Noble Emblem

Chapter 641: Seems to have a story

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A mercenary squad, looking at good strength, everyone is above LV3, and even two LV5, no matter how you look at it, such a squad should be able to complete at least some of the more profitable tasks.

But this mercenary squad not only has a thin face, but also bad weapons. The task they are now completing is actually twenty rabbits.

Twenty rabbits ... even the more difficult Bibi rabbits, they won't earn much commission.

Such a mercenary squad isn't very reliable. Beta turned her head and asked the female counter: "Did you make a mistake?"

"Nothing wrong." The female counter placed mercenary records in front of Beta again: "They have a high reputation and are higher than the Wolverine Mercenary Group. As for why you are not satisfied, sir, you can try to ask them why . "

This is already a clear indication that Beta returned to look at these mercenaries again.

Although they looked at a picture of malnutrition, there seemed to be a light in their eyes, a kind of tenacious light. It was a mysterious feeling, but Beta knew it was reliable. As a caster, he is very solid and can perceive the mental state of many people.

These people have been listening to Beta and the female counter just now. They seem to know something. They are staring at Beta with a sullen expression. It looks like a group of beggars are saying, "Master, give a task."

Beta is not the kind of virgin who is responsive, and of course it is not ruthless. Since she needs a mercenary team to help her, the other party ’s credibility record is very good, and it seems that there is something inscrutable.

"I need to hire a squad. If you are interested, talk to me on the second floor?" Beta thought for a moment and asked.

As soon as this word came out, all the mercenary squads were full of joy.

A young man came up, but because of malnutrition, his face had become somewhat old-fashioned.

"We are members of the Cold Wind Mercenary Regiment. I am Captain Shalin, and I am very grateful to your Excellency for giving us a chance."

"Is it an opportunity? It's not counted until everyone talks on the second floor."

Beta gave the female teller the money for the soundproof room, and then sat with them in the soundproof room on the second floor.

"I can see that your strength is not weak, but why are your equipment and your looks so bad?" After Beta sat down, she said directly: "You know, your status will affect the mission Success rate. "

Everyone in the Cold Wind Mercenary Regiment was astonished. Sarin grinned, then said helplessly: "Because we are poor, we owe money."

"You have a good reputation, and it should be easy to get the kind of money-making task."

"In fact, our credibility is already very poor." Shalin glanced at Beta and continued: "Her Excellency, don't get me wrong, it's not that we violated the contract, but that our mission failed."

"It's very common to fail." Beta was a little strange. "As long as reasonable compensation is made, it's not a big deal."

"The problem is that our mission failed so unreasonably."

With a bitter smile, Sha Lin told the story again.

It turned out that two years ago, the head of the Cold Wind Mercenary Regiment, the father of Shalin, received an **** mission. Escort a little noble girl to another city.

It was a very simple task, but they failed.

On the way to the escort, they passed a small town, rested in the hotel, somehow they were in the hotel, everyone was asleep, and then the next day they woke up and were surprised to find that the **** target disappeared and they were all All were there, and no one was injured. What made them even stranger was that the people at the hotel were gone.

Then they went mad to find the **** target. As a result, they found the naked body of the **** target in the smelly ditch 300 meters away from the hotel. The dead body was very miserable. The dead absolutely experienced the most terrible thing in the world.

After that ... the noble girl's family found it, the Cold Wind Mercenary Corps lost a lot of money, and the Mercenary Corps became in debt. This is nothing, the mission fails, and compensation is taken for granted. But the problem was that the mission had failed, and their mercenary regiment had not died alone and had not been injured.

The **** girl looked pretty, and then the mercenary circles in Fenglin City rumored that it was the men in their mercenary regiment who saw uprisings in the hotel, took turns and discarded the bodies.

Anyway, it's just a loss of money ... The Cold Wind Mercenary Group can afford it.

As soon as such rumors came out, then the reputation of the Cold Wind Mercenary Corps was stink. Not to mention that the mission was not available. Someone would give pointers wherever they went. The people with almost bad tempers would directly quarrel with them.

In this way, the mercenary regiment did not fall day by day, that is, it owed money and had no reputation, and the mission could not be reached. Then many people left. Before the death, half of the mercenary regiment had only ten people left. Sarin's father couldn't bear such a blow. In addition, after working hard for most of his life, his whole body was injured, and he went directly to see the gods. The person in charge is Sha Lin, who is both the leader and the leader of the Cold Wind Mercenary Corps.

