitting and leaning against the corner. Although her restraining equipment had been removed, she did not have much strength to move again. After all, the mortal body was possessed by the gods. For ordinary mortals, The mental stress and damage must be very serious.

Fortunately, she is a professional above the elite level. If her strength is worse, she may become an idiot.

Beta was crouching in front of the elf, and the drow raised his eyes and lowered his eyelids, looking lifeless and less arrogant.

"It seems you have been abandoned by your own god." Beta smiled. "Can you tell me something about your Drow elf kingdom?"

This drow is still not talking.

Beta thought for a while and said, "Then I change my name ~ ~ What's your name?"

Opposite the opposite.

Beta said to herself, "When anyone is possessed by a god, there will be memories at the time. Presumably you can also see that the Queen of Spiders has no sympathy for you. She even even meant to say something to you. No, you are a tool she uses to descend from God, and you don't care about your life or death. The so-called gods are a joke. "

The drow's body shook slightly.

Beta continued: "But you do n’t see our goddess, Shirley is her goddess clone, and now I do n’t know how moisturizing, but also my own soul. And I was threatened by your goddess, our goddess of Volkin Come down in person and help me to prevent the disaster. It is also a god's dependent. Do you think this difference is great? "

The drow raised his head, his eyes complicated.

When Beta saw the other party responded, she smiled and said, "Are you interested in joining our wealth theology and worshipping our goddess?"

Drow elves grinned coldly: "Are you an idiot?" Mobile phone users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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