Noble Emblem

Chapter 646: bath towel

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From Joan's spiritual link, Beta knew that Jessica and others were out of business, and she stopped paying attention.

Not long after, the Cold Wind Mercenary Corps and others woke up one after another. The biggest reaction was Sha Lin. He almost jumped up, looked around with his sword, and squatted down without finding the enemy. The same was true of several other people. The first reaction to waking up was to jump up and look for the enemy.

This was a normal response from the mercenaries. Beta didn't feel anything, but Sarin felt embarrassed. After the members of his team woke up, he finally eliminated the embarrassment in his heart, and stood up and said, "Here, Beta, we have done little to help you, but have taken you so much Jewels are really unsatisfactory. "

Each of the Cold Wind Mercenary Squads grabbed a jewel. The jewels buried here for the elven goddess are all fines, and any one can be sold for a large price.

Beta got more, thousands of times theirs, but Sarin still felt that they were taking advantage.

For those who know how to advance and retreat, Beta has always had a good impression.

"You're welcome. In fact, you have helped a lot." Beta smiled. "After all, there are many institutions. I can't solve it alone. I have to have four or five people together."

It's okay not to say this, and it's even more guilty to say that Shalin and others are guilty. Dare to love their role is to fight hard labor, let alone mercenaries, even ordinary people can do a good job.

"Next, I have to go back first." Beta smiled slightly: "Although I sealed the hole, it ’s no problem to dig a channel to go out with your strength. By the way, this is agreed, and the rest gold."

Beta gave fifteen gold coins to each other's hands, waved them, and then launched the teleportation magic, which disappeared directly into the air.

When the nearby magic wave completely disappeared, Sarin smiled bitterly. He held the gold coin in his left hand, and touched the gem in his pocket with his right hand.

With this money, with these gems, it is not impossible to rebuild the Cold Wind Mercenary Corps.

Beta is teleported back to the city ... Generally speaking, mages cannot be teleported to cities. Every city will have a mage sitting in the town. Once a fluctuation point is found inside the city, they will directly start the magic enchantment and block the magic. Send.

Back to that grove, it was still late at this time. Because of the night ban, the gate of the city gate had no special circumstances and would not be opened casually.

Beta used secondary stealth and light-weight techniques to easily climb the city walls and enter the city silently.

When he returned to the hotel, Rooney was moving the body and throwing it into the hotel's backyard. He was relieved to see Beta enter, because he really didn't know what to do with the burden in front of him.

Jessica was also there, and she saw Beta, with a happy smile, and walked to Beta, walking around his waist like a puppy.

Rooney felt a little strange when he saw this scene.

The scene more than an hour ago is still vivid in the dark shadows. Jessica's pale green eyes reflect the bright crystal light. Her body is surrounded by vertical and horizontal bodies, but she has no expression on her face and is not happy. No fear, no compassion.

As if she had killed only a few insignificant bugs.

This is not the performance of a beautiful girl.

His reason told himself that such a girl was dangerous, but somehow, in his heart, Jessica felt an inexplicable attraction at that time, giving a trembling beauty.

Beta touched Jessica's soft hair, looked at Rooney, and slowly said, "You're not doing well."

Rooney's expression suddenly felt ashamed.

Of the eight enemies, Jessica killed seven people alone, and another died under Jeanne's claws. He patronized and anxious, did nothing, and did nothing to help.

"As a warrior, you are not decisive enough. The reason a warrior is a warrior is to be brave enough to have enough action. When the enemy is in front of you, your first reaction should be to fight directly with them instead of looking ahead."

Because of Jeanne's spiritual connection, Beta knew what was going on here.

He continued: "And as a list of hand swordsmen, you don't even have a shield, which is very wrong."

Rooney's lips moved, and he explained with a little conviction: "Using a shield is a symbol of a coward."

"Who told you this ridiculous." Beta was a little surprised. "Don't tell me it's Ash."

Rooney was speechless ... In fact, he was unaccustomed to using shields, and he was inherently repelled by shields.

"If you are not a two-handed weapon fighter or a dual-armed fighter, then a shield is necessary, even if you don't have any shield-like talents." Beta teaches: "Even if you use a small leather round shield, It ’s better than nothing. Sometimes, that little shield can save your life. "

Rooney opened his mouth. "I ... don't like it."

