Noble Emblem

Chapter 644: Reverse Light and Darkness

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In Beta's memory, after the Temple of Galan excavated the ancient tomb, they did get a great fortune, but they did not say what they encountered in the tomb or what was strange. thing.

Because nothing was said, most players just thought they had just dug a rich tomb, but what Beta is seeing now ... an extremely ominous black sarcophagus.

Even in the face of the legendary warrior Kate, Beta was not so stressed.

"Sir, what happened?" Shalin saw Beta's expression a little dignified, and asked, "Is there anything we can do to help you?"

"I advise you to go quickly."

As soon as this word came out, the mercenary squads looked at Beta ... disdain, there were as many gems as hills here, but Beta let them go, which made it clear that they had to swallow alone.

Beta looked at their look and knew what was going on. He said, "Each person grabs a gem, how much they can take depends on your own skills, and when they get it, they leave immediately."

As soon as this word came out, the other people's senses of Beta immediately improved a lot. They approached each and grabbed a handful of precious stones into their pockets, but they didn't grab much, each one.

After all, the magic contract still plays a role there. If you take more, the magic contract sanctions, that is not a comfortable thing.

After getting the gems, they retreated to Beta.

But Beta just waved her hand and put all these gems into the mansion space.

Looking at the empty tomb, everyone in the Cold Wind Mercenary Regiment was surprised.

Beta felt that the undead in the sarcophagus was getting stronger and stronger, and there seemed to be something ‘breaking out of the shell’, and she immediately shouted, “Withdraw, withdraw quickly.”

The Cold Wind Mercenary Squad is also rich in experience. Naturally, there are some special enemies in many tombs. Several people went directly to history, but they just ran to the door. The two stone gates closed together.

Because the two stone gates were large and heavy, they closed together very quickly, which produced a huge noise and made the entire tomb shake slightly.

"Why is this door closed by itself."

A mercenary said pale.

Beta turned back. He just felt a very weak mental force, which directly acted on the two stone gates. It must be a ghost in the sarcophagus.

"Ready to fight."

Beta said something lightly. At this time, the undead waves in the sarcophagus had condensed and were very balanced, like a beating heart, shrinking and shrinking, ‘listening’ was extremely powerful.

The sound of the weapon's scabbard sounded one after another, and Shalin walked to Beta with a sword and asked, "Sir Beta, do we want to start?"

Although Shalin couldn't feel the undead waves, they could also see that there must be something out of this sarcophagus.

After all, in this tomb, except for the gem, there is only that sarcophagus.

Beta pulled out a scroll from space and threw it out ... Then a large fireball formed in the air and hit the sarcophagus directly.

A fierce explosion sounded, even though it was nearly ten meters apart, the strong hot wind still blows Shalin and others back several meters, and their ears were still buzzing. After all, the sound of the explosion was too loud Too loud. .

They barely supported their bodies with the weapon in their hands, and then saw the sarcophagus, which was still intact under such a degree of explosion.

Beta frowned ... This sarcophagus is made of unknown anti-magic substance?

The idea had just begun, and he turned directly, throwing two scrolls at the stone gate.

Two bangs, gravel splashing, and a reluctant opening appeared at the gate.

Can set off the castle by a third of fireball, facing these two stone gates, but can only open a small opening.

But Beta couldn't wait to consider so much, he shouted directly, "Drill out from the hole."

Only this time, he still didn't do as he wished. As soon as his words fell, he felt a strong wind behind him without turning, and his subconscious jumped back and forth.

A dark slab of stone flew across his body, hitting the stone gate with a bang, and then the entire slab was 'set' across the stone gate, just sealing the hole that had just been blown out.

Beta stared, the black slate was clearly a black coffin cover.

When he turned back, he saw that the black sarcophagus had been opened, and a slim hand stretched out, resting on the edge of the sarcophagus,

It was a beautiful hand, almost as beautiful as Woking's.

The jade hand exerted a slight pressure, and then the "baubles" inside sat up, and a head appeared above the coffin.

Seeing this tomb, all the members of the mercenary squad took a step back.

Sarin's throat was dumb and he coughed dryly: "Faceless?"


Beta turned to look at Sarin, then looked back at the sarcophagus.

In his vision, he saw a beautiful green woman sitting at the sarcophagus.

