Noble Emblem

Chapter 618: Brainwashing is not a skill

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Avilah was a little confused holding the steamed bun. She had never used the steamed bun, nor had she ever done farm work.

The farm work in the underground world is very different from the ground. There is no sunlight in the underground world. Most of the plants there are light-emitting plants. Therefore, the cultivation methods and the ground are also very different.

Avila has seen farm work in the underground world. As a professional, she has a good memory and has everything to learn, so there should be no big mistakes.

The problem is that the surface and the ground are two different concepts.

Aweila took a **** and was at a loss.

When the girl next to the pastor looked like this, she came and taught her how to use a steamed bun, how to pick water, and told her what vegetable crops are currently being cultivated and what kind of care is needed. By noon, the pastor woman led her I went to the cafeteria and got my own lunch.

Three small dishes, two vegetarian dishes, and one meat dish. The amount is not large, but the white bread is full. This kind of lunch is not considered rich by the former god's relatives, but it is definitely not a treatment that a prisoner of war should have.

What is the other person doing?

No torture, no insults, just people doing farm work, what is this novel way of torture?

Avila thought about all kinds of speculations, but all felt unreliable, and finally too lazy to think. It's a good thing not to be tortured anyway. It's not too bad to get this treatment at this point.

In fact, Avila didn't think of running away, but there was always a pretty woman watching her. The woman was very strong, and Avila was quite clear that ten of them could not beat each other.

The idea had to stop.

After lunch, the pretty blonde woman came over again, took her to a room, and said, "This house is assigned to you. You stay here for now, and now you continue to follow me."

After speaking, the woman was leaving.

Avila quickly stopped her: "Wait, what on earth do you want to do to me?"

"Atonement." Shirley sneered sneerly: "We are the gods of wealth. Any crime can be measured at a price with us. Given that you have been charged with attacking our place of faith in Tonggu City, you have not killed anyone. So your crime is not too great, so you can atone for it through labor. "

Avila's eyes lit up: "So, even if it's homicide, I can just leave if I pay enough?"

Shirley shook her head: "Our wealth theology teaches everything in the world, including life. And life is unique to everyone, so it has a high value, much higher than gold coins and gems. Most of the time, the killer can only use his own life to pay back the damage caused by the crime of killing. "

"Debts are paid to repay, killing people to pay for their lives. This is one of the eight most basic tenets of our wealth theology."

"Fortunately, I haven't killed anyone yet." Avila was grateful: "I have a lot of wealth in the clan, you can let people take my tokens and go to the underground kingdom, and someone will take a lot of gold coins and gems Come and redeem me out. "

Shirley grinned: "We are wealth gods, do you think we will be short of money? Your wealth is worthless to us. The goddess advocates getting rich through labor, and the wealth generated by labor is the real wealth, only you Work, money from work can be counted as atonement. We will convert your daily income and reduce the sentence as appropriate. "

Avila's face was extremely disappointed: "How long will I need to work here for you before I can leave?"

"If you just farm, it will take about 30 to 50 years. For you drow, three or fifty years is not just a matter of time, just be patient and it will soon pass. Now, You have to follow me and go somewhere else. "

Thirty or fifty years ... Avila's unpleasant pinch, for the drow elves who are drunk and happy in time, if the past three or fifty years are like the sad days of doing farm work every day, this is torture There is not much difference.

The drow elves and mainstream races who have grown up in sexual and tyrannical cultures are slightly different in consciousness. Many times, being tortured is also a pleasure for them.

The lost Avila followed Shirley into a very large room with many bookshelves and many priests looking at the books. Although there were many people, they seemed very quiet.

After entering the room, Xuela asked her to sit down and brought her a book.

Doctrine of Fortune Theology, Drow elf version. The book is very new, and it also has the fragrance of ink.

"Memorize the contents of five sheets of paper every day." Shirley smiled anciently. "Otherwise, there would be no supper."

As the queen belief race, the drow elves naturally do not look at the teachings of other denominations.

Avila watched Shirley quietly, resisting silently.

Shirley was not in a hurry, took Avila back to the room, cast a restraint magic on her, and left.

Avila stayed in the room until the evening, no one came to care for her, and was hungry all night. The next day, Shirley appeared, and after having had breakfast that barely filled her belly, she took her to the field again. side.

After working hard all morning, Avila began to feel signs of weakness on her body. After lunch, barely able to fill her belly, Shirley asked her, "Would you like to learn the teachings of our goddess?"

Avila still used silence to show resistance.

Shirley smiled softly, took her back to the room, put on imprisonment magic, and left.

In such a situation, six days passed. On the seventh day, Avila couldn't bear it, and expressed her willingness to learn the teachings of the God of Wealth.

Pain is not an exaggerated torture for most professionals, but as long as intelligent creatures do not have much resistance to hunger, especially this kind of food can eat, but most of the time Living in a state of hunger, as long as ~ ~ will have enough cravings for food.

And the drow is not such a tough race, which has a lot to do with the doctrine of the conspiracy god. In its teachings, there are many negative contents like unscrupulous methods, betrayal, villain revenge, not too late for a century, and many times, the drow can give up a lot of things in exchange for their continued survival.

The doctrine of the wealth gods is not difficult for Avila. Professionals are not really stupid.

Although Avila decided to just recite the teachings of Woking, she would never understand.

But many times, the recitation itself will have enough understanding in the subtle way.

Moreover, the teachings of Ottakin written by Beta are very self-explanatory.

Workin's teachings are only over thirty pages long, and Avila has memorized them in seven or eight days.

In this way, Amira lived a simple life of doing farm work in the morning and studying the teachings of Woking in the afternoon. A month later, Avila suddenly discovered that her body had changed a lot. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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