But now that they have less than ten members in the regiment, Sharin no longer claims to be the head of the mercenary regiment.

After listening, Beta felt that the other party must have been set.

Such things are very troublesome. Beta generally doesn't want to cause trouble, but looking at the disappointment of these people, and then looking at the light in their eyes, they admire the tenacity of these people, even to the point where the mountains and rivers are near the end of the river Still insisting.

This reminded him of the days when he and his F6 members were doing mercenary missions, of course.

Somehow it was softer, and Beta said, "Well, your story is very interesting. I think it's good. I just leave the task to you."

As soon as this word came out, everyone in the Cold Wind Mercenary Corps was full of joy, and they were grateful when they looked at Beta.

Sarin rubbed his hands, and said something a little unfavorably: "Sir, this is great, thank you so much."

Beta retakes the contract just now, and repeats what she said with the Wolverine Mercenary Corps.

After listening, Sarin's eyes were a little red.

At this time, the Cold Wind Mercenary Corps was reaching its limit. Although they have persisted until now, they understand each other that if they continue this way for another two or three months, they will definitely have to break up if they are not exhausted.

Professionals will not be starved to death, and a wild beast outside will be enough to feed them for a long time. But they have to pay back ... even if they hit the beast, or find something good, they ca n’t sell much, because almost all the merchants in Maple City know their situation, and what they bring out will be used by The businessmen pressed the price down.

As for the development of other cities ... the mercenary regiment owed money to them, and the mercenary regiment was not allowed to disband or relocate its headquarters until it was paid off.

Because of this, compared to other mercenary regiments, they have no strong idea of ​​splitting the benefits, because even if they sell good things, they can't sell them, it is better to simply ask for gold coins.

Shalin picked up the contract and looked at it for a while. After repeatedly confirming that there were no traps in it, he signed his name.

Then the contract turned into a blue fire and burned, and there was not much left. This contract book was burned on the table, but there was no ash on the table, let alone any burn marks or the like.

"This is fifteen gold coins in advance." Beta pushed the gold coins from the space in front of the other party, and said, "You are too poorly equipped, you have to change into new ones, and you have to eat enough. After breakfast tomorrow morning, , We meet at the door of the union. "

After speaking, Beta left Jessica.

Sarin clutched the fifteen gold coins tightly, and seemed unwilling to loose them.

How long has he never held a gold coin. Those who have never been poor do not know how terrible poverty is.

"Good guy, rare good guy."

Sarin's eyes were red, and he sighed, and then set out ten gold coins and distributed them to another person: "You take the money and buy some equipment and food. Everyone, eat something good tonight Take a break, keep up your energy, understand? For the other money, I have to pay the debt. "

Later, the people of the Cold Wind Mercenary Corps also dispersed. A skinny man sitting near the entrance of the union. After seeing Shalin leave, he also left the slate where he sat for three hours and walked around the city for a while. , Came to a mansion, said a secret word, and went inside.

In a room on the third floor, Duff heard the report of the members of the thief group and snorted: "I didn't expect that the guy actually cooperated with the cold wind mercenary group. The cold wind mercenary group was very lucky. In this case, there are still people willing to hire and help them. "

Faxiu aside ~ ~ said disdainfully: "Dying and struggling ... brother-in-law, we just grabbed the aristocrat's little white face and tortured him, so I don't know what, so why bother tracking."

"The other party is most likely an aristocracy, and we are not good at it in the city. Once the news is revealed, we will be hostile to all the aristocrats," Duff said dissatisfied. It shouldn't be said at all. Although the aristocrats are fighting internally, they have a deep-rooted concept that nobles must die in the hands of the nobles, and ordinary people killing the nobles will have serious consequences. "

Faxiu took two steps back and sat down on the chair. In his opinion, his brother-in-law is still too timid, no wonder the mercenary team has no prerequisites for development, no courage, and nothing can be done.

Duff didn't know what his little sister-in-law was thinking. He ordered the members of the thief to continue following Beta, and if there was any special news, he immediately reported back.

After considering for a while, he felt that he could not eat well. After all, the strength of the Cold Wind Mercenary Group was not bad. The boy who looked like an aristocrat was also a mage. Although he looked weak, the mage was more powerful after all.

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