The woman's looks are beautiful. She is on the same level as Shirley. Her eyes are very soulful, not like a dead body, but Beta still feels a thick death gas from her body, which is commonly known as the spirit of undead.

Beta thought something was wrong. It stands to reason that a 'creature' with such a strong undead breath cannot grow so 'beautiful'. It should be an abscess on the face, or it's a black and thin mummy.

But the woman in front of her was watery.

Was he attacked by spiritual magic? Beta thought it was impossible ... because there was no prompt in the system interface, he gently rubbed his palm, and he felt pain, not that he had lost the magic of spirit.

Sarin approached Beta at this time, swallowed a saliva, and said, "Lord Beta, she is like the faceless goddess in the mural."

As soon as Beta's eyes narrowed, she would use magic subconsciously.

But at this time, a voice came from the opposite side.

"If you attack me again, don't blame me for fighting back."

It sounds crisply like a wind chime, which is very nice.

In addition, Beta heard that the other party was using ancient elven language.

But at this time, Shalin and the cold wind mercenary squad suddenly covered their ears and banged their heads **** the ground.

Beta was about to stop them, but she saw the woman on the other side stood up and waved her hand gently, letting all the cold wind mercenary squads fall asleep.

Beta initially thought they had been killed by the counter-psychic attack, but then found that they were breathing smoothly and relieved.

"Faceless goddess?" Beta asked. "Is you on the mural?"

"They want me to call me like that, and it's not appropriate for you to call me that." The woman slowly stood up from the sarcophagus. "You should be able to see me."

Beta discovered at this time that the other party was very tall, about 180cm tall, only about two or three centimeters lower than him.

Although the other party is tall, the green dress is very close to her. It can be seen that her figure is very shapely, and the twin peaks are majestic, giving a very sensual feel.

As for her looks ... a goose-shaped face looks pretty at first glance, but if you look at it a few more times, you will find that the other party is getting more and more beautiful and more and more beautiful.

"I can see your face, but they can't." Beta hesitated, and asked, "No death spirit, demigod?"

The woman stepped out of the sarcophagus: "It's really me on the mural ... but I'm not undead."

Beta chuckled in his heart. Such a thick undead breath, she dared to say herself ... without waiting for Beta's mind to turn away, the other body's undead breath ratio disappeared, and the majestic natural breath burst out.

Death and life, the reversal of darkness and light?

Beta increasingly felt that the other side was a demigod.

Only demigods, after having a certain divinity, ordinary people will not see their looks, and only if they are above demigods, it is possible to reverse the degree of yin and yang.

But this is only a guess. Beta has only reached the legendary level in the game. Before he crossed, no player reached the demigod level. Naturally, he does not know what level the professional can do after the demigod level.

"Are you human?" The woman looked at Beta with some curiosity, and then plucked her dark green hair, a small pointed ear was exposed, and then covered with hair: "They are also human ... I still I thought it would be an elf who awakened me, but I didn't expect it to be you. "

Beta didn't speak, he was thinking about the information revealed in the woman's words ... the amount of information seemed to be a bit large.

"How many years is it now?"

"Maffar calendar?" Beta frowned. "That's the calendar of the ancient elven kingdom. Now the ancient elven kingdom is long gone, and the elves are hiding under the shelter of the world tree."

"Is the ancient elves extinct?" The woman was a little surprised. "They lost to the dragon race?"

The ancient elves lost to humans ... But Beta wouldn't say so. He was afraid to anger the woman in front of her, and the other side was a demigod. Beta was not so confident that she could protect herself under the attack of the other side.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it ~ ~ I can go out and check it slowly." The woman smiled slightly, giving a feeling like a spring breeze: "But can you give me some gems? Not much, just a few Now, I have to rest and eat when I go out. "

Beta threw a pile of gems from the mansion, about a third of what he took.

The woman twitched her fingers, and several rubies slowly flew into her palm.

A white jade-like hand, contrasting with a bright red gemstone, looked like holding a few crystal blood drops.

When I got the gem, the stone door opened slowly. Woman going out.

Beta gave a few steps to the side, he secretly warned, but the woman came to the door, there was no sign of attack, Beta could not help but asked: "You just closed the door suddenly just to let us leave you A gem? "

"Yes ... goodbye."

The warm voice still echoed in the tomb, but the other party had disappeared. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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