"It doesn't matter if you don't like it, you will get used to it after learning it for a long time," Beta said in a tone of command: "Tomorrow you will choose a shield and come back by yourself."

Rooney replied dejectedly, "Yes."

At this time, a wretched middle-aged man appeared in the hotel. He came up and nodded and bowed to Beta: "Master, as long as you give me a gold coin, I will help you clean up these corpses, and the city guards I won't come to your trouble, what do you think? "

Beta sounded, with some surprises: "Can you guarantee that no city guards will come to trouble me? You know, I'm a mage!"

"There will never be a city guard coming to you and you are in trouble, I swear."

A gold coin popped up and fell into the hands of a wretched man. Even in the dark, the golden light can still attract the attention of the worshippers. The wretched man held the gold coins and slowly stepped aside. After a while, the hotel Several waiters came out, they began to carry the corpse, covered the blood with loess, and two people carried buckets and dirty cloths to test the hotel floor. Jessica started a little hard, and now the third floor is full of black coagulated blood.

"Go to rest first, and wait until dawn to talk about other things." Now that someone was helping to deal with the corpse, Beta didn't stay here any more, but went directly to the room.

On the third floor, Kelisa, who had been lying on the window looking down, also closed the window, Beta was back, and her nervous and scared heart gradually became quiet and soothing.

The sky soon dawned ... Under the gates of the city of Corte, the demigod Coco Yala was a little puzzled.

I woke up to see humans come to steal their graves, why is my palace completely changed?

The splendid and splendid city walls of the elves are missing, only a brutal human city she has never seen before.

What about elves? What about your own race?

Cocoara stood on a boulder on a hillside and looked at the city in the distance. There were all humans coming and going, there was no elven.

"Here is the dominion of mankind?" Coco Yala couldn't believe it. "Nedal finally realized his political ideal?"

Nedal is a friend of Cocoara. He believes that elves should be treated equally with humans, and that humans should not be considered slaves.

Coco Yarra agrees with him, but on this basis, she has a little disagreement that human beings can enjoy the same rights as elves, but in some special positions or official positions, the elven priority policy should be implemented.

"Since it's a human city, go in and see."

Coco Yarra sealed up most of his deity and then appeared at the gate.

Ordinary people can't see her face clearly. That's because she is already very divine. After suppressing the divine nature, she is not much different from ordinary professionals.

When I came to the city gate, there were a lot of people coming in and out, speaking the language she couldn't understand.

"Even the language is 'autonomous'?" Coco Yarra frowned. "What kind of ghost is Nedal doing, even if you run a city for yourself, their common language must be our elf language. This is the bottom line. I told Nedal long ago that he didn't remember it? "

Coco Yarra slightly wrinkles her perfect willow leaf eyebrows and slowly moves forward. She casts herself a 'knowledge of language' spell, enters the city, and then hears whispers of whispers nearby, mostly related to her.

"That woman is so beautiful ..."

"The body is as slim as an elf, and his hair color and pupil color are like an elf."

"Can you catch it? It's a huge sum to sell to aristocracy. This woman is so beautiful."

"You help me watch, I'll find someone to help ..."

Hearing here, even if Coco Yarra is stupid, something is heard.

The city is very repellent to elves ... or to look down on elves.

How is this going.

Are humans with autonomy so arrogant?

Instead of continuing to stroll, she teleported out of town.

Leaning on a big tree ~ ~ Coco Yarra is thinking about what she saw a while ago, but just thinking about it, she has a bold idea.

Is humanity the master of this world?

Coco Yarra plans to walk around to see if other cities are also ruled by human beings. If it is ... then the problem is a bit troublesome.

After making a decision, she left her hand on her right shoulder and wanted to habitually touch the smoothness of the silk, but suddenly found that the silk was gone.

Coco Yala's expression suddenly felt a little displeased. The silk was actually her bath towel. It was a very secretive and important dress. It might be a relationship that she slept for too long. She woke up and forgot about it.

In the tomb where she slept, there were only human males, in case she took her silk to do something indescribable.

With this in mind, Coco Yala teleported directly back to the tomb, and then she found the empty tomb, a bit stunned, not to mention such a beautiful silk, and now her black coffin has disappeared.

The grave was clean and scary. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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